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Posts posted by Echylo

  1. no, I want a game that's original, yes you say it has a story, like the good old days, but like doom you have a dozen of games in the genre, I expected the game would scare me, and I would maybe like it that way, but it's all so predictable.


    But I guess there aren't gonna be very original games in the future, hl², will also be shooter, only game I'm waiting for is s.t.a.l.k.e.r :) :thumbs:

  2. for what its worth, doom³ is a stupid game, after 30 minutes of playing, I wasn't scared, it just felt like another shooter, like Far cry or something, it really disappointed my, I hope that hl² will be better

  3. hmm, maybe this is a solution: don't know anything better, but I think you have format your HD, not the partition, so reinstall windows again, after installation, put in the externel HD, and install mandrake on the second drive!!!.


    If you have only formatted the partition, put in the external drive, make backup's of your windows installation, format the first HD, install windows XP, put back your backup's, and then install mandrake on the 2nd drive

  4. hi, welcome aboard :) ,


    Why do you want to run KDe from icewm? But If you can't choose anything then Icewm, you probarly haven't installed it correctly, so I also advise to reinstall mandrake and make sure you install KDe or Gnome

  5. of course we can :), first you go to www.nvidia.com, there you go to section Download drivers, and there you see Linux & Freebsd drivers, there you can download the drivers for your architecture, I suppose you pick the first one Linux Display Driver IA32 1.0-6111, or you can download them here:

    Nvidea IA32


    After downloading, you go to terminal, as root, and you type init 3(make sure everything important is saved). this will shutdown the x server, and will give you a console, you log in as root again, navigate to your download folder, and type:


    sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run


    this will start the installation, just follow instructions, if everything went well, you can launch your x server with "startx"



  6. Well I was bored(gentoo is installing ;) ). So I was wondering if there was already a semi-Auto installation script for Gentoo, so I started to make one, as it is my first script, and probarly far from finished, there wil be some bugs in it :) .

    Just wondering what you all think of it



    #Gentoo Installation Script(x86)(2004.2)

    #Installs from Mandrake on Partitions

    #Made by Echylo

    #Contact: driesdesmet@linux.be or dries.de.smet@skynet.be



    #Checks if user is root

    if [ `id -u` != "0" ]; then

    echo "Gentoo Installation Script 2004.2"

    echo "Sorry, you are not root."

    echo "Please restart script as root."



    #When user is , it gives information about the script


    echo "This script installs Gentoo from Mandrake"

    echo "So no Live cd required"

    echo "Created by Echylo"

    echo "This is for x86 machines only."

    echo "Working internet connection required"

    echo "To continue press a key..."

    read key


    #Gives user opportunity to check its partitions

    echo "The script will launch DiskDrake, for you to set partitions..."

    echo "If set, just close Diskdrake"

    echo "Press any key to continue"

    read key

    echo "Launching DiskDrake..."



    echo "I suppose that you have set partitions, and you are ready to continue"

    echo "Press a key to continue"

    read key


    #Asks for boot, swap and home partition


    echo "What is the boot partition of your gentoo installation?"

    echo "Example : /dev/hdb1"

    read BOOTPART

    echo "What is the Swap partition?"

    read SWAP

    echo "What is your Gentoo(home) partition?"



    #Activates Swap partition, mounts boot & home partition

    mkswap $SWAP

    swapon $SWAP


    mkdir /mnt/gentoo

    mount $BOOTPART /mnt/gentoo

    mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot

    mount $GENTOOHOME /mnt/gentoo/boot


    #Downloading stage file

    cd /mnt/gentoo


    echo "Downloading Stage file..."

    echo "Choose your location...(1-4)"

    echo "1-  America"

    echo "2 - Europe"

    echo "3 - Australia"

    echo "4 - Asia"


    echo "Pick number:"

    read LOC


    if [ $LOC -eq 1 ]


    echo "Downloading Stage 1 file..."

    wget ftp://gentoo.chem.wisc.edu/gentoo/release...-2004.2.tar.bz2


    elif [ $LOC -eq 2 ]


    echo "Downloading Stage 1 file..."

    wget ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/gen...-2004.2.tar.bz2


    elif [ $LOC -eq 3 ]


    echo "Downloading Stage 1 file..."

    wget ftp://planetmirror.com/pub/gentoo/release...-2004.2.tar.bz2


    elif [ $LOC -eq 4 ]


    echo "Downloading Stage 1 file..."

    wget ftp://ftp.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GENTOO/releas...-2004.2.tar.bz2


    echo "You have to pick a number between (1-4)!"

    echo "Downloading Stage 1 file from default..."

    wget ftp://gentoo.chem.wisc.edu/gentoo/release...-2004.2.tar.bz2




    #Unpacks Stage1 tar file



    echo "Stage 1 file Downloaded"

    echo "Unpacking Stage 1 file..."


    tar -xjpf stage1-x86-2004.2.tar.bz2


    echo "Unpacked"



    #Copies DNS information

    echo "Copying DNS information"

    cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf


    #Mounts Proc filesystem

    echo "Mounting proc filesystem"

    mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc


    #Chroots into new Enviroment"

    echo "Chrooting into Enviroment"


    chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash


    source /etc/profile


    #Updates Portage Tree"

    echo "Updating Portage tree"

    emerge sync

    cd /usr/portage


    #Stage 1 -> Stage 2


    echo "Stage 1 => Stage 2 "

    echo "Press key to continue"

    read key

    echo "BootStraping..."



    echo "Arrived in Stage 2"


    #Emerging system


    echo "Emerging system"


    emerge system


    #script finished until here :)

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