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Posts posted by MottS

  1. From http://xinehq.de/index.php/faq#QUICKTIME


    Quicktime is just a system layer (container format) which can contain various different audio and video formats. The system layer itself is fully supported in xine. However, only very few typically used quicktime audio/video codecs are natively supported yet. Luckily, if you are using a x86 compatible machine (any recent PC hardware should do) you can install and use the original Quicktime DLLs and watch most streams (trailers) that can be downloaded from the net. 



    Possibly the most convenient way to get the Quicktime DLLs is to download them from the mplayer website http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/. The package is called "QuickTime5 DLLs". Unpack it and move everything you find inside to /usr/lib/win32 (actually you can place them anywhere you want, e.g. someplace in your homedirectory, but then you'll have to set codec.win32_path in your xine config file accordingly). Restart xine then and you should be able to watch Quicktime trailers.





  2. GOOD!


    In your original lilo.conf you have boot=/dev/hdb7 while you should install lilo in /dev/hda. This is why it didn't work.


    For the 'nothing in /boot' ... did you create a seperate /boot partition when you first install MDK? I guess this is why you got the fatar error. You actually had to mount it in the chrooted environment.



  3. Hi mtweidmann


    Here is what I would do with your problem.


    1) Boot cd1 of Mandrake 9.1 (your dvd should do the trick)

    2) After the boot, press F1 and type 'rescue'

    3) At the menu, select 'Go to console'

    4) At the console, mount your partition on with lilo.conf reside. That should look like that:

    mount -t reiserfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/disk

    5) Change the root directory as follow

    chroot /mnt/disk /bin/bash

    6) Edit lilo so that you install Lilo in the MBR of the FIRST HD (boot=/dev/hda and NOT boot=/dev/hdb7). Something like that:

















      append="devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off"







      append="failsafe devfs=nomount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off"










    7) Now run Lilo at the console and see if there is any error.

    lilo -v

    8 ) Type 'exit' to exit the temporary chrooted environment and 'reboot' to .. hum .. reboot.


    You should see lilo now =)





  4. Hi jeanrev


    I have check on the Turboprint website and found this:




    According to this webpage, you don't have to go through all the steps you wrote upthere (your first post). Actually you have to first install the RPM as follow:


    bash-2.05b$ su
    bash-2.05b# rpm -ivh turboprint-1.xx.rpm


    and second you have to start the printer setup tool "xtpsetup" to choose a printer driver. So in the same console type




    and choose your printer ..


    Good luck



  5. but since your shared files are out there for the picking, the RIAA easily knows what you're making available same as anyone else.

    Yes you are right. But you are just a little grain of sand on a large beach. I would not worry about that .. especially if you are not the 'ripper' that is the first one to share stuff (mp3, iso image of the last Windows version, games, etc etc etc). If you share 'Metallica - enter sandman' and like million other people share this file also then I don't see why they would bother with you. Personnaly I don't mind.


    Take it easy.



  6. Wow, didn't now the Turboprint setup was so sofisticated.


    Ok, first of all, did you try to set your printer from the Mandrake Control Center before? If you didn't, look inthere, there is a nice wizard that will guide you through the necessary steps to configure your printer.


    If the MCC does not recognizes your printer then YES you have to use the Turboprint driver. The procedure your copy-pasted here is pretty straight forward. Basically you have to open up a console (you know the black thing that look like DOS). Then you have to type in what they told you to type. Basically type


    xhost + 
    su root 
    export DISPLAY=:0.0 
    cd turboprint-1.xx


    Of course unzip the driver before (type 'tar xvfz turboprint-1.xx.tar.gz'). Replace the xx by the version number. The setup windows should appear and follow the instruction ...


    Isn't simple enought?



  7. I am running guarddog and gtk-gnutella, and I was wondering if the record companies could still scan my computer to see how many items of copyrighted materail I could possibly be sharing?  Supposedly my computer is invisable, I went to a web site that scans for ports.  How vulnerable am I? 

    I suppose you have been at those places. If you are completely STEALTH from the internet then you are not vulnerable at all. Sleep easy man!


    And isn't it illegal for them to scan for that information?

    I have no idea here. But if I get your IP and find an open port and exploit that port (like Windows file sharing .. good old port 139), is this illegal? This is exactly what they do actually .. so I don't think this is legal. Whatever .. you are STEALTH so no problem here.



  8. Well, you basically have to boot the floppy (the one with the network.img on it) and follow the instruction.


    From here, let's call the computer with 2 working cdroms computer #1 and the one on which the cdroms aren't working computer #2.


    BUT, since both computers are close to each other, why not just unplug a cdrom from computer #1 and put it in computer #2? Now you can install MDK. After the intall just put it back in computer #1. If you want to install/upgrade packages you can still use the power of urpmi. Look at this.





  9. Hey, I have a simpler idea. Instead of sending you an email when there is a new file (or one was deleted), why not just opening Konqueror (or Mozilla or whatever) to the FTP site. This way the user would be warn in real time! No need to check mails!


