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Wil Wheaton's Mandrake Adventure


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Some of you might want to take a look, then post some positive comments under his article. I think he did an outstanding job with it, but it appears that a large number of "Windows Only Trolls" are over there giving him a rough time about it.


It seems that there's nothing like a great Linux article to bring them out.. :roll:

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Yea, I read the article. Good for him. And, it's not a bad article about someones journey into Linux. It is a bit long though.


I couldn't make my way through all the comments though. After reading the first bunch complaining about how long the article was, I just gave up. Does he have any intelligent people posting comments on his site?

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if so then he wasn't a bad actor.

People say he was the most annoying STTNG character but i think it was Troy, he was the next most annoying character.


Ive seen his site before he has a sense of humor at least :D

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