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Firefox won't connect to the web [solved]

Guest montys_python

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Hi Guys I seem to have got FF working :D


Although exactly how im not one hundred percent sure :S


Ok this is what I did:


1) I found the expert-mode for MCC (thnaks arctic:) and set my security setting to "Standard"  and restarted the session. This seemed to have no effect. I even tried again with "Poor" and still nothing. I reset back to "Standard"


2) I then tried ians suggestion of setting ipv6 to true in about:config. Success! I didnt even have to restart FF


3) To make sure it was step two that had fixed things I went back to about:config and set ipv6 back to false. FF still worked??!?!! Restarted FF and still it worked.... ookaayy...


4) Not quite sure why it was working i went back to the .mzilla-firefox folder in the current users home directory using a console and ran 'chmod -R o-w .mzilla-firefox' ( I had previously, in another bid to get this damned thing working, given everyone and their dog permission to do anything they liked to everything in this folder) restarted FF. Stopped working.....


5)  'chmod -R o+w .mzilla-firefox' and restarted FF. Still not working...


6) ARRGGGHHHhhhggg....


7) I retried setting ipv6 to true in about:config. Success!!!... again.....


8) I tried cycling through various combinations of steps 4 to 7 to determin exactly what had fixed FF.


I have concluded, in my not so expert opinion, that setting the 'network.dns.disableIPv6' property to true seemed to have the most effect. And once set to true, only seems to propagate back to false when the session is restarted or its files (or at least in the .mozila-firefox folder) are modified.


What the heck is ipv6??


Thanks to everyone for their guidence I have learnt several things about firefox AND Mandrake :)

amazing.... :lol2:

actually, i don't understand why turning ipv6 off here solved the thing for you, because you stated earlier that you can browse the web as root. when ipv6 is not disabled in the root fileysystem, then no one, not even root will be able to browse the net if your networking hardware and your isp does not support ipv6. the question is now: have you played around with your root settings in the networking department/ with firefox? if yes and you accidently disabled ipv6, then it should be disabled for your users, too. so this is weird, no matter how you look at it.

from what you told us, the only possible explanation could have been permission stuff... but now, we are wiser. :D


What is IPv6? (excerpt from http://www.ipv6.org/)


IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ("IPv4").


Most of today's internet uses IPv4, which is now nearly twenty years old. IPv4 has been remarkably resilient in spite of its age, but it is beginning to have problems. Most importantly, there is a growing shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are needed by all new machines added to the Internet.


IPv6 fixes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the limited number of available IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas such as routing and network autoconfiguration. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for a number of years during a transition period.


Some introductory information about the protocol can be found in our IPv6 FAQ. For those interested in the technical details, we have a list of IPv6 related specifications.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone,


Im hoping that Im not posting on a topic that has already been dealt with.


I am new to the world of Linux have just installed Mandrake 10.2. I have tried to get firefox to work but have been running into a brick wall!


As root firefox will open without any problems and open any webpage I point it at.


But as a standard user firefox will open but will only view pages located on my machine. If I try to view anything on the web it complains(time-outs) and displays nothing. Konqueror logged in as the same user works perfectly and is what Im using to post this topic.


I am not using a proxy and am connecting to the web through my modem/router.


Could anyone offer a solution or point me in the right direction??





I know this problem has been solved. But here are my thoughs and solutions just in case some people might run into the same.


I run firefox but couldn't browse the web but root has no problem browsing. As user, I look at $HOME/.mozilla folder and it's maked as root folder. No wonder the bloddy thing won't browse the web.


Log in as root and deleted $HOME/.mozilla folder. Log out and login as user to creat the same folder .mozilla. Firefox starts up perfectly.


Like arctic said, it'd rather be a permision issue.

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Guest montys_python

Thanks for the follow up guys :). It is very likely that i messed up the .mozilla folder when I was messing around earlier. Artic im too green to even considder messing around with my connection settings in ff ;)


Thanks again :)

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