    So instead of

        if [ "${newfiles}" != "" ]; then 
            echo "Files uploaded since last log:" 
            echo "$newfiles" | awk '{printf "t"$NF"n"}' 
        elif [ "${removedfiles}" != "" ]; then 
            echo "Files deleted since last check:" 
            echo "$removedfiles" | awk '{printf "t"$NF"n"}' 
            echo "No changes in remote dir since last log." 


    What about

        if [ "${newfiles}" != "" ]; then 
    	 konqueror $FTPDIR &
        elif [ "${removedfiles}" != "" ]; then 
    	 konqueror $FTPDIR &


    The browser (Konq in my case) could even put in a variable on top of the script.


    .. my 2 cents since I'm unable to modify the script so that it sends mails automatically :-(



  10. SpaceCadet, on your Linux box, put the Aru's script in your home (let's call it /home/SpaceCadet/Aruscript) and make sure it is executable (as specified by ab2ms). Now open a console, become root (type 'su' and enter your password) and configure the system so that the Aru's script is run every 10 minutes. To do so, open the crond file (type 'crontab -e') and enter the following line into it:

    */10 * * * * /home/SpaceCadet/Aruscript

    Now save it (press Esc and type ':wq'). Make sure crond is running by typing

    service crond status

    The output should be obvious if it is running. Now the only thing you have to do is to modify the script a little so that it email you something if any new files have been uploaded. But you know Aru now .... :lol:





  11. ARU ... You have the BA$H MASTER!!!!!!!!!!


    Your script works like crazy man! Didn't know wget was able to list directories on remove FTP site. I thought it was only for HTTP stuff. This is why I suggested the 'ftpscript.txt' thing. Whatever it works!!!!!!!!


    Lucky SpaceCadet.



  12. Some ideas:






    The ftp script could be


    user username password


    ls > log.'date +%m%d%Y'



    Not sure if it works 'tho.


    The rest of the crond job could compare the old log.txt with the new one and warns you when something changes. You could just sleep while waiting for a 'beep' .. lucky you. I wanna job like that!!!


    well .. this is just an idea :lol:



  13. You have to either run a 'share' level security or 'user'. Now, if you are asked for a password then you run a 'user' level security samba. Read the following and modify your /etc/samba/smb.conf according to your needs.


    'share' Or 'user' Level Security



    Samba has two authentication models which do not rely on a third server, 'share' and 'user'. On 'share' level security, requests are authenticated per share, on 'user' level, the default, the request is authenticated before listing the shares.


    While this seems to be a minor detail, it is worth considering which level you want. The 'share' level makes it easier to set up public shares on the Linux server, whereas the 'user' level provides a bit more comfort and security for authenticated logins.


    In the first incarnation of this article back in '99, I described the setup using the 'share' level. In it's second incarnation in '01, I switched to 'user'. Each attempt left some people unsatisfied. So this time, I'm going to describe both, and you can choose which one you want to implement ;-).


    section index  top


    Configuring A 'share level' Samba Server



    Either use SWAT or open '/etc/samba/smb.conf' in a text editor as 'root'. Change the workgroup default value to the one you are using on your network. Change security = user to security = share. Search for the [tmp] section and remove the semicolons in front of these lines:


    [tmp]   comment = Temporary file space   path = /tmp   read only = no   public = yes


    Save and start the Samba server as 'root' with


    service smb start


    This allows all clients ('public = yes') in your workgroup to access the '/tmp' directory on your Linux machine and to put files there ('read-only = no').


    Accessing Home Directories

    Example: Your account name on the Linux machine is 'jim', your profile name on the Windows machine is 'Jim Smith'. You want to use your 'Jim Smith' profile to access your 'jim' home directory.


    Open '/etc/samba/smb.conf' in an editor as 'root'.  

    Remove the semicolon in front of the line username map = /etc/samba/smbusers  

    Open '/etc/samba/smbusers' as 'root' in an editor. Add the line jim = "Jim Smith"  

    As 'root', run the command smbpasswd -a jim using jim's account password as the new Samba password.  

    Restart Samba as 'root' with service samba restart  

    Go to your Windows machine and hit the 'reload' button in the 'Network Neighbor'. A new folder ('jim') will appear. Double click on it, provide the password (not the password of the profile on the Windows machine, but the password of the 'jim' account on the Linux machine!), et voila, jim's home directory.  

    Explanation: In '/etc/samba/smb.conf', you'll find this entry:


    [homes]   comment = Home Directories   browseable = no   writable = yes


    This opens all valid home directories on the Linux machine for read / write access. In order to access a home directory, the user profile name from the Windows machine has to match the Linux account name the home directory belongs to. Otherwise the share isn't even displayed ('browseable = no').

    In order to map a Windows user profile name to a Unix account name, the file '/etc/samba/smbusers' is used. Notice that you can map an arbitrary number of profile names against a Unix account name. If the profile name contains empty spaces, it has to be enclosed in quotes.

    Alternatively you can create a user profile on the Windows machine with a user name which matches the Unix account name ('jim' in the given example). Then no mapping on the Linux machine has to be performed.


