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Akonadi (Solved, in a way)


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Please anyone, how can I get rid of this darned akonadi without having kmail and addressbook removed. I tried urpme --nodeps akonadi

but this does not work since --nodeps is not recognized.

I don't use akonadi, ever, and it is always giving me popups when logging in so I want to get rid of it.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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If it cannot be removed due to dependencies, you'll need to stop it starting when you login to your system. It probably can be disabled from your auto-running applications. If it's running as a service, then the service can be disabled from MCC and the services section.


That way it shouldn't give the popups although it'll still be installed, so it won't cause a problem by being missing because of the dependencies.

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Thanks Ian.


Akonadi is not in the Services list so it can't be disabled that way.

That is why I wanted to remove it without affecting the other applications.

I don't mind using the CLI to do this if I can find out the correct text to use.

The method I mentioned used to work in Mandriva but it seems the instruction has been changed and does not work here.


Cheers. John.

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Apparently this is how you disable Akonadi. Taken from here: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi#How_do_I_completely_disable_Akonadi_startup.3F





How do I completely disable Akonadi startup?






If you already have applications natively using Akonadi, you of course can't disable Akonadi startup. KAddressBook (as of KDE 4.4 and its test versions), Mailody, KMail (as of KDE 4.4 and its test versions for address book related things) and KPilot are applications that are already based on Akonadi.




Other applications, like KOrganizer, are not based on Akonadi yet, at the time of writing. Instead, they use the old KResource framework for storing contacts, calendars and notes. During the KDE 4.2 beta time, these KResources were automatically migrated to Akonadi-based KResources, the so-called Akonadi compatibility resources. Therefore, applications like KOrganizer would use Akonadi indirectly through KResources, and therefore would start the Akonadi server when being started.


If Akonadi doesn't start up correctly for you, the following should help you to disable Akonadi startup and use your old KResources again.


First, disable automatic migration like described in the above FAQ entry. (FAQ entry added below this quote) Then, open System Settings, go to the Advanced tab and open the KDE Resources config panel. There, you can configure which type of KResources are used for contacts, calendars and notes. If the migration to Akonadi was successful, you'll probably only see the Akonadi Compatibility Resource as an active resource, and all others disabled.


To disable Akonadi startup, enable your old resources again, then disable and delete the Akonadi compatibility resource.




How do I disable automatic migration from KDE's traditional framework?


The migration tool is controlled by standard KDE configuration file called kres-migratorrc.


Distributors or system administrators wanting to disable the automatism will probably want to that globally, e.g. by editing the installed default configuration file, or by using KDE's configuration hierachy and using a profile config between that and the user level.


The quickest way to deactivate it for one user account only is to use KDE's kwriteconfig tool to set the respective configration value with a simple copy&paste of the following command:


kwriteconfig --file kres-migratorrc --group Migration --key Enabled --type bool false


Please note that at some point KDE applications such as Kontact, KOrganizer, KMail will be using Akonadi directly, at which point migration either has to be enabled or performed manually.


As of KDE 4.4 (and its development releases and when building from SVN trunk) this already applies to KAddressBook and KMail's address book access.

Edited by {BBI}Nexus{BBI}
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Thanks Silver Surfer.


That is what I was after. However I have had to reinstall it because kmail opens but won't run without it.


Thank you to Nexus as well, however both routines seem to imply that kmail and kaddressbook cannot work without akonadi the way it has been put together.

The routines described seem to be trying to deter you from getting rid of or disabling akonadi rather than helping the user. Disabling it appears to also prevent kmail and kaddressbook from running anyhow.


The end result is there is nothing I can practically do to change the entire setup other than to dump kmail and kaddressbook and use some other equivalent applications and thus get rid of akonadi.


Cheers. John.

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There's no way of configuring akonadi to disable the popups completely? Never seen this app, so no idea how it works, but hate the way you are forced to use something as a dependency than not being able to disable it from popping up. Sounds kinda Microsoft.

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I've been thinking about your problem John and I ask myself what are the pop-ups that you are getting?

Do you get a chance to read them, or are they to fast at disappearing again?


Rather than doing without the things you want to run maybe it would be an idea to deal with whatever is causing the pop-ups.


I have checked and Akonadi is installed in Mageia also because it is something that binds many parts of KDE together. All to do with PIM or Personal Information Manager. So I'm thinking if you are getting warning pop-ups it may be worth fixing that.

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Thanks for your input, Silver Surfer.

The popups are fairly quick and not very explanatory. Actually I don't think akonadi so much binds Kde4 together. I think it has attached itself to a lot of things in Kde4, just like a leech or an octapus. :-)

Kaddressbook is a mess and almost impossible to setup or use. Pim used to be so easy to use but nowdays it is basically useless. I suspect that most people don't use kmail anyway so the kde people don't care about kmail or kaddressbook much anymore.


I have decided not to worry about it any more and am planning to abandon Kmail entirely and use thunderbird instead. I will then be un-installing akonadi and all the pim related stuff entirely.


Cheers. John.

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Hello Daniel.

I am having a lot of trouble trying to work out how to import or transfer all of my existing emails in kmail into Thunderbird and there doesn't appear to be any easy way judging by googling posts about the subject.

Drat and darn. :-)


Cheers. John.

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Hello John,


Did some years ago the same for my wifes' e-mail.

She used to use KMail until it went sabotage.

I then converted her mail and addresses into Thunderbird.

The only little document i made then, i enclose in hopes you can have the benefit.


In KMail create maps for PostIn, Sent items, Archive and/or others (depends on

what maps you have)

Be aware, these new-made maps must be of type "mbox".

Next step is to copy messages from the original maps to the new-made-ones.


In Dolphin (or whatever filemanager): copy the mbox-maps to the


(/home/.thunderbird/pkh8vohu.default, or some name similar ) of Thunderbird.

You can find the mbox-maps in:



Addressbook imported by means of LDIF.

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I must be a bit of an oddball because I use kmail. :weird:

I tried Thunderbird but couldn't get used to have another app open on the task bar. Kmail just sits nicely on the right hand side of the task bar. All my mail is left on the servers because there isn't much to worry about. So if I want I just download it again.

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