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failed dependency


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ok, failed dependency.. no biggie. this one drives me nuts though.

ld.so.1 is needed by audiofile-0.2.3-3mdk

I am ultimately trying to install the gui mplayer vi rpms and I get this message when trying to install audiofile. I don't seem to have this file anywhere

find / -name "ld.so*" -maxdepth 6

How do I figure out what supplies this file?


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usually if your urpmi database is in good shape the following command will find the necessary package for you

$ urpmf ld.so.1

and the following will install the package (if it can be found)

# urpmi [missing file | package]


im doing this from memory so pay attention to my sig. :)




[edit] that file is included in the glibc package. isnt this one installed by default? do you have development packages installed in your machine (gcc and its dependencies)?

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usually if your urpmi database is in good shape the following command will find the necessary package for you
$ urpmf ld.so.1

and the following will install the package (if it can be found)

# urpmi [missing file | package]

I like that.. however, what if it won't find it. It just bumps me to the next line.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but when working with rpms, it doesn't necessarily seem to see if the file actually exists as much as whatever utility it uses "tells it" that it exists.. The reason I say this is because one of the files it wanted was a *.so.2 file, and I had the *.so.3 file, so I just ln -s the *.so.2 file to the file that the *.so.3 file was "pointing" to. It still gve the error.

I know I'm being tempermental right now, but I HATE RPMS right now. I've been trying to get mplayer gui to work for far too long now. I want to use it already!!

Once again.. thanks for letting me rant everybody. What a friggin support group you all are. :shock:

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If you have sources for rpm's from the net, urpmi will find them for you and install them. That is what ramfree meant when he said "if your urpmi database is in good shape..." With urpmi, rpm dependency hell is almost gone!!!!

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urpmf (f) finds (queries) the rpm sources for a file in a pkg. It doesn't mean it's installed. Use rpm -q to see if the pgk is installed and rpm -ql, locate or slocate to find the file.


BTW, the link above from Mystified is for ppc, not i386, i586, ect...This link;


for the default ML9.0 glibc claims to provide a ld.so but I don't have it??? in mine???


You could try an independent but it'll probably conflict with your current glibc...I would think???



[root@localhost bvc]# urpmf ld-2.2.5.so



[root@localhost bvc]# rpm -q glibc           


[root@localhost bvc]# rpm -qa | grep glibc   



[root@localhost bvc]# slocate *ld.so






[root@localhost bvc]# slocate ld.so










[root@localhost bvc]# slocate ld-2.2.5.so


[root@localhost bvc]# locate ld-2.2.5.so



I've never heard of

urpmi [missing file | package]

but it doesn't look like it would work.

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hey guys, that is a bunch of great info. Thanks. I especially like the


and the

rpm -qa | grep <whatever>

So, I got past a whole bunch of errors and determined a bunch of packages mplayer 1586 gui needed which were never mentioned, but since I am vnc'ing to the box, the color depth wasn't sufficient, so I have yet to see if there will be any further errors..

However.. I do believe you have all given me a bunch of good tools and methods to get past them.


Like I said before, "what a support group we have here!!" :mystismiles:


oh yeah.. in case I'm not the only freak of this type out there, I wanted to let everyone know that a good majority of all of my installation, configuration, etc. is all done from a terminal window... plus it is usually a putty window from work!! Just like my motto says below..

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