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Everything posted by solarian

  1. great! can somebody please check for USB issues who had them before? I wonder if they are fixed meh.. I'll probably do it myself through VMware thanx for the info!!
  2. Can I use MDV2005 boot iso for 2006? sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don't know how it talks with MDV home server
  3. I play quicktime with VLC or mplayer, you just need the codecs
  4. oh, and welcome to mandrivausers.org and Mandriva!! Most of us really enjoy this distro. Hope you will have a really fine time with it p.s. If you did make some unknown mistake during installing, maybe consider reinstalling, it takes generally 12-15 minutes for a used hand.
  5. It seems that you haven't installed Xorg (or there was an error). Xorg is the engine that makes all the graphics and GUI. To test if it installed, type startx if nothing happens, type urpmi xorg (this will install xorg). you can install only as root (type su root to become root (=admin) This is just a quick starting tip, I don't have time now for a full scale how-to, others will assist you in a few minutes or hours :D cheers!
  6. so.. can I install 2006, remove xorg 6.9.8 and replace it with 6.8.x?
  7. It's a bit strange though.. The Mandrake/Mandriva store is being damned by a lot of people for as long as I remember, yet it seems that Mandrakesoft has done nothing to improve their shop. Yes, maybe it gives an insignificant part of their income, but that's no good reason to piss off your users/fans.
  8. Congrats on getting in Slashdot, aRTee! :)) http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=0...tid=147&tid=106
  9. I agree with others - this is very sad indeed. Mandriva has no respect for private individual customers and they're left to their own fate which is a potential misery. That is why they for the time being won't see me as a custormer, I'm using public versions only. If it weren't for this forum then I would have abandoned Mandriva if favour of some other distro long ago. Alas I have to say that I haven't been needing much community support for 2005LE, it works great with next to no problems.
  10. 2005LE (10.2) - it does everything I'd possibly want and is the most stable of them all. And I had problems with USB devices and shutdown when testing 2006-rc2
  11. That means that you have to install Java Runtime Environment (so Limewire could be installed and ran), to do it, download an .rpm here -> http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp good luck!
  12. no problem bin is a directory and the path to it is... /usr/bin just like in Windows for example C://home/documents/ open up Konqueror (if you're using KDE) and go to /usr/bin the filenames of the files you see there are also the commands you have to type in order to launch the particular program p.s. still, check your menu, I think Limewire could be there p.p.s. How did you install Limewire? from an .rpm or through package manager?
  13. Hi, tenebrous_paradise Hasn't the program you installed showed up in the menu? They usually do. If not, you can find most of the executables at /usr/bin cheers!
  14. hmmm well I know I was not the only one who had this trouble with shutdown (it would hang and go a bit wacko) thanks for the answer anyway! I'll ask around
  15. Not really, I need to use Bauhaus Mirage for 2D animation and no software on Linux can do what that little beast can. Running through VMware is too slow. Of course a seperate machine for my animation needs would be wonderful, but I'm pretty broke at the moment.
  16. Yes, I had USB problems too. Haven't tried official release though (only rc2). -------- I have a very important question (for me) about MDV2006, has the glitch with NTFS partition been fixed?! namely - when shutdown was screwed up if there was an NTFS partition on hd.
  17. oh, i.c., then there's at least one good thing in this godforgotten place here they build the pc's at the shop (the one which I use), the shipping at my area is me and a bunch of friends to carry the stuff and keep it safe from thugs :)) even the most expensive shops rarely sell brand pc's, because nobody really buys them. servers is another talk.
  18. You can always buy a pc with a warranty that's assembled in a basement somewhere near. You can specify the parts, etc., and it is cheaper than a brand pc. At least in Latvia. Why buy DELL is beyond me.
  19. as I understand kqemu is a module for kernel, not a program
  20. Don't you want Qemu not Kqemu?
  21. Nevermind, found out myself, sorry for the trouble :D In Firefox about:config made a new string called network.protocol-handler.app.lastfm and then in the value added the path to the player (/usr/bin/lastfm-player in my case) p.s. Actually this is not a cooker problem, but a problem in the player/firefox Compiling from source would have the same result
  22. Hi, I installed the lastfm-player from cooker which is a internet radio client for http://www.last.fm/ All works well when I start it seperately, but whenever I click at a radio station link at the Last.fm website which would start the player with the particular radio station it says: lastfm is not a registered protocol Question is: how do I make lastfm a registered protocol and how do I associate it with the lastfm-player? Thanks! [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  23. no, just the applications to more recent versions you can use thac's repo for kde 3.4.2 by d.e. I ment KDE or Gnome (or any other wm) I know that's not a solution for 2006, but I don't see any other way than to wait out till 2006 becomes more stable and bug free, if 2005 worked fine, then continue on using it ;)
  24. Install back 2005LE and update your desktop environment. I too had problems with USB on 2006
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