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Installing new applications in MDK10?


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:help: This is a sample of what I was trying to do, I wan it to install an antivirus into Linux. I found Bitdefender antivurus and decide to download the file. Yhis is where the file end up in my computer /home/jmr0311. When I open that directory I see a file with this description "BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm" . This is I beleive the executable. What I did was double click the file and then I saw some activity that apparently looks like the installation was in progress but at the end nothing remotly close to Bitdefender was place in my computer, like an icon to open the application so I can configure it, etc. In the case of the java plug-in, this is a description of the file "j2sdk-1_4_2_04-nb-3_6-bin-linux.bin" and when I execute this one nothing happen. Any suggestion with specific are very welcome guys. What is the correct way to execute this files, so I can do the installation. Give me some advice in how to write the command line, please.



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The quick answer is to open a console and type "urpmi the.name.here.i586.rpm"

Is this a gui program? Is it commandline? Urpmi may tell you that you need some other files in order to use this one. These are known as "depends". If you have configured urpmi for automation, then it will secure the needed files automatically.


And antivirus is, for the time being, a windex issue.

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I think he's getting some errors related to gcc and anything got installed.

jmr0311, You should better install it using a terminal, hence we could be able to see what is going on during installation. Do not forget to check the links posted by feralertx, maybe they can be useful in the future, anyway go to a terminal window and type:

su <enter>
type root password <enter>
rpm -i  BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm <enter>

and you should get a bunch of error messages or one saying that you successfuly got it installed. If the installation ran smoothly, open a new terminal window and type:

exit <enter>

Go to your /usr/bin folder and try to see and bitdefender file. If you were able to see it, go back to a terminal window and type its name. If you faced problems, paste the error messages here.

Good luck.

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Thank you for all your help guys. When I type this :

(rpm -i BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm ),

the kconsole says that the program is already installed. Then I was trying to find it in the directory you mention /usr/bin but nothing with BitDefender name is in that directory. What else can I do?



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You can try typing:


$ Bit<tab>



$ bit<tab>


That will give you a list of executable files starting with the letters 'Bit' or 'bit' (linux is case sensitive, remember). If there's only one file matching that criteria, it will fill in the full filename.


In the examples above, don't type the '$'. This is just to show that I would be running this command as a user, not as root. Also, there it says <tab>, hit the tab key (in case you didn't know :))

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Hi LiquidZoo, I did as you said and type bit and hit <tab> and kconsole complete with "bitmap". Then I try the variant Bit and nothing happen just the computer beep and it give me some kind of message in the bottom of my screen. While I'm here LiquidZoo, I will like to ask you something. In Linux, Is there any type of maintenance that needs to be done, as far as deleting "tmp files", "erasing cache", this kinds of stuff that from time to time bug down your systems and make them slow. Maybe disk defragment, I'm very rookie when we talk about Linux, so I need some guidance from the Gurus in this forum.



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Disk defragment is not needed.


I heard a test somewhere that went something like this:


You can defragment Windows, and immediately reboot. When everything comes back up the disk will already be 10-20% fragmented.


You can run a linux installation with very processor and hard drive intensive applications for 1000 hours straight and it will still be less than 1% fragmented.


Cleaning the temp files you can do if you want, but it's not going to have a drastic effect on system performance afaik.


It is possible that your antivirus software has a different executable name, but I don't know what it would be. It's also possible that it's a service. That's easier to check. Head into MCC -> System -> Services (I think) and check through the list to see if it's there.

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Nope, is not there. So I dont have to worry about system performance in Linux. Yesterday I was trying to install this "j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.rpm" following a reply from a member of this forum ( Frequently Asked Questions & How-to's forum) in my computer but when I executed the file kconsole told me that I have a newer version in the system already. Then I follow all the other instructions but I think I did something wrong when I ran this code:


cd /usr/bin

rm java javac jar

ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin/java java


Because now the system seems to be slower rendering pages in the internet, I maybe delusional but I will like to have just some reassurance that everything is okay in my system.



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For the BitDefender issue, if you haven't been there yet, this link may give you a hand.

Which browser are you using? Try to figure out where the plugin folder is located in order to symlink to the correct one.

Maybe, you should use /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so instead ns610 or ns4 ... just a guess...

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