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Posts posted by phunni

  1. At first I was thinking "What a pack of clowns, shutting that down."


    But the I remember google is a business, which is working on Android plus other OS's, so why make it easier for your competitors?


    I guess I'll have to use the forum more :)


    Both android and ChromeOS (Google's OS offerings) are based on Linux. Are; essentially, in fact, Linux.

  2. If they aree going in a DirectX direction it may have implications for a Linux port - it won't be as straightforward as an OpenGL jobbi...

  3. I have some video files broken up into .ts files and I want to, ultimately convert them into one avi file. I also have some video files with an extension of cxx where x is a pair of digits - 00, 01, 02 etc.


    At the moment, my thinking is that if I can convert them into a vob file then I can use dvd::rip/transcode to encode them to an avi - but I have no idea how to do that conversion.


    Alternatively, someone may have a better idea of how I might convert these files to avi...

  4. I would absolutely love to get an RME set up with a decent card and a breakout box - but I could easily spend over a thousand that way. I can get an audiophile 192 for less than £50 - so I reckon that's the choice for now!


    When I'm a famous musician bringing in lots of money then I'll go with an RME setup...

  5. Funnily enough I'd pretty much already settled on the 192 - which was where I first noticed that several cards use the same driver...


    BTW - which arch package is the envy24control in? Is it just the alsa package?

  6. So I finally managed to turn our outhouse into my little recording studio. But my soundcard is rubbish (soundblaster live) - so I want to buy another one. I've been looking through the sound card matrix to see what is well supported and I notice that a large number of cards use exactly the same drivers. Especially the USB based ones which all seem, with a few exceptions, to use the same driver.


    Now that's all well and good, but different cards have different features and different AD/DA qualities - are the drivers flexible enough to be able to make use of those?


    I don't want to spend money on a soundcard expecting that I'll get 24bit/96khz quality and find out I only get 16bit/48khz... Despite the card being up to it...

  7. I've spent the last couple of days getting most of my games installed - probably won't spend much time with them, but at least they're there if I want them...


    Anyway - I've discovered that sound doesn't work for games: RTCW & Duke 3D. RTCW I'm sure is simply because I've got jackd running and it's hopping /dev/dsp - at least as far as RTCW is concerned...


    So what I need to know is - is there any way of getting RTCW to either use jack for it's output or to being able to work around it?


    Also - can anyone shed any light on the Duke3D sound thing? It's not as simple as the jack issue...

  8. For the repeater to work it needs to have the same SSID as the router... My machines are also configured to only access that SSID - and they should always go for the strongest signal but, for some reason they don't...


    Repeaters seem to be more expensive and more difficult to setup. Maybe you could try using a high gain antenna.


    The repeater being expensive is irrelevant since I've already bought it! Actually it's not irrelevant because it's more incentive to get the thing working!

  9. I do intend to set up encryption but it's not urgent as no-one around here has wireless... Once it's beyond my router it's all plain text anyway!


    I also did try using the MAC filtering to get it working but it only seems to allow one device to be connected at any one time... :unsure:


    Does anyone have any other ideas as to how I might get this working? My signal strength/consistency is much better when using the router...

  10. Well - if anyone's interested - I had some interesting results to trying this. There wasn't much chance to access a USB port until I got to New York. The satellite box in our hotel room had a USB port so I figured - "why not give it a try?". There were no problems charging my phone - although it was very slow. My Archos, however, was a different story. The Archos seemed to believe it was being charged, however it only seemed to be switched on every time it was plugged in. With the result that it completely drained while we were there...

  11. We're flying out to the states on Wednesday and I was hoping to take my Archos player with me. The only thin I'm not sure about is if I'll be able to charge it. I know the voltage is different from Europe, but I wondered if charging over USB would work. I'm assuming probably not, but I don't know much about this kind of thing - so I thought I'd ask...

  12. I have a wireless router that, because of where my cable internet comes into the house, is located in a small outhouse/study next to the house. This has meant that that there are several bits on the far side of the house from the router that don't get reasonable signal.


    I bought a wireless repeater in the hopes of solving that problem and assumed that my cards would automatically try and connect to the strongest signal - but this doesn't seem to be the case. They seem to try and connect to the router at least as often as they connect to the repeater.


    What I really want to do is try and find a way to force all my wireless cards to connect to the repeater rather than the router - which will only have a direct wireless connection with the repeater.


    I do have MAC address filtering on both and wondered whether only allowing the repeater's MAC to connect to the router would do the trick - but I wondered if perhaps, rather than solving my problem, this might actually just mean that some connections (ones that try the router) simply fail...


    Does anyone have any idea if my solution will work - or if there is a better one...? There is, at present, no encryption on the network - although I'd like to do that at some point in the future...

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