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Posts posted by johnnyv

  1. use the command


    then look for the line direct rendering like so


    [john@bob john]$ glxinfo | grep "direct"
    direct rendering: Yes
    [john@bob john]$


    if direct rendering is yes opengl drivers should be working if not that will be your problem.

  2. 1) I will not try Lindows in any case.

    It is the MS of linuxland and I won't waste my time on that.

    SuSE, FC and Debian are interesting to me, as is Gentoo.

    Actually i wouldn't lump SUSE in there, they use proprietry yast to limit distribution.


    Debian, Mandrake, Gentoo, LFS, FC (some other lesser known distros) certainly but not SUSE in that group.

  3. Oh by the way this is dangerous . files are usually configuration files so you can fsck up your box if you go messing with them.



    Oh and the script will overwrite files with the same name as your . file without the dot if you have write permission for that file.


    eg .cat and cat

    cat gets overwritten by .cat

  4. You think thats long look at this ;)

    but php is much much much much easier/faster to produce for me then sh scripts


    create a text file call it mv_hidden


    paste this into it:

    #!/usr/bin/php -q
    if($_SERVER['argc'] != 2)
    die("You must enter a directory as an argument!\nUsage: mv_hidden <directoryname>\n");
    $path = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; // retrieve the path argument
    // check path and make sure it has a trailing /, if not add one ---------------------------/
    $path_length = strlen($path); // length of path string
    $path_last_slash = strrpos($path,"/"); // last position of / character
    if($path_last_slash === false)
    $path .= "/";
    if($path_length != $path_last_slash)
    $path .= "/";
    echo "Path to search: $path\n";
    $counter = 0;
    if($handle = @opendir($path))
    while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
    $type = filetype("$path$file");
     if($type == "file")
    	 if(strpos($file,".") === 0)
    	 $new_name = substr($file, 1);
    	 $command = shell_exec("/bin/mv $path$file $path$new_name 2>&1");
       if($command != "")// if we got an error display it
       echo $command."\n";
       echo "$file   -->   $new_name\n";
    if($counter != 0)
    echo "$counter files converted\n";
    die("'$path' is not a valid directory\n");


    save the file then make it executable, make sure php is installed, place the mv_hidden in your $PATH some where (perhaps /usr/bin)


    Then cd to a directory you want to convert all .blah files to blah

    The command is mv_hidden /path

  5. I'm trying to do it via the command line but its hard, you can't seem to assign variables from within a pipe, least its not working for me, besides can you even use variables for the source and destination in mv.

    Will look into it further after i cook and eat dinner.


    [john@bob test]$ ls -a | grep -i -h '^[[:punct:]]\w' | xargs -i sh -c "(echo {} | sed -e 's/\.//g'  -e 's/ /\ /g'; echo {})"
    [john@bob test]$

  6. mv .* * would move all files starting with . (wont move . and ..) to the next directory


    eg) if you have a directory test/ and in test/ is a file .blah and directories test2/ and test/3


    performing mv .* * in test/ will move .blah into the directory test2/


    if you try mv .* * in a directory without any child directories it will result in an error about the last command must be a directory.


    Even if you only have one .name file it will always think there are multiple files because every directory has . and .. which are for directory navigation i think, and because there are multiple files mv always wants the second argument to be a directory.

  7. I have given rekall a try and although it is pretty similar to access in functionality it is way slow.


    For grabing 2 indexed columns from a table with 4000 rows it takes around 5 seconds.

    To contrast it takes a php script served via apache to a web browser around 0.2 seconds on the same hardware(just using the mysqlclient program the same query takes 0.03 seconds).


    Once the data is grabed then you can work with it on forms fine and fast but it is the initial grab that is a killer. Any ideas on speeding up data transfer?. As it currently stands i will definately stick with apache/mysql/php although rekall may still be good for report generation for me(and speed will probably improve in the future).


    xul looks promising as well, probably more promising but will not be a RAD.

  8. www.scorched3d.co.uk


    Really fun game. Internet play aswell as lan and bots.

    I just used the redhat rpm but latter i have found a mandrake one on rpmfind



    if you have mandrake 9.1 you will need this aswell



    mandrake 9.2 comes with libwxPython on cd3

    for both 9.1 and 9.2 you have to make symbolic links in the /usr/lib directory

    ln -s /usr/lib/wxPython/lib/libwx_gtk-2.4.so.0

    ln -s /usr/lib/wxPython/lib/libwx_gtk_gl-2.4.so.0


    the executable is in /usr/lib/games/scorched3d/


    Tested in mandrake 9.1 and 9.2, works for me

  9. Trying to get konquer browser to open mailto links in mozilla mail doesn't seem to work like it has done in previous mandrakes.


    Setting "configuration -> kde -> components -> component chooser -> mail program" to /usr/bin/mozilla -mail

    doesn't work, when you click on a mailto link in konq the mozilla mail window pops up not a message composition window. This worked fine in 9.0 but in 9.0 you used "configuration -> kde -> network -> email".


    Any ideas?

  10. I will just add that i have installed 9.2 on several more machines all good (all AMD's though).


    All in all i would say it is better for me than 9.1 (9.1 was harder to get running well initially) and i really liked 9.1 after i got it working. Supermount appears to work perfectly for once, but im sure it will break soon :P


    Upgrading should not be an option imo (at least not default and with dire warnings ;) ), so much changes between releases it is just to much of a hassle.


    I don't think Mandrake is perfect at all, but it is the most comfortable/productive/fun distro/os for ME so i use it.

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