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Everything posted by Relic2K

  1. All went fine with my upgrade; I too noted the following though - Cut and Pasting URLs into Mozilla doesn't work, - WineX will not run properly due to new Glibc, - Still unable to watch DVD with Xine or Ogle, due to package discrepancies, - Lost Pref Bar, but was able to rebuild from scratch, - Unable to upgrade via diskette, and images on HD, due to using XFS, unable to see ISO images to upgrade, - Loki_Update Tool still sproadic, but thanks to "Ravage" was able to find some work arounds. That is pretty much it for me.
  2. Ravage; Thanks a tonn, this worked. Will see when the next patch comes out if there are any problems with the loki update tool.
  3. I uninstalled all references of the loki_update tool, then reinstalled the new version which seems to work to a point, I am still seeing a GTK error, when trying to install an update. It still sees UT2003 as not being running the 2199 patch, then tries to download all the patches and install them, which errors out as usual. Is there a file I can edit in UT2003 so that the Loki Update sees it is already running the current 2199 patch ? When I extract the patches, and edit the update.sh script, it is still saying. "ERROR: No matching delta for /usr/local/games/ut2003/updater/update", thanks.
  4. It is trying to upgrade to that version, but that is one that keeps craping out on me. I tried to do the CVS thingy, but it wouldn't do much better either.
  5. Ravage; Okay I was able to patch and update Tribes2 after editing the update.sh file. UT2003 errored out saying "no matching delta", but that may have been from manually patching the game using a .tar.gz patch, and just uncompressing the file to /usr/local/games/ut2003 . I can still not actually run the Loki Update tool anymore though, it finally just gets caught in a loop of trying to download it's own update, and trying to install it.
  6. I think when I did the upgrade, something changed with the kernel sources, using SMP and all. So I had to reinstall them again. It worked though.
  7. I was luck enough that I still had the lower panel left, with nothing on it. I was able to right click on it and re-add the top panel again with the launcher and all.
  8. Got it all back finally, I had to readd the panels and set everything up again. Thanks for the help dude. One last question for you though. How do I mount the ISO images in the FSTAB ? I have the general idea, but not sure about the options part ? Yeah it sucks about using XFS, maybe this is why I am having such a hard time with the games as well. Just a thought, I never used XFS before, and I never had problems upgrading or applying patches for each game.
  9. Hey; Anyone know how to get the Launcher Menu, and applet bar at the top of the Gnome desktop ? After upgrading from RC 1 to RC 2, it seems to have disappeared on me and I don't know how to get it back. I don't like running my programs from a terminal window, and I really don't want to have to create a new laucher for every program that I use in Mandrake. HELP !! Thanks.
  10. MottS; The floppy idea wouldn't work, so I just upgraded using CDs. Problem now is that my Destop is messed up big time. My launcher and bar at the top of the desktop are gone, any idea how to restore it, or at least get into my settings to restore it ?
  11. I just upgraded to RC 2, and am about to try this again. Thank god I wrote it down last time LOL
  12. Unable to locate the ISO image due to filesystem I am running. I have XFS running on partitions except for swap ...etc. Why would this be a problem ?
  13. MottS; I was editing my post to ask you, what goes in the fstab to mount the images automatically ? I must have been editing it as you were replying. Sorry. /mnt/cd(x) /mnt/path/to/isoimage,fs=iso9660 -o loop ? So far the boot floppy isn't working. The first time it errored out, bad floppy I think, going to give it another try using the following command; mke2fs /dev/fd0 dd if=/mnt/cd1/images/hd.img of=/dev/fd0 Both seemed to run this time without errors.
  14. MottS; I want to give this a try, just so I can see how it runs, and so that I can say I did an upgrade this way. Perhaps I may add to my list of things on the Website. I am confused about the disk dump option, am I creating a new hd.list of the ISO Images ? Or am I copying the ISO image contents of the mounted CD 1 to floppy ? Also should this process be done for all 3 CDs ? I understand about RSYNC now. What do I put in my fstab to get the images to mount at boot time ? /mnt/cd1 /mnt/path/to/isoimage ??????? not sure about the rest of the settings ?
  15. I am also using XFS filesystem, could this have anything to do with it Ravage ?
  16. Will give it a shot as soon as I get a chance, but will keep you updated. Thanks dude.
  17. I would actually prefer to upgrade from CD MottS. Thanks for the info though. I have downloaded all 3 CD images, using RSYNC, but they don't seem to be any smaller ? Why is this ? I could have just used FTP to do the same thing. I though RSYNC would only download the parts of the Images which were different from RC 1 ?
  18. This is the only thing working for me in 9.1 RC 1 right now. Everything else seems to be barely working. What do you mean you are trying to copy biger files to the virtual filesystem ? Are you running Linux as the Guest or Host OS ? What version of Windows are you installing or running it on ?
  19. I too am a big supporter of WineX, whether it is via CVS or RPM, it plays the games I know will not be ported, or at least not currenly being ported. I ran like a charm until I upgraded to 9.1 RC 1, now gaming barely works, and this includes WineX. It will not even run now to allow me to install HL-Op4. Good I should have left everything on 9.0 until the final release of 9.1, but I am sure the bugs would have been around even then. Most if it that I am finding, is because of the new package version being used, GCC, GTK, etc...Even linux native games are giving me a hard time. The only reliable game that runs in 9.1 is Q3A, and Team Arena. They update for the games even worked. Looks like I will be playing a tonn of Urban Terror online LMAO.
