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Posts posted by bassplayer

  1. well, the government is doing a study to see if this change saves any energy (based on the idea that more people use energy - light, etc. - in the evening than early in the morning), so I guess we'll find out if there's a point to it.

    Well, the results of that study is finally out and the result? Yup, you're spending more $$$ on utilities because of the new DST changes. That's the government for you. :D

  2. I'm currently using Mandriva 2007.1 with a SMC 2632W wireless pcmcia card. What I am finding is that the connection to the network is real low. My wireless access point is not more than 30 ft from my laptop and the light on the card flashes when it can't connect to the internet. Once the connection drops, Mandriva pops up a little note in the bottom right stating that the network connection was lost. The light then indicates a connection, but the network monitor does not change to say that it has re-connected. I have to manually go in an reconfigure the network before I can re-use the connection. This happens every time I use the network. I would like to try a different wireless pcmcia card and I was looking at getting the D-Link DWL-G630 which handles 802.11g/b. It'll be good for 802.11b until I can upgrade my wireless router to 802.11b. Will this card work with Mandriva 2007.1?? Also, will the OS see the new card and install drivers for it or do I need to manually uninstall the SMC drivers and install the D-Link drivers (I don't even know if this is supported or not). ?????



  3. I've downloaded and installed VMWare-Server with no issues. The only issue I have is when I run the vmware-config.pl script when it tries to find the version.h file. I point it to /usr/src/linux, but it says it can't find it. I did find a version.h file in /usr/src/linux/linux/vcb (somthing like that anyway) and it says that it can't find a directory linux with the file version.h in it (e.g. linux/version.h). It also says something about doing a make mrproper when building a kernel and it removing files that would cause the version.h to me missing. Why do I have to build the kernel? The kernel is running just fine the way it is.

  4. It's not Vmware... it's VirtualBox, and VirtualBox can set only bridged networking.

    But the trouble is that both the host and the guest use the same MAC address, which means that you may have trouble with a few routers. This does not happen in VMWare, where the bridged guest passes to the router a virtual MAC address rather than the actual one.


    Ah, Okay. I do have a Windows XP VMware image that I can try to see how VMWare handles it.


    Thanks for the info!

  5. Network not working in Virtual machine.


    I'm currently using Mandriva LInux 2007 Spring with kernel- and VirtualBox-1.3.8_mdv2007.1-1.


    I setup Windows XP SP1 in a Virtual Machine with the following Network configuration:


    [x] Enable Network Adapter (plug it into the corresponding slot)


    Attached to MAC Address

    NAT 080027ABC472


    [x] Cabel Connected


    The network cannot connect to the internet when inside the virtual machine.


    Obviously, I can connect to the internet in Linux with no problems. I have a SMC 2632W Wireless PCMCIA card in a Dell 9100 inspiron.


    When in Windows XP, I can issue an ipconfig command and my adapter is empty with an address of


    Any ideas or where I can look to help solve this issue?

  6. Here are the kernel packages you need to have installed to make virtualbox work. If you have others, then remove them:


    # rpm -qa | grep kernel


    Ignore the nvidia97xx-kernel-2.6.17-13mdv-9755-1mdk package. This will be different. Its a video driver interface with the kernel package.


    I hope this helps.

  7. Glad you got it sorted, we never stop learning. I think the way you found the answer is in my tagline somewhere. :P


    Definitely a happy camper today. I was able to get my printing, dvd, and virtualbox issues resolved last night. Its great to have these message boards! :D

  8. I found this out on the internet this evening since all the other suggestions didn't work:


    The Barricade provides Line Printer

    Daemon. Customers have to setup

    /etc/printcap and set the queue name to

    "LPT1". The following is an example for

    Red Hat Linux release 5.1:

    You can also use the RedHat Printtool

    # /etc/printcap

    hp6p: :sd=/var/spool/lpd/hp6p:

    :rm= :rp=LPT1:

    :lp=/dev/null: :sh:

    hp2100: :sd=/var/spool/lpd/hp2100:

    :rm= :rp=LPT1:

    :lp=/dev/null: :sh:


    I then looked in the /etc/printcap file and modified the following line that cups put in there:


    hp|HP Laserjet 1200:rm=localhost:rp=hp:




    hp|HP Laserjet 1200:rm=


    Prints beautifully! :)

  9. ...because the printer is connected to the router and talks to the printserver on the router.


    Printing to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9100 will only work if your printer has its own ethernet card and is assigned an IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Since your printer is connected to the router/printsevrer, you should print to the lpd queue on the server. Fire up MCC, select printers (or whatever the name) -> add printer -> connection type -> printer on the remote lpd server -> Remote host name (the router's IP address), remote printer name lp.


