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Everything posted by fred_the_fish

  1. Don - open the KDE Control Panel, and select Componets --> File Associations Now find the html, php, and other http tabs that you want Firefox to open by default, add FireFox to the default list, and increase its preference to be higher than the others... Simple really :D
  2. well that is a symbolic link for all you lot who don't know... a symlink is like a dummy file that points to the correct file. - like shortcuts in windows, but better.. As to why you have to symlink those two files together, I'm stumped - you shouldn't... they should do it automatically - well... they did for me anyway!
  3. friad I is stumped.. I did a fresh install of my system on wednesday, and got firefox working in exactly the way I told you. Firefox will work if you take out libflashplayer.so from the plugins dir, but then you won't have working flash.
  4. Forget I asked... I guess I'll be wanting PovRay or Blender...
  5. used it in windows, got some great backgrounds etc... My question is this, does anyone know of anythign similar in linux that I can use?
  6. libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 is in the gcc2.96 rpms: gcc2.96-2.96-0.83mdk, gcc2.96-cpp-2.96-0.83mdk and gcc2.96-c++-2.96-0.83mdk are the pagackages that have to be installed for flash6 to run. Try this... - i.e. go to system --> Configuration --> Packaging --> install software, and type in gcc2.96 ...
  7. me dumb :( forgot them,... but they should have been auto installed...
  8. Odd... ok, just as a hack, go to where you unzipped the flash installer, and run the install program. It will extract some files to /home/username/.mozilla/plugins take the two flash ones, and put them into /usr/share/firefox/plugins
  9. I take it that it all works now then? Welcome to Linux, Welcome to Mandrake, and Welcome to MandrakeUsers.... In the future, there is a list of FAQs and How-To's that explain most of this stuff... so have a look in there :D Actually, as a last pointer, to check that you have java working correctly, go to can I See Java?
  10. No Fussy,.... UT rocks! on a geforce 4 ti 4600 overclocked by nice Mr Asus... sorry... meaningless post :P
  11. bvc - I know, but I thought it easiest to demonstrate gunzip and then tar first... as for firefox - put it in the usr/share. It will run better then - no need to set security permisions on /home/username/firefox. It still creates a local dir on the home drive, and this is what you should back up - look for /home/username/.phoenix ! - and indeed, this is where the profile will be kept. Surely preferable to having umpteen copies of firefox installed on a system.... Firefox doesn't auto-find plugins - you need to put the flash ones and the java plugin symlink into the plugins directory. If your in a multi user environment, its best to put them into the /usr/share/firefox/plugins folder - everyone can use them then. Otherwise, put them into /home/username/.phoenix/plugins Now installing extra plugins just for certain users, I'd recomend putting them into the .phoenix/plugins folder... (when you put them in the plugins folder, it will then find everything it needs from them, and you don't need to do anything else...)
  12. Sorry my fault... change the cp command to... (copy recursive, as in, copy everything from here down...) My Bad, I apologise :( Any more problems, post them and I or others shall try to answer tomorrow...
  13. Righty... java... First, ask yourself a question... "Do you feel lucky..." oops wrong forum First, ask yourself a question... "Do I want to a/ just run java, or do I want to /b write java also?" If the answer is /a, then you need the jre. If /b was the answer, you need the sdk. Upon making your descision, go to sun's java download site (this is for java 1.4.2, if you want 1.5.0 (its in beta mode - means not complety finished.. I've got it though, and I haven't yet had a problem...) go to 1.5.0 After making your choice, accept sun's terms and conditions, and proceed deeeeeeeeeep into the downloads site... you should now get a choice of Linux RPM or Linux Self Extracting... plus some others. Grab the the RPM - its MUCH easier... Ok, you've downloaded the file.. I've got the sdk (I code java :D), but the instructions for installing the jre will be basically the same... (just ammend j2re and version number for your download..) right, open a terminal and go to where you downloaded the java rpm too. Now you need to make the file executable, and then run it to extract the RPM.. Now that you have the rpm extracted, su and run it.. (this will install it) Congratulations... Java is now installed :D _WOOHOO!!