  20. Okay rsync seems to be better now. Is there a way to upgrade to RC 2 with out having to boot off CDs ? I know I can mount the ISO images, but how do upgrade without going through the entire installation again ?
  21. I followed the tutorial at both sites, but nothing is downloaded using rsync. I am currently running RC 1, and I ran RSYNC against RC 2. There was download information displayed but it didn't appear to have downloaded any data, and I am not getting any errors either. One question I do have, is if I require the RC 1 ISO on my hard drive for it to compare against ? Here is the out put. ______________________________________________________________ [root@user 9.1]# rsync -Pz --stats carroll.cac.psu.edu::mandrake-iso/i586/MandrakeLinux-9.1rc2-CD1.i586.iso Welcome to The Pennsylvania State University / Center for Academic Computing FTP Archives at carroll.cac.psu.edu Due to U.S. Exports Regulations, all cryptographic software on this site is subject to the following legal notice: This site includes publicly available encryption source code which, together with object code resulting from the compiling of publicly available source code, may be exported from the United States under License Exception "TSU" pursuant to 15 C.F.R. Section 740.13(e). This legal notice applies to cryptographic software only. Please see the Bureau of Export Administration, http://www.bxa.doc.gov/ for more information about current U.S. regulations. Public mirror sites who use our rsyncd may want to contact us for access to a restricted-access rsyncd to better avoid being blocked out. Please send suggestions/comments to ftp@carroll.cac.psu.edu. -rw-r--r-- 682131456 2003/03/03 13:28:05 MandrakeLinux-9.1rc2-CD1.i586.iso rsync[24948] (receiver) heap statistics: arena: 12952 (bytes from sbrk) ordblks: 2 (chunks not in use) smblks: 0 hblks: 0 (chunks from mmap) hblkhd: 0 (bytes from mmap) usmblks: 0 fsmblks: 0 uordblks: 12320 (bytes used) fordblks: 632 (bytes free) keepcost: 312 (bytes in releasable chunk)Number of files: 1 Number of files transferred: 0 Total file size: 682131456 bytes Total transferred file size: 0 bytes Literal data: 0 bytes Matched data: 0 bytes File list size: 52 Total bytes written: 132 Total bytes read: 1062 wrote 132 bytes read 1062 bytes 2388.00 bytes/sec total size is 682131456 speedup is 571299.38
  22. Ravage; Here is the output of the patch tool when I run it as root; [root@user download]# ./loki_patch ut2003lnx_full2126.sh.bin /usr/local/games/ut2003 ERROR: The patch file doesn't contain a complete patch header: # This is the name of the product as listed in the installation registry Product: product # This is an optional component name, used for adding or patching add-ons Component: # This is the version of the product/component after patching Version: 1.1 # This is a description of the patch, printed out at patch time Description: Product 1.0 Update # This is an optional comma separated list of valid architectures Architecture: any # This is an optional comma separated list of valid C library versions Libc: any # This is the version of product or component to which the update applies Applies: 1.0 # This is the name of the update archive on the mirror sites File: product-1.1.run # This is a command line run before the patch process Prepatch: sh pre-patch.sh $PATCH_PRODUCT $PATCH_PATH # This is a command line run after the patch process Postpatch: sh post-patch.sh $PATCH_PRODUCT $PATCH_PATH %LOKI_PATCH 1.0 - Do not remove this line! I am sure this is due to the new version of GTK/GCC being used in Mandrake 9.1 rc 1. Which is why I tried to download the CVS code and recompile it using the new versions of GCC/GTK, but I didn't have much luck with the code. It turned out to be more complicated than it should have been. It also seemed to have problems compiling.
  23. hehehehehehehe Ouch, I guess I really am alone on this one. I did submit a bug report to Ryan and the guys to see what feed back I can get from them....this sucks not being able to play my games online. Anyone know of any export command I can use prior to installing the updates, so that it will ignore the version of GTK that Mandrake is using ? I know I have to use export IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=true before I install the NVIDIA drivers. What I find weird is that the actual setup.sh scripts for the linux games will install without any hitches, but when I go to manually patch the games, then it craps out on me. I even tried downloading the CVS source code for loki_update, loki_setupdb, loki_install, loki_patch, but I can't seem to compile the source code...
  24. In termal window I get this error: loki_update Searching for installed products... done! Gtk-WARNING **: GModule initialization check failed: Gtk+ version too old (micro mismatch) When trying to update I get this error: Performing update Update: /root/.loki/loki_update/tmp/ut2003lnx_full2126.sh.bin Unpacking archive Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing Unreal Tournament 2003 for GNU/Linux 2126 patch..................................................................... ./update.sh: line 62: 3421 Segmentation fault loki_patch --verify patch.dat The program returned an error code (1) Update failed ____________________________________________________ As a further note, Mandrake 9.1 is using GTK+2.0, GCC 3.2.2. and I have manually check and rechecked the CDs and made sure every package related to GTK is installed.
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