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Everything posted by DOlson

  1. Just thought you should know. Links on the official site.
  2. Hmm... I don't even have udhcpd on my Woody box... There's no script in /etc/init.d/ and there's no config file in /etc/.
  3. Okay, here's what I get: And then this: Then trying to start ardour: Funny though, since I had ardour up at one point... Like I said, I need to get a new kernel. I'll have to look into it more deeply, I guess.
  4. I don't know where it is in menuconfig... somewhere in the IDE configuration stuff. Check the Help to get the exact parameter. I am using 2.4. I don't know if this is my magical switch or not, but it seemed to make a difference for now. I can at least open a new Nautilus window while copying a 600MB file to my desktop... Couldn't do that before. If you wanna check if you have it or not, just grep CONFIG_IDEPCI_SHARE_IRQ /boot/config-whatever-version-you-have.
  5. That should do it. Usually if you install the kernel-headers, it'll put the symlink there for you, I think. You don't need the source if you have the headers, someone told me, but I think I had a problem one time that did require the full source, but I can't remember so I just leave the full source anyhow. It's not that big, really.
  6. Yeah man, maybe we could get Alexander the Great to come post here. That oughtta draw some attention.
  7. Make sure you have CONFIG_IDEPCI_SHARE_IRQ enabled in your kernel config. At least if it seems slow to you. I have been running for a few months without this enabled, and now that I enabled it, things are faster again. I'm not sure how or why I disabled it, but I did. If you have any reverse results, please post your experience here.
  8. I didn't write any MIDI tutorials! Ardour looks like a great multitrack program. I gotta get Jack and stuff going nicely... I should get a new kernel going too. Here's what I did for the 88 plugins: 1) close Audacity. 2) apt-get install swh-plugins 3) start Audacity. That's it. They're all there now. If you're using Mandrake, and you urpmi'd swh-plugins, perhaps the RPM for either it or Audacity isn't configured properly to work the way it does on Debian, I don't know. All I know is that the Audacity developers told me that the LADSPA plugins would work with Audacity when I inquired about a reverb effect, and Steve Harris (not Maiden's bass player) told me that his plugins would work with any LADSPA-supporting program... So, I decided what the hey, I'll apt-get install it, and bam, there's the plugins. And there is a reverb effect too. :)
  9. okay, rm -rf those two deb files. you dont' need them if you're using debian's kernels. EDIT: heh, I read your post wrong. give me a minute to look at my notes and see what happens next. Okay, now, do this: cd /lib/modules/2.4.21-4-k7/ ls -l And check the output. You should see build -> /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.21/ If you don't, make that symlink in there and see what happens. that's where the NVidia driver looks to find the source or the headers.
  10. Well it sounds like you're not doing the kernel compile properly, especially if you're copying some bzImage file by hand... Why not just try apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.21-4-k7 (assuming you have an AMD K7 chip)? If you put Custom_10.00 in the filenames, then of course it won't work if the files aren't named that. You need to use whatever your .deb files are actually called. If you can't figure it out, please post the errors from dpkg so I can help.
  11. Thanks. I'll look into those things. I think I need to get a different kernel.
  12. When you apt-get install a new kernel, or build debs of your own, and then install them, you get the option to have it update lilo for you. I would say yes and hope it works.
  13. Update: I now discovered a cool drum machine called Hydrogen thanks to AdamW from the Sudhian forums.
  14. Well, I'm not looking to sign to a label. When I spoke of gems needing exposure, I meant Linux apps. I guess I'll continue with what I have unless I stumble upon something better, since no one else knows of anything either. As far as effects and plugins go, Audacity has 19 of it's own, and then I have 88 other LADSPA plugins. There are more out there probably, but I don't care. These take care of what I need.
  15. okay, here's my notes about IDE and SCSI emulation from when I first set up Debian: Hope that helps.
  16. Okay, but I'm not going to use Windows. I'm not going to use Mac either. And by the way, most real studios that I've heard of do use Mac, not Windows. I want Linux stuff, and if I need to continue using what I have been using, then I will. I can't afford more or faster RAM, especially given that my hard drive is the bottleneck, not the RAM or CPU, though CPU is next in line. I know my songs aren't that high-quality, but they sound alright to me and compared to a lot of the local talent here. I am just hoping that someone out there knows of some real gems that don't get exposure for some reason.
  17. You might not have had to modify fstab. You might have been able to get away with just trying sh setup.sh I remember I had that problem with one of my first Linux games.
  18. DOlson

    New Icons

    I always had that problem when using KDE. Not sure why they never fixed it... Well, maybe it is fixed in newer KDEs, I don't know. Annoying though, isn't it? ;)
  19. DOlson


    If you use Gnome, you can just put TrueType fonts in your ~/.fonts/ directory, and you're good to go (also used for Gimp 1.3+, etc). Just thought I'd share that if Mandrake's install tool doesn't help with Gimp and stuff like that.
  20. DOlson

    divx encoder?

    If you wanna try mencoder, have a look at my "front end" for it. I use my script usually, when I rip DVDs. The aspect ratio might be in need of some fixing, but I dont' use this that much. http://icculus.org/~dolson/files/dvdrip.sh
  21. DOlson


    From Linux, you can browse Windows shares using LinNeighborhood, or you can use Samba to mount them to a mount point on your system, just like any other device. You can also use Samba to act as a server to allow Windows machines to connect to you. The latest Samba also adds Active Directory support.
  22. I always just used the official RPMs of Gaim because the unofficial ones take too long to come out. Often by the time I got an unofficial Mandrake RPM, there would be a new version of Gaim out. :P Doesn't Cooker keep current with stuff like Gaim? You could probably get that, unless it causes a dependency hell.
  23. I used to use explore2fs to copy stuff from Linux to Windows. Never tried writing though. It worked fairly well. It *should* work on ext3 partitions as well, since they just have a journal on top of ext2. Don't quote me on that.
  24. Comment deleted. Reason: I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to post information about Debian here on this forum. Sorry for the inconvenience, I won't do it again.
  25. I used to do that very same thing, but the way I did it was using the Blackbox menu, and including it into my OpenBox menu as a submenu. You could also try using just a symlink. I don't remember the specific details on what I did, as I'm using Gnome now, but that should be enough info to help you out. :)
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