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Convert 64 bit version of Free to One


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It'd be helpful to have a list of packages needed to change the 64 bit Free version into One. Such a list would include proprietary codecs and drivers that aren't included in the free version. I am not sure if any packages would need to be removed during the process, such as does the free version of Java need to go when adding Sun's Java?

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Are you thinking of Powerpack? Powerpack only includes the proprietary stuff. Free/One are the same. Free is the version for installation, and One is the LiveCD which you can install from also. For Free/One, there's no difference.


Also with Powerpack, other than the differences of proprietary stuff, it's the same as Free - just that when you buy Powerpack you have support included in the price.

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Are you thinking of Powerpack? Powerpack only includes the proprietary stuff. Free/One are the same. ..... For Free/One, there's no difference.

Incorrect sir, One contains proprietary drivers, Free as the name suggests does not.



boatman9, just setup your online repositories and enable non-free then use MCC to setup your video card and any other hardware you need to, the proprietary drivers will be downloaded and installed, done deal.

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boatman9, just setup your online repositories and enable non-free then use MCC to setup your video card and any other hardware you need to, the proprietary drivers will be downloaded and installed, done deal.


Recently I did essentially that but still had some issues due to very little being published about which packages are included with each version. I'll give two instances below.


When doing a 64 bit install using mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-dual.iso I added a bunch of useful packages including openoffice.org, only to discover later that no spell checker had been installed. I learned of the missing package after the user complained that spell checking did not work. I had to add myspell-en_US, which would have been included if I'd used mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-x86_64.iso for the install.


Not knowing what else may be missing from Free, for my next 64 bit install I downloaded and burned mandriva-linux-free-2010-spring-x86_64.iso to DVD. This time openoffice.org and myspell-en_US were present, however I noticed that java-1.6.0-sun was missing and in it's place was java-1.6.0-openjdk. Not wanting any surprises related to Java, I added java-1.6.0-sun and dependencies. Now the openjdk and the sun Java may both be installed, I hope that does not cause any problem to have them both.


Even now I still don't know for sure that my 64 bit installs have all the same packages as One or Powerpack. There may yet be more surprises in store for me.

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The Free-dual just gives you a very basic system that you can build upon, One doesn't have anything more than Free other than proprietary hardware drivers and is i586 only.


For a complete list of packages in each version check http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Mandriva_Linux_2010.1#Package_Lists



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