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Mandriva 2010 Upgrade


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Hi guys,


Can anyone tell me how easy it is to upgrade from Mandriva 2010.0 to the new Mandriva 2010.1.


I know currently it's not out yet, but I'd like to know how easy/difficult this process is.

It is the first time I've used Mandriva, I find it absolutely brilliant.


I just simply like to know how straight forward it is to stay up-to-date with new Mandriva releases.


I'm currently running Mandriva 2010.0 One (32-bit)

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When the new release is available, the updates applet will offer to upgrade your system to the new release. Provided you have a reasonably fast connection, this is probably the easiest way. Other methods are available:





Edited by jkerr82508
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Csaba82

Hello. I try to upgrade my Mandriva One 2010.0 to 2010.1 in terminal (mdkapplet-upgrade-helper --new_distro_version=2010.1), but I can chose only between Free or Power Pack. Why I dont have there the option to select One? Which should I choose? Thanks. (Sorry for my English) :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. I try to upgrade my Mandriva One 2010.0 to 2010.1 in terminal (mdkapplet-upgrade-helper --new_distro_version=2010.1), but I can chose only between Free or Power Pack. Why I dont have there the option to select One? Which should I choose? Thanks. (Sorry for my English) :)


Exactly the same issue. I thought PowerPack costs so why provide that option if we're running Mandriva One?

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i said it before in another thread, this is the first time since 2007.1 that the upgrade option actuallly worked the way it was supposed to.


NOW that being said, here's what I did.


backed up my /home dir (yes 13GB)


removed EVERYTHING that was not absolutely required from that area.


inserted the DVD, rebooted and chose upgrade


I will admit, just to make sure I created a dummy account during the upgrade because in the past I have had installations renumber my userid's and then my "stuff" is all there I just cant GET to it.


I also kept a LIVECD on hand that I KNEW had the tools I wuld need to recover what I needed in case anything went south.


But, I have to admit, less than 1 hour later, EVERYTHING worked fine and has continued so ever since





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I will admit, just to make sure I created a dummy account during the upgrade because in the past I have had installations renumber my userid's and then my "stuff" is all there I just cant GET to it.


If you can't get to it, the easiest is to do this as root:


chown /home/username username:username


where username is the id you were using. That way you don't need the dummy user account if ID's change somewhere along the line.

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