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K3b Problem [Solved]


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I've had a pair of DVD/CD writers for a couple of years and always been able to write to cd's on both units. I've installed 2010.1 a little while back. I now want to write to a cd. Oh No. Both my units are classed as DVD/Blue Ray in K3b and won't write to cd. I can't find any writings about it. Has anybody any ideas please.

Edited by SilverSurfer60
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Someone else recently had a problem with K3B. Try Gnomebaker or Brasero - I know these are native to Gnome normally, but see if they work. If that is the case, then we know that mostly everything is OK, and that something is just broken with K3B.

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Thank you Ian, I have just tried brasero and found the problem. The image won't fit on a cd. :wall: B) You'd think with my experience I would have noticed this. Just goes to show how one can overlook the obvious.


I hope someone else can benefit from this.


Thanks again Ian.

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