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Steve Scrimpshire

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Posts posted by Steve Scrimpshire

  1. By default, your system should be set up to use your install medium for an install source. Just go to your menu and choose Configure Your Computer, enter your root password and go to Software Management -> Look at an install installable packages. You will be able to find and install apache and php there.

  2. Could you please demonstrate where libphp5.so is specified in the httpd.conf file?


    You are making this more difficult than it has to be. There is no need to compile anything. Everything you need to get php5 running on apache in Mandriva can be installed through rpmdrake (Software Management in Mandriva Control Center).


    If you have somehow installed apache and/or php5 through a tar.gz, then it may have put things in your httpd.conf that do not need to be there.


    This is what I have installed on a working config:

    [root@localhost ohms]# rpm -qa | grep apache
    [root@localhost ohms]# rpm -qa | grep php


    Of course, some of those php pkgs may be superfluous to your needs.

  3. I take comfort in the fact that the advertisement plays. That should mean the plugin is working. Why it stops, I have no idea. Maybe there is some method the plugin calls that is not supported in the Linux version.


    Hmmmm...I should start Firefox from a console and see if there are any errors. BRB.


    I got this over and over:

    Flash Player: Warning: environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING is set and is not UTF-8


    So, I stopped Firefox and did export G_FILENAME_ENCODING="UTF-8"

    and didn't get the warning, but the video still stops.

  4. On CNN's site, I can watch the commercial immediately preceeding the video fine. But when the commercial finishes the video does not play.


    Same here. The video plays the commercial, but then the slider just stops and the video screen stays at the last frame of the commercial.


    If it helps, I am using 2007 Spring 64 Bit, but had to install Firefox 32 bit in order to view flash, because Adobe doesn't do a 64 bit version for Linux (and also because Java apparently only works in 32 bit, too).

  5. Heh. I'm kinda/sorta going to say use a hosting company. I never could figure out Bind and all that, so I went to no-ip.com and paid a little for their non-free package where they point your domain name to whatever ip you need it pointed to. For free, they will do one for vampyregeek.no-ip.com too. :D

  6. This was the part I found most amusing:

    ...[Windows'] core components 'just work' and work well enough for 98% of the market to call it 'good enough' to stay with it and not seek out linux or even mac's...


    I'm running Mandriva 2007 Spring or whatever it's called. All my hardware is recognized except my *gasp* winmodem. Windows XP doesn't work well with half of it. I develop on XP and couldn't tell you the number of times I have to reboot or restart my IDE because it's locked up. (Let's not even discuss Windows ME...or 2000).


    And for the math-impaired:

    98% of the market to call it 'good enough'


    From http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php?date=2007-05-20 (the site the OP pointed out):

    1 Windows XP 84.47%

    2 Windows 2000 4.28%

    4 Windows Vista 1.94%

    5 Windows 98 1.55%

    7 Windows 2003 0.67%

    8 Windows ME 0.52%

    9 Windows NT 0.07%


    84.47% + 4.28% + 1.94% + 1.55% + 0.67% + 0.52% + 0.07% = 93.5% to be fair.


    And most of that (84.47%) is what came installed on their computer and they are too lazy (or don't even know how) to install something else.

  7. So as long as all your work computers, and all the servers, and the computers of everyone you work with are all fully-updated linux systems, there can't be any problems!


    I'm using Windows XP on my laptop now because of work and school. It is already set for this change. I did nothing more than have Automatic updates turned on. I did nothing consciously. I just tested by moving my clock forward till 1:59 tomorrow morning and it set.

  8. In Opera 9.2, I can see the "shi" character just fine on the site (http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/blahblah, not meaning your image :P)


    Do you have your encoding set to "Automatic Selection" under View -> Encoding?


    If the font displays fine in Firefox and Konqueror, this would be the first thing I would check.


    (Also, apparently, it is just the bold character that does not show in yours, because several lines below it appears to be there, but not in bold....I can see even the bold character in mine.)

    Is this the only character, is it random, or is it several characters?

