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Posts posted by jdion81

  1. This is on my laptop (desktop is currently in storage, has been for 2 months) unfortunately I have all the dev packages installed. I say unfortunatly because I am running out of space on my 20 gig HD (13 gig used for Mandrake 6 for windows - now only used for mapquest)

  2. this is from http://kallery.kdewebdev.org/en/kallery.htm#notes


    6. Known issues, notes

    The ./configure script is not searching for ImageMagick, so the compilation will fail if it doesn't find the headers and libraries of it. You may need to use the --with-extra-includes and --with-extra-libs options and provide the correct path to the ImageMagick files in order to compile Kallery. Also this libraries must be the same what Kallery is trying to load during startup (check with "ldd kallery").


    this is what I get when I try to run ./configure

    checking for ImageMagick pre-processor flags... ./configure: line 1: Magick-config: command not found
    checking for ImageMagick linker flags... ./configure line 1: Magick-config: command not found " "
    checking for ImageMagick library settings... ./configure: line 1: Magick-config: command not found " "
    checking for ImageMagick version...  (not so good)
    configure: error: " You need ImageMagick 5.5.1."


    (I am trying to find an RPM that will work to get around this) :juggle:

  3. Kallery - An image gallery generator for KDE.

    I am working on a webpage and I want to include a gallery and I think that this prog is what I need. I do have a cooker plf source defined too. I am running a urpmi --auto-select right now see if this helps (over a gig of updates)

  4. I must admit I havent tried too hard. I would like to know if there is an RPM out there that will install all the required libs. I have found an RPM but it complains about libMagick.so.5 I am running Mandrake Cooker 10.1


    the output of urpmq libmagick:






    any help? :help:

  5. Also, how stable is cooker?

    I've had few problems with cooker as a whole. Right now, there's a small issue with KDE, but that should be fixed within a week.

    Where can I find whats going on right now w/ cooker, and do you know what the current issue with KDE is?

  6. Also, how stable is cooker?

    Im using cooker on my laptop and it seems very stable, I do have one issue though. I compile Lsongs and installed the dependencies, which includes an older version of QT. After doing this I could not start KDE, I had to re-install the new version of QT (after removing the old) and I cannot use Lsongs. (Not that I wanted to anyway, I just like the radio tuner it has)

  7. It's funny now that I remember how I downloaded so many CDs for Mandrake (version 6, 7, 8 etc) but I never got the nerve to install it. Now with 10 I am very happy :jester: (I just gotta find how to disable my PCI sound card so I can use the onboard sound)


    I heard SuSE was garbage. lol but I can't really say since I've never used it.


    And as a new Linux user myself, I can only give you one advice:


    Know thy SHELL


    (TM by me :headbang: )

    quick fix to disable a pci sound card to get onboard to work : remove the pci card.


    As for what distro, I really liked Suse. But Suse doesnt compare to MDK in terms to the install tool yast2 vs. urpmi urpmi wins hands down (but isnt as pretty) If I had no need to install extra programs (and plf stuff)


    urpmi rocks :headbang:

  8. I avoid ATI purchases because of their poor Linux support despite promises a year ago.


    From what I heard, the Linux driver developer at ATI refused to move to Canada (he's in Germany with the FireGL team I believe), so the Linux driver effort is sort of stalling right now.

    i dont understand, why would someone have to move to another country to help devolop a driver?

  9. I recently decided I wanted to try Gnome 2.6 so I reinstalled MDK 10.0 OE (and selected Gnome suring setup) then updated using cooker sources. (I now have MDK 10.1 which is fine by me) But I would like to get Gnome off of the computer as I do not like it as well as KDE and it is taking up a huge chunk of space on my drive.


    Can anyone help me with an easier way to do this other than:


    rpm -qa | sort | less
    to get a list of all of packages. Then remove the GNOME packages with:
    rpm -e packagename

    previous found at:


  10. There is something called thermal cycling that can cause a computers parts to, in effect, disconnect themselves. Thermal cycling is caused by the computer heating and cooling as it is running then turned off. This heating and cooling caused the components to expand and contract resulting in them wiggling loose. Dust can also cause PC components to have bad connections.

  11. I have used the script on 10.0 ce. I think that I followed the intructions word for word and it worked fine for me. The only thing is that once you have it installed it sees the dvd as really one disk with 3 disks worth of data on it. (It still calls for disk1, disk2, disk3).

  12. I use the Azureus client. This is a java bittorrent client that is GUI based. It is a lot easier to use (I think) than trying to figure out the syntax of the official bt client. I get this from sourceforge.


    get it here(click on "azureus" under what you need, the version is use is Azureus_2.0.8.4_linux.GTK.tar.bz2)


    Once you have it downloaded and have made sure that java is installed, untar and uncompress it. Once you've done that edit the file azureus (shell script).


    You have to make sure the PROGRAM_DIR=/ is set to the location that you have decompressed the file to. Mine is:




    You also have to point the JAVA_PROGRAM_DIR= to the location that you have java installed to. Mine is:



    Also make sure the line ENABLE_SYSTRAY= is set to:


    Mine crashes if it set to anything else


    Then once you have made these changes open a Konsole and navigate to the folder the shell script is and chmod it to 755 and then execute it (i use "azureus &") the & sets it as a background task so that when you close the konsole it does not close the program you started with the konsole.

  13. The working solution I've applied as root user:

    /etc/init.d/pcmcia stop

    modprobe yenta_socket

    /etc/init.d/pcmcia start

    That does seem easier than rebooting 3 or 4 times. I am still having an issue with mine. It seems to mainly happen only after I have connected to an Ad-Hoc network. I use an infrastructure network at work and I dont have the problem here. I dunno. :puter:

  14. Im not afraid of the CLI. You might want to post a little information on using CLI to do this.


    I have tried one of the apps you mentioned, dvdrip. This program is *very* appealing to me as I have 2 machine that I can use for this and occasionaly my laptop too for a total of 3. I like the idea of distributed processing videos.... speed! The problem that I have run into is auto / video sync is _way_ off, although I have only tried SG1 episode discs with it. I know that dvdrip uses mencode So i figure that the sync issue is something that one could tweak out but I dont know how.


    BTW I get the sync issue whenever I use distributed processing or not.

  15. anyone have any good tools or recomendations for a replacement tool for AutoGK. I have windows on my computer only to use AutoGK. For info on AutoGK check out the links in my signature. autogk.net

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