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Can't boot on XP (fat32) after install mdk 10


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Hello, I've downloaded the mdk 10 community and installed in my machine.

I have a space in the HD just to install linux distros, and prior to mdk, suse 9.0 was there.


The instalation was all right.


but when I turned off mdk and turned on the computer again only a prompt was at the screen when I choose to boot to windows XP at a fat32 partition


this is very bad....


but the worse is that before I install, I was thinking about mdk 10 to be a very bugged distro


my friend and I was talking that this release would have something like the 9.2 (broke the LG drive) and we were wondering if it would mess up with the windows XP.


But after all, we installed and now I cannot boot on windows any more



I dont want to reinstall windows XP

I want to try to fix this


but I'm not an expert user,


I could see the winC partition from konkeror, its there

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only a blinking cursos stay at the screen


with grub no boot too


grub says:


file system is fat, partition type 0xc

chainload +1


and goes back to boot options

Edited by ozp11
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I've tried to fix the problem and deleted the lilo at MBR

I cant boot on mdk anymore.


But when I looked at lilo.conf (before this action) it was the same as the one posted in the FAQ in this forum.







I'll try to install another linux distro and see if XP boots up under it


if not I'll reinstall XP



actualy I was just trying mdk in this machine to see if it was allright


the real target for MDK is another machine that has mdk 9 installed and I want to upgrade it to 10

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I'm running Windows Server 2003 on an NTFS partition, and installed Mandrake 10 on a 7 Gig partition.


I had 9.2 on the partition before (barely used it) and installed 10 to check out the new Linux kernal.

Mandrake 10 works fine (as fine as Mandrake can work) but now I cant boot into Windows.


Like the original poster, when I select "Windows" in Lilo, I just get a black screen with a blinking "." in the top left hand corner.


I had my Lilo file checked out, and it's configured properly.


quite a few people on LinuxQuestion.org are having the same problem as I with XP.


If anyone has a solution I'd like to hear it?

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I have experiencd the same with Mandrake 10 , however Fixmbr and fixboot would not restore the MBR until I had removed MDK10 and Windows , I had to delete all partions

only them would the MBR repair and allow XP to work.

I was lucky that I had just completed a back up . I have never experienced this in a dual boot scenario before and I have installed , MDK 9 , 9.1, 9.2 . Fedora , RH 9 as a dual boot with XP completly successfully . This makes me reluctant to install MDK10 again until the final is released.

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I also had instaled 9.0 mdk, and a lot of other linux before in the same machine... I dont have courage to install mdk 10 again...


I'm lucky to use XP with fat32 I think


I could fix the problem doing this:


1 - tried to go to recovery console in XP and fixmbr fixboot bootcfg (none worked)


2- tried to restore of fix an instalation in XP (dont remember the exact option) did not work.


3- by doing all of this, instead of "missing operational system" I got a message of missing a specific file (dont recall its name)


4- I went to recovery console and copied the file to c:


5- I got a win98 boot disk and sys c:


6- by that time I coult boot the HD but XP would not came up


7- After this I could sussesfuly recovery XP with the CD



I the middle of all that I tried to install kurumin linux (knoppix mod) but It would not boot on lilo.

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For #5 with win98, you goofed :)


fdisk /mbr restores the mbr.

sys c: recopies the command.com. SO you now have a XP system with a 98 command.com on the drive..


If the floppy doesn't have fdisk on it, just get it from the win98 system. It's located in c:\windows\command (I think).

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As I have read in mandrakeclubs forums, you need to change in your bios your HD from AUTO to LBA, havent tried it myself so i cant comment.


Good luck!


You can all ignore my post but in the mandrakeclubs forums people have reported that this REALLY WORKED for them. :deal:


BTW s/t is wrong with MDK 0 CE and neither 'fdisk /mbr' nor the MDK cd1(used as rescue disk) would fix the MBR properly.

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For #5 with win98, you goofed :)


fdisk /mbr restores the mbr.

sys c: recopies the command.com. SO you now have a XP system with a 98 command.com on the drive..


If the floppy doesn't have fdisk on it, just get it from the win98 system. It's located in c:\windows\command (I think).

I know... but that was the only way I found to boot the HD....


after that I could restore the XP install with the XP CD


but before it the restore would not complete because when It boot, the HD would not boot

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