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DVD Copy Protection Updated


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Now maybe i'm being thick, but if you can read the dvd in a computer you can rip it.

If worst comes to worst you can always do dd if=/dev/hdc of=/isoimage.iso

If they've broken dvds so much that they won't even play in computer dvd players, theres always analogue cabling...

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I agree. I think the RIAA and friends need to realize a couple of things. First of all, there is not now, nor will there ever be, a way for them to completely prevent people from making illegal copies of their soft products. In fact, there's nothing they can do to even slow things down. Ask someon who rips a lot of DVD's, they'll tell you it doesn't take any longer to rip a region one DVD than to rip an unencoded one.


The second thing they need to realize, is that all of their efforts, make things more difficult for good honest people who just want to do reasonable things, like put one of hteir movies ona CF card for their pda, or store some movies on thier laptop for long train rides, or God forbid, own an MP3 player.

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dd if=/dev/dvd of=file.iso

will not work.


The trick seems to be that they will corrupt the data on the dvd, but in the menu have instructions for normal playback that tell the regular players to skip those fully corrupted sections. If a ripper tries to read all of the discs info, it will choke on those sections.


Up next, a ripper that rips only those sections from a title that are marked for playback in the menu. I.e. instead of indicating which file from the dvd contents you want to have ripped, you will get to see the menu and click the part that you will want to have ripped - or any equivalent of course.


You can't blame Macrovision for wanting to make a quick buck.


You can blame the movie industry for biting.


See also slashdot, interesting comments there - and some very funny ones..

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A couple of relevant links from Ed Felten's excellent "Freedom to Tinker" website:


"... If the goal is to keep protected DVD content off the P2P nets, then this product will fail..."



"... If you choose the Napsterization threat model, then you have to be able to stop every would-be infringer from ripping the content ..."



And here's Larry Lessig's lecture to Microsoft (yes, that Microsoft), on why DRM is bad, from virtually any standpoint [PDF]:


"... in the long run: she'll find out about Kazaa and the next time she wants to get a movie for the kids, she'll download it from the net and burn it for them ..."



Meanwhile, Hollywood and the DRM companies appear to be putting their hands over their ears going "lalala... can't hear you...", while criminalizing their users and stopping them doing perfectly legal things with the content that they have bought.


Sigh. I really should be inured to this by now.

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if you don't make a reasonable effort to protect your copyrighted work, then the court will refuse to enforce it

But this refers to action on legal protection, not technological measures. I'm sure that Tom Clancy's legal team strongly protects the copyrights on his books, but that doesn't mean he has to encrypt them, or cover each page in stripes to defeat photocopiers.


There's another interesting post from Dr. Felten today about how the record companies should react to the new MP3Tunes download service: license their back-catalog to it. Here's the URL http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/archives/000769.html.

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