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Posts posted by arctic

  1. you can look in cooker-files (e.g. by setting up cooker via easyurpmi, but be careful not to "destroy" your base-system!) for newer kernels. the brand new 2.6.8 kernel needs to be configured by you manually. you can get it only as tar.gz file right now. if you want to compile the 2.6.8 kernel, be sure to have the latest compiling-libraries on your box and that you have enough spare-time. ;)

  2. hi, hiltonizer and welcome aboard. :)


    in order to change the language of openoffice, go to the menu, select extras → options → languagesettings and select the language you need. i hope this is all you need to do (it always worked for me).


    good luck :thumbs:

  3. you can access the relevant thing you need in the following manner:

    open a terminal/a console (that is the black-monitor icon), type:


    then enter the root password

    then type:


    and select your monitor-resolution settings.

    keep in mind that everything you type in a console is case sensitive, so if you type xfdrake, the app won't open. ;)


    good luck :thumbs:

  4. hi, linuxpenguin.


    you can install it in a very simple way. open the mandrake control center (mcc), which will likely be called "configure your computer". when it asks you to enter a password, enter the root password. then go to software-selection [manage software] → install packages and select the desktopenvironments you want to install (which is KDE in this case). you can install nearly everything via the mcc but you can alternatively use the console (terminal program) and use urpmi to install packages (e.g. urpmi -a <name of application/desktop environment>).

    good luck. :)


    p.s.: hehehe.... devries was typing faster than i was... hats off! ;)

  5. there is an ALSA option in xmms. i a not in front of my mdk box right now, but simply browse through the options/preferences (or however they called it) in xmms. you should find it. i think i says OSS by default. so change OSS to ALSA. :)

  6. hi.

    well, it seems that the rpm is probably the wrong one. as you might see, it is designed for i386. but mandrake usually uses some mdk.i586 rpms (i assume you are running mdk9.2 or 10). if you find some .srpm file, you can build your own rpm with it. otherwise, try to grab the sources in tar.gz format and compile it. if more info is required, please post your questions. :)

  7. fedora 3, because i wonder if they finally manage to add to the nice appearance the speed that i always hoped for in fc1 and 2 but never got. also the installation could be better, as the administration... ah yes and the media issues (e.g. xmms/mp3). we will see, how well they develop. but fedora is imho definitely one of the most promising desktop-projects out there.

    didn`t vote mdk, because i didn`t expect big steps there (only minor improvements), and debian, `cause i never used it (and probably never will... but who knows?)

  8. yeah, it is pretty "old" and was published e.g. at yahoo and other popular sites. but nonetheless, i find it interesting that this story goes round and round in the net and gets published as "news". and it is even more interesting, if you look at it as a proof of the constant switching of microsofts policy. it looks as if they really don't know how to react to linux and linux based distros. are they unable to co-exist with linux and apple? it seems as if they don't want to although linux and apple are one of the best things to happen to microsoft, as they (ms) have to be creative again (something they forgot over time imho) and that they have to CARE about their everyday users.

    Allchin points to new features in the version of Windows due in 2007 that will allow users to remotely turn PCs on or off, with programs still running. Searches will extend across all data like e-mail, photos, Word. "We're creating things," he says.

    yes, it is a well known feature for linux-users already. but this is also maybe the best proof that linux and apple finally give microsoft a push in the right direction. now, you can say, in terms of competition that linux might loose one advantage over windows, but keep the big masses of windows-users in mind that are unwilling/unable to install another os on their box (as if they would know another os than windows...) but will get a better os due to linux and apple then.

    i don't think that adapting linux and apple stuff for windows will kill off linux. it never will (due to security reasons and money-stuff). linux will be there for quite a loooong time. but evenso, i think that it is not linux' primary goal to "erase" windows and replace it. no, linux-distros should be the better desktop and server solution that constantly shows innovation and thus pushes other os's in the right direction.

  9. hehehe... he tries to do that stuff as normal user and not as root. so ... it is quite logical that it doesn`t work. :lol:

    okay, before you do that stuff, log in as root in the console, typing "su", then at prompt enter the password. then it should work. :)

  10. ooops... sorry, i should read your postings better. :lol:

    hmmm... just an idea: you can configure your network via the config-scripts, then you should not need mcc, i guess. afterwards you could possibly set up some easyurpmi-ftp-mirrors and update your system. maybe the updates have some tweaks that stop this "bug/problem/headache". :unsure:

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