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Network Problem with Mandrake 10.1 Official

Guest Diodo

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Hi everybody.

I'm a newbie user of linux, and i have installed few days ago Mandrake 10.1

All was perfect, but the internet configuration. I couldn't set up it in the installation. Afterwards, with the installation complete, i still having problems, and finally I could set-up a working internet conection, by the option "Ethernet Connection"

Excuse me, i forgot it: my connection is ADSL, and i use a D-Link DSL-504T Router, on it, hi have connected 2 computers.


The problem: when mandrake say's me that it have been stablished connection with the ethernet card, i tried to navigate with Konkeror, but i couldn´t, he cannot find the servers.The same problem with mozilla/firefox.

Navigating in windows partition, i read something about deactivating in mozilla the IPv6 option. I tried in firefox and, it run!!!.

Later i check, that Opera also run, and I could run aMSN (linux messenger).

But the Azureus, Konkeror, FTP clients, IRC.. nothing works.


I think it could be something of DNS, because i tried this: I opened a IRC client, and i tried to connect to a server, it said NETWORK UNREACHABLE (Like the Azureus). Then I opened a Terminal and i did a ping to that server, it returned me the packets. Well. Then i tried to connect another time to the server and... it run!!


What could it be? (oh, my ISP sets automatically the DNS)


:thanks: and excuse my poor english!

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hello, diodo and welcome aboard.


i do know of your problem (had the same sh** on my 3 boxes). you are right about the ipv6 stuff. d-link (and most routers) use ipv4 by default, so they are sent into hell due to ipv6. i do not know yet how to deactivate ipv6 especially for konqueror but you could try one of the following things:


1.) open a terminal and log in as root (type "su" then enter root-password). now type:

echo "net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0">> /etcsysctl.conf


2.) the other approach is (worked on most systems i used so far) installing the following packages: "resolvconf", "pump" and "dnsmasq".


after that, disable your network, edit your "/etc/resolv.conf" file as root and replace the router-entry (e.g. nameserver= with other dns-servers (like e.g. you can find the name-servers of your area e.g. using google.


good luck. :)

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I'm so happy now :lol: , yes, it was the IPv6, i added that string and 2 more in /etc/modprobe.conf :

alias net-pf-10 off

alias ipv6 off


And now all runs :D


I was :wall: . But i think that's something that i like of linux, when you solve something, it makes you feel :banana: .


These kind of problems are always following me, when I had 56k, with a Zoltrix, i cannot dial-up, it was because it needed a different dialing string (ATP*T)... well, i stop :lol:


Thanks other time, artic, i'm glad of discovering this forum, it goes directly to Favorites B)

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Guest pantero



I've the same symptoms & just one question to follows your "guideline" :deal:


packages: "resolvconf", "pump" and "dnsmasq" .. where can I find them ?


thank a lot for helping

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