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Everything posted by AussieJohn

  1. The Windows guy is talking through his a**e. If security was a problem do you think the National Security Agency (USA), NASA, Stock Exchanges, Banks, Police Forces, Schools, Military, Universitys, Railways and others would be using Linux. And more organisations are changing over to Linux every day, not less. The only reason it isn't happening faster is because of the proliferation of these kind of fools who keep regurgitating this kind of falsehood. He is simply demonstrating he is an idiot who is simply pretending to, or thinks he knows what he is talking about. I would call him out on it and get him to show his sources of this nonsense. I can bet you his sources will be Microsoft. Just remind him that it was the NSA that said some time back that NOBODY should use Internet Explorer under any circumstances if they valued security. Funny isn't it that it did not say the same about any other browser. Cheers. John.
  2. You are correct Iphitus, of course. But it still hurts. :D Cheers. John.
  3. Yes you are right Dude, it seems to be heading that way. I only now realise that the other person dropped was a key and valuable man.(I can't remember his name unfortunately) It is Adam who has spoken out about this chaps fantastic contribution. Adam being the perfect gent that he is, speaks very highly of him and says this chaps contribution was bigger and more important than his own activities. Adam and the other chap will cost Mandriva dearly if they are finally let go. This catastrophe reminds me of all the scumbag CEOs of all the failed and failing companys, who draw tens and tens of millions of dollar salaries (plus even bigger bonuses regardless of the company failure), and are supposedly trying to help the companys save money by sacking staff but they DO NOT and WILL NOT reduce their own salaries. I other words get rid of the productive workers wages so that their own insane salaries can be maintained with the money saved. You can bet your life that Mr. Mandriva CEO and the other execs are not planning on cutting their take home pay regardless of how that might benefit Mandrivas books. It seems that having been in control of a company that fails is not a negative on execs resumes. They seem to effortlessly move on to another company. Yet if you or I failed at our job, we would be hard pressed to find another position in the same field. Cheers. John.
  4. As Tyme very wisely says, there is no need to move from Mandriva any time soon. I think it will be around for some time yet. With the obvious large community public backlash that is occurring at the moment, we may be lucky and see some rethinking and backtracking of intended moves. :) Cheers. John.
  5. Apparently the Mandriva organisation didn't have the guts to show my post and I supected they wouldn't so I took the precaution of copying the web page. QUOTE:- John Bujack Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. December 4th, 2008 at 7:19 am Ditto to GreyGeeks wise words. Mr Herve Yahi, Yes you have proven that in 30 days you have not the slightest grasp of the Mandriva community because if you did have even a slight grasp of that community, you would have known how universally respected Adam Williamson is. Not because he was “Mister Niceguy†(which he undoubtedly is) but because of his tireless efforts in working for users and their problems but also for creating the all important liaison between the Mandriva community, the outside world and the Mandriva organisation itself, especially so in the world outside of France. I venture to say that he single handedly made Americans, Britons, Australians and Germans (and other countrys as well ) much more aware of the existence of Mandriva. You talk of a “community templateâ€. What more proof does one need to realise “you just don’t get itâ€. The Linux/Mandriva community is not one that you can shape or “template†up to suit yourself. Linux OSs that have tried that stunt in the past have long since disappeared, thank goodness. Without the Mandriva community, Mandriva will die. Without someone such as Adam Williamson to help keep that Mandriva Community alive and flourishing then Mandriva will surely die no mater how smart and clever you think you are. Your OEM objectives wont save you. I’ll bet you never expected so much flak over sacking Adam Williamson. It proves how inept you were I hope you will have sense to listen to our Mandriva Community. However I will not be holding my breath, because I believe you are typical of the big time exec that pretends to listen to alternate views but never has any intention of changing their intention. Go on, prove me wrong. I will be happy to be proven wrong. John Bujack (73yrs young and Mandriva user for past 5.5 years) I don't think I have to add to it. They can't stand criticism. Cheers. John.
