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symlink to a target directory [solved]

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I'm can not create a symbolic link to a directory. I have read, and re-read the man page. I can not get it right.


What is the trick?


I have tried:

ln -s --target-directory=linux- 
ln: missing file operand
Try `ln --help' for more information.


Operand is missing? O.K. so I tried,

ln -s --target-directory=linux- linux

This didn't work as I expected either. It created a link called 'linux' in the target directory, not in the directory I was in.


I need a command that will create a sym link to the target, called linux, in the directory I'm in. The old link is pointing to the wrong source for the current kernel, and I can not get vboxdrv to compile.


Your help is always appreciated...



[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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