    Works for me



    That's probably it. I was trying to print to the router (gateway) and not the print queue. I'll give it a try after work.



  10. Interesting enough after doing the above, I decided to reboot the machine. When loading up after the restart I received the following error in a dialog box that popped up:


    VirtualBox - Critical Error


    Failed to initialize COM or find the virtualbox

    COM server. Most likely, the virtualbox server is not

    running or failed to start.


    The application will now terminate


    Callee RC: 0x80004005



    This is probably because the ./virtualbox start command fails...

  11. I rebooted the machine and selected the 2.6.17-14mdv kernel.


    Selected VirtualBox from the kde menu, configured my vm and selected start.


    I received the following message:


    Virtual Box kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module

    was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some

    reason. Re-setup the kernel module by

    executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root.


    So as root:


    # ./vboxdrv setup

    Stopping VirtualBox kernel module [ OK ]

    Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module [ OK ]

    Starting VirtualBox kernel module FATAL: Error inserting vboxdrv (/lib/modules/2.

    6.17-14mdv/misc/vboxdrv.ko): Invalid module format


    (modprobe vboxdrv failed)



    Hopefully, all that is good information for you :)

  12. Also, I do see the vboxdrv file in /etc/init.d. Before this file was not there from the initial install from DVD. When I try to start the virtualbox daemon, I get the following message:


    # ./virtualbox start


    Starting virtualbox daemon: FATAL: Error inserting vboxdrv (/lib/modules/2.6.17-14mdv/misc/vboxdrv.ko): Invalid module format





    I didn't reboot after the rpm installation. I'll reboot and see if that helped.

  13. Seeing as you keep getting the same results i.e. printer busy it would suggest you have some jobs stuck in a queue or something. If you haven't already done so it may by an idea to uninstall cups, delete the cups directory from /etc and delete any installed printers. Re-install cups and your printer(s) using the ppd files offered in Mandriva and using the cups web interface (localhost:631). After a COLD reboot, just to clear any queues etc. It sounds a big ordeal but as you will know it's not a lot of work really.

    As I said in my first reply I chased down the exact problem you are experiencing, except for the printer busy, and spent a number of hours chasing my own tail. Cups and network printer setup really does work. ;)


    I don't have any issues doing what you ask. Its no problem. Heck, I used to use Slackware about 10 years ago, so all of this is coming back slowly. :)


    I don't think jobs are stuck in the printer. I used my wife's XP machine to verify the queue being empty. That's what the frustrating part is. The queue is cleared and it still telling me its busy. I'll clean everything out and redo everything from scratch and see if that works. Fingers crossed :)

  14. Would you mind copypasting here the contents of your /etc/fstab file at the first place?

    There "might" be something there which makes life difficult for you...


    No problem:




    /dev/hda1 / ext3 noatime 1 1

    /dev/hda6 /home ext3 noatime 1 2

    /dev/hdc /media/cdrom auto umask=0,users,iocharset=utf8,noauto,ro,exec 0 0

    none /proc proc defaults 0 0

    /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0


    I appreciate your help! :)

  15. #rpm -q dkms-virtualbox




    How do I know if I have the kernel-source-stripped package?


    Also, I used MCC to remove the VirtualBox package that was installed during installation and downloaded the binary from www.virtualbox.org for Mandriva 2007.1 and installed it. These are the results I received:


    #rpm -i VirtualBox-1.3.8_mdv2007.1-1.i586.rpm


    Creating group 'vboxusers'. VM users must be member of that group!


    No precompiled module for this kernel found -- trying to build one. Messages

    emitted during module compilation will be logged to /var/log/vbox-install.log.




    FATAL: Error inserting vboxdrv (/lib/modules/2.6.17-14mdv/misc/vboxdrv.ko) Invalid

    module format




    The log file: /var/log/vbox-install.log looks good. No errors reported.


    I looked in the directory /lib/modules/2.6.17-14mdv/misc and the file is there:


    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 34478 May 14 21:03 vboxdrv.ko


    Any other suggestions?


    Thank you!

  16. Is there any reason why you downloaded a user supplied PPD file, than use the default one with Mandriva? I can only think you'd have done this if the LaserJet 1200 didn't already exist in the printer list. However, I have it in my cups list fine without having to add a PPD. Maybe this is why you're having problems?


    I thought so too, so I tried the one that was included with Mandriva, but I get the same results.

  17. That fixed it. Thank you!



    Let me correct that. That fixed it for that DVD only. I put in another DVD created by the same machine/dvd player/software and under Mandriva, it can't read it. The solution only worked for that first DVD I tried. This is crazy...

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