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KDE Freeze on 2010.1 or 2010.2


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I tried installing 2010.1 (and then upgrading to 2010.2) twice, but each time, kde will freeze if I start any program. It will hang on the splash screen (or opening the konsole, etc.)... No problems with ICE.


I have an old ati radeon card that I thought might be the problem, but I used my old xorg.conf for shiggles from my 2008.1 system without any difference.


What log file should I look at to see what is going on?


Should I just wait until 2011.0 gets released?


My 2008 system is fine, but there are two programs that need qt4, so I have to do the whole install for it. I use multiple partitions, obviously :)


Thanks in advance!


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Delete xorg.conf completely. 2010.1 is evdev managed, and xorg.conf is not needed, unless you use the proprietary nvidia or ATi driver (the latter does not work anymore with old ATi cards).

Does your KDE session work OK when starting in "failsafe" mode?


I deselected all the kdedebug as suggested, with no change. ICEWM works fine and even running kde4 programs will work. KDE still will hang the second I start a program (and never recover). When I try failsafe, it loads up, but the konsole window is deselcted, and no matter what I do, I can't get my keyboard to actually allow me to type in the konsole, but the mouse and everything else works...


BTW, this is a fresh reinstall, figuring I would try that. I am a KDE person, so I cringe at moving to gnome if that is the only way I can have a current system.


Note, I do have two sound cards, could that be an issue? (I don't see how)

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Gnome works without a hitch. I feel weird, like I am cheating on someone using it. Not only that, I am still install k3b, because it is what I am use to (and a few other kde apps that I am used to).


So, it is definitely a kde4 issue and not kde programs... so what is the deal? I guess I am just going to get over it and just see if I can live with gnome. Seems ok - put like when you go to a kids house when you were in school and their mom makes pb&j with STRAWBERRY jelly, it is just funky and off-putting, even if it might be better.

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Ok, so after installing Gnome and hating it, I installed kde4 also again. What seemed to work was to:

1. Disable 3d

2. Disable Translucency

3. Turn off speedboot


This also had the added benefit of making my soundcards work. Very happy so far. Now I have the agonizing decision on whether or not to reinstall to remove gnome from the system. Or maybe I should just leave it...

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Gnome is not using that much space, you could leave it. It would account for maybe 1GB of space maybe less. You wouldn't need to reinstall to remove it, you can simple remove it easily enough. I always used to have KDE and Gnome installed at the same time.

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The reason I was going to reinstall is all of those little bits that the DE usually install is hard to keep track of. Also there were a few gtk version programs installed instead of those built on qt4 and it is hard to know all of that as well (xine, etc.). However, I am just going keep well enough alone - everything works, I imported my /usr/local and lots of .directory, and /etc settings, so my webserver, samba shares, ssh-server, etc. is up and running without a hitch.


Hope my post helps anyone that was having an issue - I will try to turn on the 3d acceleration in a bit and see if everything runs - I think it was translucency that was the issue (and speedboot perhaps).

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