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Posts posted by mystified

  1. I set up my printer. All went well and then I tried to use it today. It couldn't find it. So I deleted it from mcc and tried to add it again and it can't detect a printer at all. Obviously I need a printer so any suggestions would be appreciated.


    It's a HP 3520, which is well support, uses a usb port.

  2. Ok, I compiled ndiswrapper from source and followed the directions. Everything seemed to go well when I ran ifconfig -a. It came up with eth0 which had an internal ip address, lo, sit0 and wlan0. But when I tried running alias wlan0 ndiswrapper I get

    alias ndiswrapper not found and wlan0 not found

    It did find the driver and it was installed. eth0 is my direct cable connection, wlan0 is my wireless. Here's the output from wlan0 -

    wlan0	 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:CE:13:E2:08
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::216:ceff:fe13:e208/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:90 (90.0 b)
    	  Interrupt:17 Memory:e2000000-e2002000


    What next?

  3. Yes I know the chipset. I'm going to have to review everything and then work on it. But between school and work it'll probably have to wait until Sunday when I have a day off. I really appreciate all the info. One thing I'm not sure of tho and maybe it was covered and I missed it is how to set up WEP with my encryption key.

  4. As you guys know I've been having fits with mandriva's wireless connection tools. Being a Gentoo user I set up my internet connection manually and I always have well documented wiki's to follow and get step by step instructions from. But I've googled and all I can find are the gui tools for mandriva which are obviously buggy.


    So can anybody tell me how to set up wireless in mandriva, using ndiswrapper, manually? I am determined to get this working. Thanks for your patience! :)



  5. Ok, no connection without encryption. But I'm no longer getting the ndiswrapper error when I shut down. My Nic is a Broadcom BCM438 (Air Force one 54g) 802.11g Wireless Lan controller. The version of ndiswrapper is 1.2.3mdk. I'm using Mandriva 2006 (which seems to be buggy btw). BCMWL5A is my windows driver and yes I can connect in Windows.

  6. I had set up WEP on my laptop and it was working, then it stopped then I got it working again and now it's not working AGAIN.


    I'm getting this message at shutdown


    shutting down wlan0, ndiswrapper  (add_wep_key:711) - adding encryption key 1 failed C0010015


    I've double checked my encryption key and it's correct.


    Suggestions before I switch distros?

  7. I'm not sure what changed but I'm getting the following error when I try to start ssh.


    gentoo mystified # /etc/init.d/sshd restart
    * Stopping sshd ...													  [ ok ]
    ldap_simple_bind_s(): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
    [LDAP] could not initialize ldap connection
    * Starting sshd ...
    ldap_simple_bind_s(): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
    [LDAP] could not initialize ldap connection							   [ ok ]


    I posted this on the gentoo board and someone told me to start my ldap server. I did, got the same error and it caused my cpu to run at 100%.


    any suggestions?

  8. I tried out a new network card in my computer and it didn't work. So I reinstalled the old one. Unfortunately it's not detecting it like it did before and installing it like it should. And if I use ndiswrapper it's still showing the old drivers from the old network card. Something isn't right here. Plus since I've tried configuring the card several times in now shows up several times in hardware. Suggestions?

  9. See networking but I tried installing ubuntu with my old card and it couldn't detect a signal and suggested hardware failure. But the new card didn't work either so I'm returning the new one and putting the old one back in. It worked fine before I decided to go WEP.

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