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On-Access Virus Scan in mdk 10.2


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Is there an on-access virus scan package in mandrivalinux 10.2. I feel such on-access antivir and spyware-like programs are very needed nowdays. Of course the linux folks would say there is no need to install such progs in linux. Maybe this is relatively correct answer, but don't forget bad guys who write viruses would not be meciful with us, linux users. Thanks a lot.




[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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Yeah, there are a few out there. I have personally used f-prot, which you can download and use from the CLI. There is also a gui for it, called xfprot, although you need to compile it to be able to use it with f-prot.


Or, you can use clamav, which is also another package. Depends on personal preference!


I don't know if these are on-access, these are normally command line orientated ones. Do a google search, and choose one that does on-access.

Edited by ianw1974
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