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Everything posted by mystified

  1. I only bumped it because Ix had posted in the old thread about moving that was from 2004 and I thought it would be confusing to our members to see that as the newest post in this forum. :P
  2. I don't even have floppy drives on my computers. :P
  3. It's not in portage yet but it should be soon. So all I have to do is my daily emerge --sync and emerge -uD world and I'm upgraded. :P
  4. Just wanted to say that this fixed my problem. Thanks ian!
  5. I picked up a cheap $99 computer and used it for about four years and then ran into problems. But it was my spare, play with things, computer. Only I used a kvm switch so I didn't have to mess with another monitor, mouse or keyboard. If you can get a decent one I say go for it.
  6. mystified


    Don't have it installed and don't really want it. Now, that's just plain silly. In gentoo it's under multimedia. ;)
  7. mystified


    It prompts me for my root password and then I get nothing. And the funny thing is that I'm trying to burn my Mandriva DVD because I lost my old one!
  8. Finally had some time to work on the new modular xorg, followed the gentoo doc, everything went smoothly except one problem which had nothing to do with xorg. Solved that and I'm good to go!
  9. mystified


    First off, where is it on the menu? I have to go to run and type k3b. Then I don't even get a chance to set it up. It freezes on scanning for cd devices. I have to use xkill to shut it down. Any suggestions?
  10. Ok, thanks. I'll try it next time I have to shutdown.
  11. No DNS servers. Firewall is the NAT firewall in my router. I'm not typing all of ifconfig but the part I'm looking at is eth0 which shows my internet ip. ifup eth0 just says determining IP information for eth0... done. The contents of ifcg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp NETMASK= ONBOOT=yes METRIC-10 MII_NOT_SUPPORTED=no USERCTL=yes IPV6INIT=no IPV6TO4INIT-no PEERDNS=yes DHCP_CLIENT-dhclient NEEDHOSTNAME=yes PEERDNS=yes PEERYP=no PEERNTPD=no That's it. And people complain about Gentoo :P EDIT: nm, for the hell of it I decided to try one more time and it worked. /me smacks Mandriva
  12. Mandriva and I already did that SoulSe. thanks
  13. After doing my updates I can now no longer connect to the internet even using a cable plugged directly into my router. I don't want to have to reinstall. Any suggestions?
  14. After doing my updates I can't shut down Mandriva. It freezes at "stopping laptop mode". Apparantly something in the updates broke something. Any ideas?
  15. What he means is that with an easy distro like Mandy you can still learn but you have to make the effort yourself because Mandy makes things easy for you. But with Gentoo, Arch etc., you have to learn in order to use them. In otherwords you can learn using any distro, you just have to have the drive to do it. With me Mandy made things too easy so I didn't learn. Gentoo kicked me in the butt and made me learn. I hope that makes sense! :D
  16. Well I have the opposite problem. I have to figure out which packages I need. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to configure things like my video card but that may be covered in the wiki. I haven't read all of it yet.
  17. Really makes me wonder how you configure xorg now. Of course that's something you do manually in Gentoo. I haven't really read through all the info so I guess I'll find out when I find some time to concentrate on it.
  18. I don't know. I was looking at all the new package names and I really have no idea.
  19. I just did an upgrade and found out the following I'm going to have some fun with this one!
  20. I've been a member of the Gentoo forum for three years and I've asked lots of questions there and I've never run into the so called "elite snobs" that I hear people complain about.. Everyone has gone out of there way to help me and I've even had a few developers take the time to answer my questions. Just because you run into a few people that aren't nice doesn't make the whole forum bad. We've had our share of problems here over the years but I don't think that affects the forum as a whole. And I do visit the Gentoo forums repeatedly throughout the day so I'm quite familiar with it.
  21. Linux from Scratch is the hardest and I would never do it again. I absolutely hated it.
  22. Well I tried to configure it in Windows since it's connected to my lappy and I dual boot. Windows couldn't detect it either so I'm first going to try replacing the usb cable and then if all else fails try another printer. Hopefully though replacing the cables will work. And I only have one usb port on my lappy. :P
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