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Fotoxx - segfault when loading image


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I have been looking for a program to do some basic, quick and dirty photo edits. I know you can get the Gimp to do just about anything, if you have the time to learn it. My problem is I don't have the time, hence the search.


Any way, after some Googling, one suggestion is Fotoxx. I install

on Mandirva 2010 64 bit system. The problem is the Fotoxx crashes, with a segfault when you try to load a jpeg file once the program is loaded. I have discovered the program can load an image if you load it at startup time from the command line. Example 'fotoxx image.jpg' loads the file image.jpg, and you can edit it.


The segfault is annoying, it means you can not load images after launching the program.


I have removed and re-installed, the problem remains. Has anyone else tried this program? BTW there are two versions on the repos, both segfault loading images. Any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this?



[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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