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Mandrake Community 10.0 and Official 10.0


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I currently am running Mandrake 10.0 community.


Am I missing out on anything by not switching to official?

Is their a way just to upgrade from community to official?

Is official any easier to use or support and run games better?

Wheres a good fast free place to download official?




Edited by SwiftDeath
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If you updated your community version with all of the updates up until the week before the release, you have the same distro as OE. So, no, there are no major changes, except that the OE is indeed very stable and relatively bug free.

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Does RPMDRAKE install all the updates? And their seems to be like 5 billion updates.... I don't know which one to install.


Should I just install the ones it already has selected for me?

Edited by SwiftDeath
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Assuming you have your sources all setup, you can type


urpmi --auto-select


and it will select and install all you need. Then go back and look at whether anything is remaining..


Remember, if you install software, you want to check in case there is a related update. The OE release has all these updates already on the CD, you don't.

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Does RPMDRAKE install all the updates? And their seems to be like 5 billion updates.... I don't know which one to install.


Should I just install the ones it already has selected for me?

rpmdrake is a gui frontend to urpmi. Unfortunately you can't use it to --auto --auto-select for some dumb reason, just like you can't tell it to keep the rpms as with urpmi with the --noclean option. Once you've set up your sources to point to an OE mirror instead of a CE (which 'was' cooker) it's best to logout of X and go to console for the

urpmi --auto --auto-select

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Is urpmi already installed on my box?

How do I get up my sources?


(Pardon the extremely dumb question), How do I logout of x? I got my computer set to a graphical boot and last time I turned that off, I couldn't turn my computer on because I didn't know the command to start x free.

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urpmi is installed by default.


Head over to http://urpmi.org/easyurpmi/index.php to configure your sources. It's fairly self explanatory. Just check what you want, choose your mirror(s) and copy and paste the output into a console (as root)


Logging out of X is a bit more tricky. You can turn it off in MCC like you did before then when you reboot and get a prompt that looks like:

[user @ localhost user]$

just type startx to start X. :lol:


I, personally, have never had a problem running the urpmi --auto-select from within X (in a root console, of course) but others may have.


The other way to kill X is a bit more tricky. Log out of your DE or press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill X. Then press Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log in as root. Then type

service dm stop

to kill your login manager. Then do your urpmi --auto-select to update your system (also a good time to install nvidia drivers). When you're all done, type

service dm start

then logout. I believe you then press Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to your familar login screen.

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Their did the update, it seems to work besides the fact i think its installing packages i already got installed from earlier when I tried it with the GUI updater.



Hmmm. I guess I'll just let overdo itself... It can do harm I guess and maybe I forgot something. lol

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Some package name changes are quite subtle. package-whatever.3.4-mdk4.i586.rpm might change to package-whatever.3.4-mdk5.i586.rpm

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Hmmm.. that went over apache and now I can't get it too start.

I get the following errors.


Failed to start apache :


Starting httpd-perl: [  OK  ]

Starting httpd2: httpd2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName



Btw: will webmin automatically check these new changes and know that the files got overwritten. Or do I have to do something else?


Please be very newbie like, cause thats what I am :D.

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