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Enabling TV-Out


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I have just acquired a second-user Chyang Fun CF-S66 small form factor system which has on-board graphics and TV-Out. The graphics chip is an Intel 845G, part of the 845 (Brookdale) chipset.


Now, I rather foolishly assumed that the TV-Out would be either on all the time, or switched on via the BIOS, and would just mirror what was coming out of the VGA port. Apparently not.


I've googled around and found a lot of information about laptops (many of which also use the 845 chipset), but no specific information about how to enable the TV-Out, or even whether it's possible or not.


Does anyone know of any useful links, or have any helpful tips? TIA.

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TVout is controlled by th driver for the video card. What you need to do is check what driver (module) is being used (probably an intel one) and check if the linux driver supports tv out.. Intel drivers are open source so the latest and greatest should come with Mandriva. Chances that it works out of the box if the driver supports tv out are pretty good.


The settings for tvout are controlled by X (if you run a gui) so if you want to adjust something you need to tweak the xorg.conf. Cloning is an option but you can also have 2 desktops etcetc .


Good luck.

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Thanks, Devries. Once I searched for "i180 tv out linux" and did some ferreting around, I finally found something I could use. I got a KDE desktop displayed on a TV around midnight last night. Once I've stabilised everything and sorted out what was necessary from what was just an experiment, I'll follow up with a how-to.

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Sean, did you need to do any Xorg hacking to get it working? I have a similar graphics chipset (82852/82855GM/GME w. i810 driver), and on Mandy and Gentoo all I've needed to do is


- [KDE Resize & Rotate] change desktop resolution to 600x800

- Press Fn+F5 (or dedicated button if available)

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Press Fn+F5 (or dedicated button if available)


This isn't a laptop - it's a Chyang Fun small form factor desktop system with a wireless keyboard. Believe me, I looked for a hardware switch first!


This was one of the reasons I found information on this so hard to come by. The 845G seems to be a popular laptop chipset and thus most of the advice involved pressing keys I don't have.

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