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Linkys Wireless Card

Guest Brit

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Hi all


I have just recently upgraded my wireless network hardware. having used linksys before i opted for them again, so i went and bought the WMP54-g card. Yes i know i was stupid, but i thought that that it would work. Alas NO.


Has anyone got this to work with Mandrake 9.2????


Ok i havent got a problem returning it and getting something else. If i have to can someone make any suggestions on which product to buy. I have the Linksys Wireless Router attached to a friends PC running XP, so it would have to be compatible to that.


Thanks in advance for your suggestions



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just to inform you: I have got a Linksys Wet11 Ethernet bridge to connect my Linux box with the net. But, set using DHCP, it doesn't work (or, perhaps, I cannot get it to work) under Mandrake. When running Mepis and LindowsOS they had no problem, I guess because they are Debian-based. Although Knoppix (3.3) did not work.


Anyhow, people here informed me the problem might be resolved if I used static IP addresses. So if you have a similar problem you know what to look for.




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hi all


After researching the net for an answer i found that the best way to get this card working is to load the opensource wrapper ndiswrapper.



But everything i have read tells me i have to recompile my kernel...


Why does it have to be that hard



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Hmmm...the README in the pkg does not say anything about recompiling the kernel. You will, however, need the kernel source. Just


urpmi kernel-source


as root. Then in the ndiswrapper-0.5 directory, run


make install


Follow the rest of the instructions in the INSTALL and you should be fine.

Edited by Steve Scrimpshire
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Everything seemed to go great it says i have the driver installed...i followed all the instructions> When it tells me to configure the wlan. I type iwconfig i keep getting the response command not found.


Im not really sure what to do next



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As root, type


urpmi wireless-tools


Any time you get a 'command not found', try the same command while logged in as root (you know how to 'su' to root, I'm pretty sure :)). If you still get 'command not found' and you aren't sure which pkg contains that executable, run this command (as root, of course):


urpmf iwconfig


That will tell you which package contains the executable. Like this:

[root@laptop omar]# urpmf iwconfig


Edited by Steve Scrimpshire
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