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How to create Debian packages under Mandriva


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Hi to everybody!

Mandriva was my favorite distro since ages. There's only one obstacle holding me back of using Mandriva again: I'm a software developer in Gambas, so I have to have possibilities to create packages for various distributions. Of course I need debhelper with all its dependencies, but there aren't any of them for Mandriva, so I'm sticked to Ubuntu, although I'd rather move back to Mandriva again. Is there any solution for .DEB creation in Mandriva? Is it a kind of hostility with Debian, that disables creation of debhelper packages for Mandriva?

This fact is a big pain for me. I'd like to see it relieved!

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Of course I need debhelper with all its dependencies, but there aren't any of them for Mandriva, so I'm sticked to Ubuntu, although I'd rather move back to Mandriva again. Is there any solution for .DEB creation in Mandriva?

AFAIK, it is in general a little problematic to find debhelper packages for any distro that is not .deb based. The only way to bypass this, that I know of, is to grab the sources and build them for your rpm-distro from scratch. :mellow:
Is it a kind of hostility with Debian, that disables creation of debhelper packages for Mandriva?

No, I guess that the creators of the debhelper-packages and the maintainers of .rpm based distros simply thought that this piece of software would be used by debian-users first and foremost. So, you are probably are rare type of software-developer. ;)


Rivalry between .deb and .rpm? Only in the kindergarden. B)

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I agree with arctic, it's almost certainly not hostility and more to do with the practicalities of what people want. I guess it just makes sense to build debian deb files using a debian system, then it's easier to be sure that all the packages and libraries are the right ones for the system. So that's what most people do (I guess).


Is there some reason why you can't dual-boot a debian system, or run debian inside a virtual machine or something? Or just get the debian packagers to do the packaging work for you? Are you talking about this gambas?

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Well, under Ubuntu I can very simply create .RPM packages, since there ARE the libraries for RPM build! And if you write a program, you are targeting the entire Linux world, isn't? Double booting is doubling the required space, which is not really efficient. Yes I'm talking about Gambas2, and you can even use my program http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/GamCat?content=100682 , which was created under Ubuntu for Mandriva too.

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The biggest problem here are the dependencies. Each distro has different dependencies and naming conventions. Building an rpm on a non rpm-based system is likely to cause problems. The same with building debs on an rpm-based distro. The dependencies for that particular package are relying on the system you built them on.


People building packages build them on a system that they are targeting. Therefore, if rpms for Mandriva, they are built on a Mandriva system. If debs for Debian, they are built on Debian. If rpms for Red Hat, they are built on a Red Hat system. And so on. Attempting to use an rpm from a build system other than where it is meant to be installed is generally going to cause problems.


That's like me attempting to use a Fedora or OpenSUSE rpm on a Mandriva system. Might work, but mostly it won't.

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Aye, maybe so, but you still have the problem that you're building a deb against a Mandriva system and it's libraries and hence would be built for the appropriately installed libraries.


I'm pretty sure that's important for the building part, especially if someone is then going to use that on a Debian system. I believe it should be built on the system it's intended for.

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