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ATI and Linux: Call for Questions


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Hi there,


3DCenter got the opportunity of an interview with the ATI blokes responsible for Linux / OS-X / BSD support and drivers development. We already compiled a number of questions for the short Q&A, but if there's something you'd like to ask the people writing your linux drivers (supposing you're using ATI drivers, that is), post your questions here, please. Thanks a bunch.


We'll send the Q&A questions out during the week. So, better hurry up. ;)




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Is ATI planning on staying current with various linux releases, or are you still focusing on primarily windows compatibility? As a follow-up, does Redmond discourage you from keeping up with Linux?

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1. Does ATI plan to develop their Multimedia Center (as in Control Panel) on Linux?


2. Do they see developing an easy install system for ATI drivers for Linux?


3. Do they see themselves making an increasing profit through using users involved with Linux system? Any plans to start doing questions 1 and 2 with major linux developers or distros that try to emulate windows ease of use for windows users trying linux?


Feel free to paraphrase it.. ;)

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Feel free to paraphrase it.. ;)

Sure thing. ;) That's what I got from a dev. Paraphrasing is definetely needed, I'd say:


1) Do you frequently get requests from people who are obviously complete idiots, and shouldn't be using a pencil unattended, let alone a computer?


2) How many of the devrel mails you get are rubbish? Can we get a rough estimated percentage here?


3) Do you ever, when you receive an email, think "Naah, not *him*, not *again* ..."?


4) Did it ever occur to you, that many of the people sending you mail think the exact same thing of you?




Thanks for the questions, everybody. Question for you guys running ATI boards: Am I right with this "overview?"


There's three flavors of ATI drivers out there for Linux: Those in X, ATI's own set, and an "open" set, but only ATI's drivers will fully support 3D?




Edited by nggalai
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