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Can't print from OOo


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My local printer will not print from OOo. It will print a test page OK from the MCC and also spadmin. It'll also print an email I tried as a test. So it seems to be conmnected and talking with my PC. But it'll not print a doc in either .doc or .swx format - any suggestions? In MCC it shows as prinetr being configured OK. I've switched printer and PC off -on/reinstalled through the MCC/taken the cable out -in > still the same problems.


MDK 10.2

KDE 3.3

Samsung ML-1755 printer

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Have you tried adjusting the printer settings in OOo? :)



To no avail _ me thinks its borked.


From the OOo documents: File/Printer Settings a Printer Setup window opens. Selecting Properties shows the following > Paper size - empty with no options to select A4 etc; Paper Tray says <ignore> without any option to select a tray.


from /usr/lib/openoffice/spadmin.bin I can select the printer administration, but its just as above; however, it will not print a test opage from here.

Edited by ChrisM
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happened to me once after an upgrade to a newer version of OOo. try this........


close OOo if you have it open. go to /home/you & rename the .openoffice folder to .openoffice~. (don't delete it in case you might want to copy over some things later) restart OOo. it will create a new setting folder in /home. try to print.



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happened to me once after an upgrade to a newer version of OOo. try this........


close OOo if you have it open. go to /home/you & rename the .openoffice folder to .openoffice~. (don't delete it in case you might want to copy over some things later) restart OOo. it will create a new setting folder in /home. try to print.




Thanks for this chris, but unfortunately that didn't work either. I've since unistalled and reinstalled OOo through the MCC - and am I'm still unable to print.


I then installed Star Office 7 - and everything just works fine - be it as a local or if connected to the print server.


Whilst I'm happy with this, none-the-less its frustrating about OOo.

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