  6. I am not sure you are looking in the right place for temp or tmp as it is called.. It is in /home/<your account>/tmp and is alongside Desktop.....Documents......Download.......Music.......Pictures......tmp.......Videos. This is the one I have found can fill up very quickly if you are doing lots of surfing and downloading. Have you tried using filelight to find what is taking up do much space or do you prefer to stumble around in the dark ???. :D Cheers. John.
  7. I would suspect the temp folder. You should be able to empty it without effecting anything. It is a good idea to install filelight. It is an excellent tool for seeing what is sizes of all various files and folders on your system. That is how I found out that the temp folder was the cause of a problem back when I had much smaller sized HDDs. Cheers. John.
  8. Dutifully and gladly signed in also. Got to support the public face of Mandriva since that is what Adam is. Cheers. John.
  9. Herve Yahi. Appointed on the 4th November and the halfwit is already slashing and burning. Most likely knows nothing or very little about Mandriva software or the people that have made what Mandriva is. It's just another business to him I make no bones about it, I have no respect for morons of Yahi's type no matter how many certificates or qualifications they are alleged to have. Yes even morons can be highly educated yet lack real intelligence. Want examples ???. Just look at the people who have been the causes behind the world financial collapses now effecting every one of us in every country. Need I say more ???. However I also point my fingers at the bigger morons in Mandriva, namely the ones that selected him and appointed him. I suspect that they are possibly trying to quietly bring down Mandriva for some ulterior motive because they are certainly not the actions of people wanting to see Mandriva flourish. And I certainly won't accept the crap that they are only trying to protect the interests of the shareholders. This is typical of the play often put in place to enable a cheap takeover once the shares have dropped in value, then the top brass walk away with a tidy sum in hand as payment for enabling the take over. If I sound too strong, I am sorry but I make no apologies for it. John.
  10. So now the truth is slowly emerging. The same management that has now made the decision to terminate AdamW from Mandriva are the same clowns that made the decision to force the adoption of KDE4 as default for 2009 and for 2009-Spring. I do not believe for one minute that mandriva was mislead by kde. Don't bother sending emails and protests to Mandriva. It has been my lifelong experience that the kind of people who make such imbecilic and idiotic decisions totally ignore all opposition. You cannot reason with them. If they were people you could reason with, then they would not have done their stupid actions because they would have canvassed all views beforehand and produced a result more acceptable to everyone. Unless the present management is removed, I can only see Mandriva totally sinking. I can't really believe just how angry I am with Mandriva Management at the moment. I just have to cool down. John.
  11. This basically means the end of Mandriva as we know it. Adam was the English speaking worlds connection to Mandriva. He knew and understood our perceptions and ideas and views on Linux issues in a way never before seen in the past. It also wouldn't surprise me that Adam strongly presented our oppositions to the KDE4 move, but being the loyal Mandriva man he is, he did not say so publicly. The way things are shaping up now, I think 2008-Spring will be my last Mandriva. From now on I will be looking at other OSs (not suse, under any circumstances) to see what will be my future OS. It might even be PClinuxOS, I don't know. It seems like the present Mandriva Management it attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, while shooting itself in both feet first. Really smart move Mandriva......... :wall: A very special note to Adam. Thank you most sincerely for all the hard work you have done for we Mandriva users over these past years. Until you came along I never quite felt that Mandriva was "my" OS. You were always friendly, polite and helpful no matter the issue or issues. Please let us know your future plans so we can cheer you on. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: Best wishes. John.
  12. I suggest dumping 2009 entirely. I hate to say it but no way can I recommend 2009, with KDE, to anyone, least of all to newcomers. I have 2008-Spring as my working OS and 2009 as a play around and to see if it gets any better and so far it isn't. 2008-Spring will serve you well when you include all updates. I know that Mandriva won't like my saying so, but stiff bikkies. They are are going along with the KDE team that is forcing this overrated disaster on everyone who prefers KDE to Gnome. From what I have experienced with 2009KDE, most of the ability to arrange settings as you prefer them has been taken away from you and you are stuck with the formats that kde has decided you can use. I am not going to waste my time or yours by making a list of examples since they have often been listed elsewhere. Some have said that it is just a matter of getting used to change and doing things differently. I would like to know who decided that for me. I have never been afraid of change but I abhor change for change sake. Change for improvement which enables things to be done better and more efficiently is to be welcomed. I certainly cannot see that with KDE4 at all. I will be changing nothing of my working OS until I see how 2009-Spring pans out. If it doesn't then I may have to learn to tolerate Gnome. Cheers. John.
