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XLink Kai for Linux is out


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You can download the Linux version here:




No GUI yet, so I guess it only is useful for people with modded Xboxes and stuff.


If you aren't sure what this does, it lets you play networkable games for your consoles over the Net for free (ie, avoiding Xbox Live from MS, ableit only for system-link games).


Anyhow, just thought I'd post it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on who you're playing with.


It works better playing across town than across the globe.


The site has a list of supported games and mentions if they support the headset, and also how the traffic usage is, as it does vary between games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't notice until just now, but alpha 2 is out ( and it has support for arena mode. I'm gonna try it out soon.


If you guys use this, add me to your contact list! My tag is dolson.

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