  9. If you can boot LE2005, and you used it to install grub, then it needs to know about the 2006 install. Make sure you have an entry in /etc/fstab for your 2006 boot partition (wherever /boot/blah is), something like


    /dev/hda7 /mnt/mdk2006 blahblah


    and then your grub's menu.lst entry would be:

    title linux Mdk2006

    kernel (hd0,5)/mnt/hda7/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-12mdk root=/dev/hda7

    initrd (hd0,5)/mnt/hda7/boot/initrd.img


    This is all done inside whichever one controls grub (I assume LE2005). Technically, also LE2005(copy)'s entry should use a similar structure to 2006's entry. It (LE2005(copy)) can boot, because technically it is using the kernel that is located in your LE2005's installation, but you really should point it to its own installation's kernel.


    I'm kinda new with grub, but I think you then need to do


    grub-install /dev/hda


    after editing.

  10. Do you see anything with the command lsusb run as root from a console?


    Have you tried this in Gnome instead of KDE? My usb devices no longer automount under KDE, but work fine under Gnome (I haven't checked to see if I get any errors).


    Also make sure that she has her BIOS set to "PnP OS = No"

  11. what kernel are you using, aioshin?


    ohms@laptop:~$ uname -r
    ohms@laptop:~$ cat /proc/filesystems
    nodev   sysfs
    nodev   rootfs
    nodev   bdev
    nodev   proc
    nodev   debugfs
    nodev   sockfs
    nodev   pipefs
    nodev   futexfs
    nodev   tmpfs
    nodev   inotifyfs
    nodev   eventpollfs
    nodev   devpts
    nodev   ramfs
    nodev   hugetlbfs
    nodev   mqueue
    nodev   usbfs
    nodev   binfmt_misc
    nodev   smbfs

  12. I added two rules to my /etc/udev/rules.d/70-hotplug_map.rules file:


    SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0781", SYSFS{idProduct}=="7411", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/thumb"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0781", SYSFS{idProduct}=="7411", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/remove"


    The problem is it runs the ACTION=="add" but not the ACTION=="remove" script.


    How exactly can I run a script when I attach my mp3 player and a different script when I remove it?




    Solution: Instead of using /etc/udev/rules.d/70-hotplug_map.rules, use /etc/udev/rules.d/60-dynamic.rules

    and instead of

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0781", SYSFS{idProduct}=="7411", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/thumb"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0781", SYSFS{idProduct}=="7411", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/remove"

    I had to use:

    KERNEL=="sda[0-9]*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/thumb"
    KERNEL=="sda[0-9]*", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/home/ohms/bin/remove"


    I wish I could do it with SYSFS{blech} though, so it would be specific to my mp3 player and not just any thumb drive.

  13. * Several years ago, the maintainer of RPM worked for Red Hat. When he

    left, he continued his own work on RPM, which he acknowledges is a fork.

    And that's fine -- we support anyone's right to fork, since forking is one

    of the paths to innovation in open source software.


    So, what is the fork called? Or is RPM the fork and no work continued on it from RedHat?

  14. Also TeamSpeak and game playing on Linux really don't go hand in hand without some trouble to get through.


    I beg to differ. I used TeamSpeak with my friends playing NWN constantly. I even hosted both the game and the TS server...on Linux.

  15. Don't put them here:



    put them here:



    (If mplayer still does not see them, try putting them in the top-level directory of just /usr/lib)

    Mandriva does not use /usr/local/whatever, it uses /usr/whatever

    If you ever install something from source in Mandriva, make sure that when you run ./configure, you run it with at least this option:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr

    (the default will be /usr/local).

    If you don't understand this now, you will understand it as you gain experience.

  16. Sorry if we talked above you, some people hate being babied also..


    I, and many others, try to be as detailed as possible when I answer questions (but thanks to starting school again and work, I've been rather busy and haven't had time to help much). We've often been yelled at for 'talking down' to someone, so we tend to take a middle-of-the-road approach...not too technical and not too 'step-by-step'. When you post your question, just say something like "Please be detailed because I have no clue about many things in Linux. Don't be afraid that you'll be talking down to me." Maybe not exactly that, but enough for us to know that we have to say things like "Open a console (the little tv-screen-looking thing in the taskbar if you are using KDE desktop)..." We would love to give you the detailed help you need without you having to come back several times and ask us to explain it in more detail....less frustrating for you.

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