  13. I just don't get it. I am connected to Bigpond ADSL via my LAN connection on the ADSL modem. I have never ever had to install anything to get ADSL up and running after doing the net connection setup during install or fiddle around afterwards. John.
  14. Have you also gone into MCC.......System.....Manage system services by enabling or disabling them......and making sure there is a tick in the box for .....apcupsd ??? If not then insert a tick. I have found rebooting is more reliable rather than clicking on the Start button on that item. Also when you open UPS Monitor you have to go to .....Preferences...and make sure you have ticked Enabled Cheers. John
  15. Have you installed the following packages (if you are using an APC Ups),.... apcupsd....and .....gapcmon ??? If not then do so and go from there. I have an APC Back-UPS CS 650 and the setup works like a dream. The packages have been produced by APCs close working with the Linux community. It can be said that APC is a good friend of Linux. Cheers. John.
  16. I have found Kaffeine to be the best for tv and capture cards. All the others were a real pain in the backside, I tried them all. Also don't forget to install the codec packages. :) Cheers. John.
  17. Sorry I wasn't clearer. I find the method I use much easier and quicker is all, having done it for so long. It was the next advanced :D see image below :- Cheers. John.
  18. Hello Isadora. Yes too long. :D Hope you have been AOK in the meantime. Either method is OK. I just find it easier, and have done for many years, installing the Proprietary driver. When you install the new kernel, go into BOOT in MCC and select the new kernel as the preferred kernel. Make sure to go into the advanced and make sure it is selected in there as well or you will have problems. Keep in mind also that when ever you use a new kernel, you will have to reinstall the video driver again and also that you need to install the devel package that matches that kernel as well. Once you have things set up and working nicely then you can go into MCC and uninstall the kernel packages that are no longer needed, but be careful. Cheers. John.
  19. Answer to first question is NO. Second question. As scarecrow said, you do NOT require any packages related to server. 64 bit is not specific to just the server packages. You require the kernel-desktop-devel that EXACTLY matches the kernel-desktop version number. Kernel-desktop handles memory recognition of up to 4Gbs so you need it and kernel-desktop-devel. You don't need kernel-source either. I have the following stuff installed:-... kernel-desktop- kernel-desktop-devel- kernel-desktop-latest............. kernel-desktop-devel-latest.............. kernel-headers.................2.6.24 You can use this as a guide if you want to install the proprietary driver NVIDIA driver. If you want to install the Mandriva driver then you only need ....kernel-desktop- ....and follow the routine suggested by others. Cheers. John.
  20. Hello xboxboy. That 7mb swap is a waste of time. It is so small that you might as well have had no swap partition at all. It will serve no practical purpose at all. If you want a minimum swap because you have swags of hard memory then set from 265mb up to 512mb. Cheers. John.
  21. I found that until I installed the correct driver for the video card I also had no splash=silent. When I did get a silent splash it was with a badly pixilated image of the the splash=silent screen. Splashy is installed also. Cheers. John.
  22. It still occasionally does that to me as well. Does it even with earlier versions of Adobe Flash. Also does it in 2009 with the fireox3. damned annoying but have found that restarting the same page, the video plays OK. Seems to be a bug but no one seems to be sure if it is in Firefox or Flash. Cheers. John.
  23. Adam this is getting weird and driving me nuts. Just after my previous post, I tried to find the ldetect-lst but had no luck but then actions started to get sluggish, very sluggish so I decided to reboot. When I logged in and once again opened some deep files, I found the back button now working again. Now after I first did the imwheel startup.conf paste in from 2009, I must have rebooted at least 4 times to see if it would automatically start up and it didn't. Now it does. What tha...................... :wall: I am currently looking for a rock to crawl under and hide because this computer must be spooked.. John.
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