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games programming


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last time I asked this, I was got a few replies, of which the most interesting was Pygame...


now I have a few game ideas, and I wonder what you would recommend learning to use to program games for Linux? It has to be easy, e.g. more like a scripting language then a programming language, OR a really easy to use programming language, say something like Impacto: http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~esanto/ (but it is windows-only), or something like AGS ( http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/ - has a Linux client but no editor :( ).


So, what programming language/tool do you recommend to create relatively 'simple' games (scrollers, adventure games, zelda-style RPG, ...) for Linux?


I need NO 3D...



Edited by Darkelve
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