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Everything posted by MadHattr

  1. ive just been waiting in the mean while ive been messing around with bauldersgate in winex but im haveing problems with the unmounting and my cdrom drive but anyhow i got rune yesterday so no i play heavy metal and rune all day :)
  2. MadHattr

    Mig Alley port

    Ive talked to the lead programer of MiG Alley and he said he could help me with the linux port witch is good news for all :)
  3. hey i was just woundering what you thought about bioware will port future games?
  4. i use openoffice but just out of curiousity i was woundering if any of you have used hancom office?
  5. MadHattr

    Mig Alley port

    Exactly out trained crew of drugged out stoned programers never make any mistakes and will be perfect :?
  6. MadHattr


    .we got hacked
  7. MadHattr

    Mig Alley port

    well me and the gimp.nu team have just started work on our mig alley port for linux http://www.gimp.nu :-P
  8. I installed mandrake 9.0 on my friends computer and all and he has a compaq computer with an sis Silicon Integrated Systems [siS] SiS 620 driver sis but basicaly glx works and shit and it apears that the drivers are isntalled correctly but the 3d acceleration isnt workign and glx gears runs at like 40 fps do you know what might be wrong i already removed dbe from my xfree86config-4 file and all but im not sure how to fix this problem ? and or whats wrong with it
  9. im going to be talking to my friend tomarow :) so i will talk to him about it if we start working on it you will be the first to know hah
  10. possibly but i dont think theres any connection between the stoned and smokeing pot
  11. yeah, im not a pothead im a stoner
  12. hey i was woundering if any of you knew where i could get mandrake 9 rpms for quake 2 dukenukem 3d and heretic ? im pretty sure duke nukem uses openduke but i havent foudn any rpms for any of these that work with mandrake 9
  13. hey theres a really good free linux native space sim called vendetta i think tou need to sign up for a free membership to downlaod but its free.
  14. hey a freind of mine who runs slackware said i should try it. I am curently runnign mandrake 9 and i was woundering how you all thought the two were in comparison? i hear slackware also has a harder to use package manager.
  15. i figured out how to use the files from my windows cd of both rtcw and quake 3 and they both work great same with urban terror
  16. ive already got doom 3 and neverwinternights on preorder at tuxgames.com :)
  17. ive used pose befor and it worked great its even got a little graphical interface to make it look like either a handspring or a palm but yeah its pretty much a palm pilot on your desktop
  18. I was woundering if there was a program that i could use to remotly connect to another friends of mine's computer who is also running mandrake 9.0 i only need console access to his computer but if there is a graphical interface that will alow me to control his desktop that would be nice too. im new at this and if there is a tutorial somewhere i would be gratefull for any help i could get help from
  19. earlyer i tryed partitioning my second 60 gig hd from the mandrake control center and all and i partitioned my second hd into 4 difrent partitions and stuff and i figured that my other hd the 80 gig with mandrake on it that i was in at the time would be fine but now when i reboot i get the following error when mandrake is starting up ok its checking filesystems it says The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext filesystem (and not swap or ufs or st try running something else), then the superblock is courrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternative superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 <device> : Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hdb6 failed to check filesystem. Do you want to repair the errors? (y/n) (beware you might loose data) ok so i typed yes and it said this *** An error occurred during the file system check. *** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot *** when you leave the shell. give root password for maitnance (or type control-d for normal startup): normal setup will not work so i guess i have to go fix the problem manualy ? does anyone know whats going on here ? i have no clue what all this magic number block crap is buti dont understand it at all..
  20. I want to instal a copy of the free beos for linux that i found at bebits.com i was wounderign how to install this if anyone of you know how to do this please tell me but i am new at some of this shit so i may need more help a tutorial might be good
  21. hey heres a screensot of my desktop http://www.gimp.nu/images/desktop.jpg if you want somethign like that just add the penguin liberation front to your sources and get the keramik and qinx themes and also get the IcOsX icons. what i did to create the theme i have right now is i used the qinx colors the icOsX icons and the keramik window decoration and the style is set to qinx flat you can change the stuff to how you want it and i also think there is a acua theme or somethign on plf too.
  22. hey i have been having problems with my filesystem i guess i just opened rpmdrake and i tryed installing some themes from plf it said ther wasnt enought room ont he file system and it needed liek 12 mb i have an 80 gig hard drive so i should still have more room on it whats wrong ? is there a way to make my filesystem larger or whatever
  23. http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bauec002/B2Main.html Hey im trying to get Basilisk II running on mandrake 9.0 if any of you can help me install this and get it working please help me or if you know of a good tutorial please tell me. for those of you that dont know Basilisk II is a program that will let you isntall mac os 8 - on linux
  24. yeah i went ahead and send the file to a windows box on my lan and burnt it there.
  25. hey i have been working on a small website called gimp.nu it is a small online community of linux users with lots of extra stuff for mandrake users im trying to get the forum on the site going and to do this i must get more members so far the only way people have foudn out about the forum is through word of mouth but that alone still isnt enough do you know whatelse i can do to get more people to join my site
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