_ Now we need to let firefox know where to find the plugin... so, cd to the dir you installed firefox, and now go into the plugins dir.. and create a symbolic link to the java plugin... (Note, use the ns7 one - the ns7-gcc one does NOT work correctly with this version of firefox..) Right.. thats the java plugin almost installed for firefox... we can now get the flash installed and then start firefox.. Flash is installed by: first grab this file: flash 6 now gunzip it now copy the files libflashplayer.so and flashplayer.xpt to the /usr/share/firefox/plugins directory Congrats... Flash is now installed :D Now you just need to get firefox running... You can close the root terminal now - you no longer need root access, so as your own user, go to where you installed firefox, and run the firefox program to start it... Now there is one thing left to do... add firefox to your menu (you don't want to go to this directory everytime you want to run firefox..) So right click on the KDE start icon, and select "Menu Editor", then go to the most likely place to put it (I'd suggest Internet --> Web browsers. Click "Add Application", enter a name (Firefox???!) and in command, type /usr/share/firefox/firefox . You will probably want an icon for it, so then click the icon tab, and on the path dropdown, select "user defined", and type in /usr/share/firefox/icons and hit enter. Now select your nice furry icon, and hit the save button. There, all done. Now, if you go to the start menu, and hit the firefox tab, it will start (if it gives you a session box, you didn't close the one you opend from the command line.. so close them both, and start again).. now you have a working java and flash enabled firefox... you lucky guy.. :D
  14. First suggestion - read the readme... second... I'm goina write this cause I'm bored with nothing better to do so lucky you righty... you've grabbed firefox.. good for you :D - I use it, its great. I also use Opera - its great too :D anyways, the first thing you need to do is un-tar it... If I was you, I'd have grabbed the gtk2 version of firefox... (firefox gtk2 so, now untar it - easiest and quickest is from command line. - open a terminal, cd to where you saved the file, and then do the following: now copy this directory to somewhere - like /usr/share/firefox - if your copying to /usr/share , you will need to be root, so su and create the folder... then move it... (now you can run firefox from /usr/share/firefox, but we haven't finished yet... hey you wanted flash and java didn't you?) I'll do java in the next post... - going to grab some info for you...
  15. Hhmm... java isn't rocket science... just follow mine and Sun's instructions... trust me, it works - I did it just two days ago when I put mdk10 on my new hd... If you get lost, post back here with where you got to..
  16. Well if thats the case, you should be ok because mdk10 is default kernel 2.6 However, I use a geforce, so don't quote me...
  17. Pap... guess I'm going to have to get around to writing my own app for a taskbar then :P
  18. Tyme... out of interest, is this a function that is possible in gnome? Also, for others out there... is it possible to use something else in kde to fulfil my ambitions?
  19. Simple way to do it is.. go to for the JRE or for the SDK #note... if you want to write java, you will need the sdk version /# extract them (follow the instructions from JRE or SDK. Then, open a terminal, and create a symlink to the javaplugin file from within the plugins director of your mozilla account - i.e. (replace the actual values with your java install... if your using the latest versions of firefox or mozilla, then use the ns7 plugin, the ns7-gcc one won't work...) Then, hopefully, bobbies your uncle :D
  20. I hate short answers like that :*( DRAT! KDE... get your thumbs outa your arses and implement it...
  21. So I've been throwing things around and making it look nice... mmmm transparency :P (shame it isn't true transparency..) Anyway, my question... using the external taskbar in KDE, how do I set this also to be transparent? - kinda a waste of time having everything else looking nicely skinned and my kicker being nicely transparent with a gold tint :P, when my external taskbar isn't....
  22. OK.. ignore that, I appear to have mis-set the proxy now where is that :dumbass: icon? But xmms still doesn't work.. ahwell, some things... just aren't meant to be I guess...
  23. OK... Well I've installed grip, set up the proxy, and pointed the master cddb to uk.freedb.org... but... it grip also won't work. KsCD grabs the data, and then grip will use it, but otherwise, I can't get anything :( ideas? Am I being thick?
  24. Telewest in the UK infact have as a company policy that they can not install broadband services to non microsoft operating systems. One of my friends works for them... he tells me its because their engineers (that is "software engineers") do not understand linux! LIKE WTF??? I'm doing a software engineering degree... how you coulld become a software engineer without having to gain at least partiial knoweldge in linux / unix is beyond me! As for the MAC... yes... do as...
  25. escan Amazing peice of anti-virus technology. Its based on Kaspersky Labs AVP, but offers some serious enhancements. I had it running at the school I used to work at, and actually watched as Blaster came down the feed from the county council, and escan picked it up and threw it out. Within Powys, I believe that my school was the only one that did NOT get hit by blaster... purely due to this piece of software - everyone else was running Norton, Sophus etc... If your going to do anything in windows, this is the one I'd recomend to protect your pc with. It also includes firewall technology now...
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