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Unidentified cable in my case


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Ok...I just popped the front cover off my comp case...and I found this unlabeled cable tucked inside of it...dunno what it does, where it goes, and it's too short to reach the mobo or anything.


Here's some pics:



they're kinda crappy...sorry...the other wire that goes in that hole is for two lights, the little V-like things on the first pic...the other wires on there are the power switch and reset switch (on the side) and at the bottom are a mic, headphone, and USB plug.


any ideas?



ah! google has revealed this:


"This cases front door has a lighted emblem and two large red lights for hard drive activity."

Lighted emblem...ok...thought it might be that...but the question is...HOW DO I PLUG THE STUPID THING IN! It's too short!

Edited by Urza9814
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Can't help with the cable :)


But your pictures? Try this..




Just select your input folder and output folder, set some more details and it will build you a website. It's a simple solution, not dynamic, but works fine.


For an example, try my website at http://www.ryansplanet.com/photos


Don't laugh at the main page of ryansplanet.com. It's actually a sophisticated honeypot designed to totally turn off anyone thinking of breaking in :)

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It being too short may well be the reason it was never plugged in in the first place... Maybe it just can't be done unless you doctor the wire. On my computer there are connectors that allow you to use the front USB ports - but the cables are too short so I never plugged them in - it just happens that way sometimes...

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it looks like it would reach the front panel, which if it lights something up there, is probably where its meant to go.


Try swapping it with the other blue one or lookin for a plug around there.


Do so with caution, we dont want you to lose your mobo because you plugged something where it doesnt go

Edited by iphitus
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But your pictures? Try this..



meh...I got, like, 400MB space and 7Gigs bandwidth unused on my host...I was referring more to the quality of the pics...I didn't hold the camera still enough.

It being too short may well be the reason it was never plugged in in the first place...

...none of the wires were plugged in in the first place

Try swapping it with the other blue one or lookin for a plug around there.

The other blue one is the reset switch...and this one isn't long enough to reach to the mobo.

I think imma try taking another similar plug I have from an old 56K modem and taking it apart to try to fix this. It has 4 plugs, but the pins next to the ones I want to use aren't used.

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well, um, what is there on your case that doesn't work? the power light, hard drive activity light, reset switch? it's gotta be something like that. It wouldn't be the light on the case, as that needs power, and those connectors (and the pins on the motherboard that they connect to) don't transmit power, they just pass very simple signals.

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but...the other lights use the same kind of cord...and all the buttons work...

I tested my wire extension thingy on a light I know works...and nothing happened...so I think im gonna have to actually cut the wire to extend it...which is gonna be really annoying...lol

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well...I extended it properly...got it all the way out to the pins on my mobo with all the lights and power switches and stuff...and it doesn't fit. I looked around, and there's not a single place on my case the stupid thing will fit! Now I'm totally confused.

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Since it's coming ftom the case fromt panel, that kinda limits you to :

sound (in or out)




power on

power on light


HD light


Some of the newer cases also provide a monitor for voltages, and speed control for fans.


Stick a voltmeter on it: across the 2 wires, and then each wire to board/case ground.

hth Hope that helps


Edited by kristi
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I don't have a voltmeter...and I know it's not USB or sound (headphones and mic) because those are on the bottom and I know the wires coming from them. It could possibly be a center light, though I doubt it. I also know it's not the power or reset buttons. My guess is that whatever it is, it's not something visible...so looks like my only option is speaker...lol

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It certainly looks to me like, judging from the other wires coming from the front of the case, that is meant to be an HD activity light, but it is really hard to tell from those pics (from my computer and with my bad eyesight anyway).

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