    SMB and the Unix user account system both use one-way encrypted authentication. Since there is no way to decrypt one of these systems and thus compare hashes, Samba needs its own password file, '/etc/samba/smbpasswd'.

    Notice that accounts added to that file via the 'smbpasswd' commandhave to be valid accounts on the Linux system. The passwords do not have to match, though, that is you can set a Samba password different from that account's password on the Unix machine. Using the '-n' option to 'smbpasswd', you can also 'create' passwordless accounts, but then you have to add null passwords = yes to 'smb.conf' in order to allow clients to access shares under these accounts.

    Changes to the '/etc/samba/smbpasswd' file require restarting the Samba server to take effect.


    section index  top


    Configuring A 'user level' Samba Server



    Open '/etc/samba/smb.conf' as 'root' in the editor of your choice:


    Set the 'workgroup' value to the workgroup your MS Windows machines are members of.


    Below that option add this line:


    map to guest = Bad User


    Scroll down to ; guest account = pcguest Remove the semicolon and replace 'pcguest' with 'ftp'  

    Scroll down to [tmp] and remove the semicolons from these lines:


    ;[tmp];   comment = Temporary file space;   path = /tmp;   read only = no;   public = yes


    The first step makes the Samba server a member of the Windows workgroup. The last opens the '/tmp' directory ('path = /tmp') for read / write access ('read only = no') to every member ('public = yes') of the workgroup. The second and third step need some more elaborate explaining.


    In 'user' level security mode, 'Samba' relies on '/etc/samba/smbpasswd' to decide if a connection request is granted or not. That is, authentication is performed before the available shares are listed. In 'share' level security, shares appear on the browse list without authentication (unless browseable = no is set).


    If you try to connect (e.g. by clicking on the machine name in the 'Network Neighborhood' window) from a Windows machine with a user profile name / password combination not listed in '/etc/samba/smbpasswd', you will be presented with the dreaded 'IPC$' share password window. This window is bogus, you can't provide a matching password.


    In order to allow non-authenticated connections from the workgroup, Samba has to be configured to treat requests with 'invalid' SMB account names as 'guest' logins and to map that 'guest' login to an existing system account. That's what you are doing in steps two and three.


    Now start (or restart) the Samba server with


    service smb start


    Open the 'Network Neighborhood' on a Windows machine and display the workgroup. Your Linux Samba server should now appear along the other machines. Double click on it and the 'tmp' share should be displayed. Congratulations! ;-).


    Accessing Home Directories



    Example: Your account name on the Linux machine is 'jim', your profile name on the Windows machine is 'Jim Smith'. You want to use your 'Jim Smith' profile to access your 'jim' home directory.


    Open '/etc/samba/smb.conf' in an editor as 'root'.  

    Remove the semicolon in front of the line username map = /etc/samba/smbusers  

    Open '/etc/samba/smbusers' as 'root' in an editor. Add the line jim = "Jim Smith"  

    As 'root', run the command smbpasswd -a jim using the password for the 'Jim Smith' Windows user profile as the new Samba password.  

    Restart Samba as 'root' with service samba restart  

    Hit the 'reload' button in the 'Network Neighbor'. A new folder ('jim') will appear. Double click on it, et voila, jim's home directory.  

    Notice that in contrast to 'share' level security, you will not receive a password request upon entering the home directory. This is because you have already been authenticated earlier.


    SOURCE: The 'OLD DOCS' button top right of this forum ;-)



  14. I was looking for something I could do a drive to drive image.


    What about dd then?


    Or assuming both HD (the old one and the new one) are in the computer, boot cd1 of Mandrake, press F1 and type 'rescue'. At the menu, select 'go to console'. Now you can use cp to copy the old drive to the new one...


    Or .. look for your Win software .. Maybe it was Ghost or DriveCopy?



  15. I don't thing there is a place where you can change it. However, you could just replace the stock 'kmenu.png' in the KDE dir for anything you need. Just rename your image (has to be 64x64 or something ..) for 'kmenu.png' and put it at the same place as the stock one and restart kicker. Don't forget to backup the original one! Something like:


    bash-2.05b$ su
    bash-2.05b# locate kmenu | grep /usr/kde/3.1/share/icons/
    warning: locate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8 days old
    bash-2.05b# cd /usr/kde/3.1/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/
    bash-2.05b# mv kmenu.png kmenu.png.bak
    bash-2.05b# mv kmenu_new.png kmenu.png
    bash-2.05b# pidof "kdeinit: kicker"
    bash-2.05b# kill 1208
    bash-2.05b# exit
    bash-2.05b$ kicker &
    [1] 24572


    NOTE: On Gentoo, KDE is in /usr/kde/3.1/ so adjust the 'slocate' command to suit Mandrake.


    Hope this helps



  16. I 'by-passed' the the soffice shortcut. Look into the program/ folder. In it there is an executable for all the soffice apps (scalc, swriter, etc..). You can do a symlink to those executable from your desktop if you want. Mine are there (Star office is in the 'Star Office' folders):


    "/home/gd/Programs/Star Office/program/scalc"

    "/home/gd/Programs/Star Office/program/swriter"





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