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Everything posted by jeanackle

  1. Well... does it come with chips or french fries? :unsure: Seriously now, though I'm using GDM and have the gnome-user-guide package installed, I'm not using GNOME itself, so I forgot I had those... And besides, I don't know how to browse those bloody .xml files! Still, there must be some help in the gnome web site, so thanks... :) Off I go... B)
  2. Thanks for the tip, but what if I'm using the "Standard login" instead of the "Graphical" one?
  3. Hi all, I'm using the Gnome Display Manager to log in, and I'd like to know how/where to change the font size for all the menus and messages... Cheers,
  4. jeanackle

    hostname prob

    I didn't understand that, phunni. Could u try and explain it for me? Thanks :)
  5. But is that safe? I mean, won't preventing OOo from writing to that file cause some damage to its proper functionning?
  6. Mine seems to work with libnss3 (installed from the Mandrake sources), but I'm still running Mdk 9.1, so... If I'm not mistaken, gaim can use one of any two or three libraries for SSL, and, again if I'm not mistaken, the one used for Mozilla is one of those suitable ones... Good luck :)
  7. This is what I get if I type "service postfix restart" as root: A desligar postfix: [FALHOU] A iniciar postfix: postalias: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 postmap: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 postmap: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 postmap: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 postmap: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 postmap: fatal: bad numerical configuration: debug_peer_level = 2? PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin? xxgdb /usr/lib/postfix/ & sleep 5 [FALHOU] As you guessed, FALHOU means FAILED...
  8. Now I didn't understand you! Except for the part that begins with "As tyme said..." Well, nevermind, I'm just a sociologist who can read and type... :)
  9. Well, bvd, I think tyme understood my question. The example programs I mentionned will always use X, so how come you have the option to configure them to use (or not) X? I mean, it's kind of redundant, IMHO. It should always be on, but some apps that run under X seem not to need it... :unsure: So that's what I was asknig: do you set that option on or not? Is ist set on or off by default? So, replying rto tyme: how do I know what programs will need that option? If I compile them without it and it doesn't work? That seems kind of lame, and a general waste of time. And if you compile it in on every package you compile, will it make the final code bigger or something?... Yes, I'm being lazy, I could test all of that myself, but then, what would you gurus be useful for?
  10. Suppose you're installing fluxbox or ayttm from source. You can use the "--with-x" with "./configure" so it will use X. But what does it do? I mean, the examples given run under X, so they WILL use X, right? I don't get it...
  11. Congrats then! But what did work? The Sylpheed->Evolution thing or the Sylpheed->Balsa->Evolution one? I'm curious to know about that kind of (in)compatibilities between e-mail clients...
  12. I hope this is NOT the definitive answer! :unsure: AFAIK, Sylpheed uses the MH format to store the e-mails, and Evolution the Mbox one. Sylpheed can, again AFAIK, import mbox files, but I don't know if it also offers to export them. Take a look on the program itself (I never used it). If that doens't work, you can maybe use Balsa to import the MH and export save it to Mbox (Balsa can work with the 3 mailbox formats I know: Mh, Mbox and Maildir). But be careful. Though suposingly using the same format, th MH and (less) the mbox formats used by two or more different apps can actually be slightly different. Take a look at this thread ( http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index.php?showtopic=8258 ) to see what I mean. So do a backup before anything else. ;)
  13. Is that a problema for all apps, or just a specific one? Mozilla, for instance, can set it's own number of lines by mouse-wheel scroll, See Edit - Preferences - Advanced - Mouse wheel. You can use the "system default" as well. I think OpenOffice.org as something like that too.
  14. OK, I know this question has kept you from sleeping for many nights now :P , so i'l give u the answer we got in another board... B) 1. Copy your Balsa's "mail" directory to the new (or existing) Kmail's "Mail" directory (I think you can change the names for both of them, you know the drill...) 2. If you run Kmail with your recently copied dir, it will automatically create a ".<dir-name>.index", a ".<dir-name>.index.ids" and a ".<dir-name>.index.sorted" file for each top-level directory in your maildir tree. So just forget about this. 3. It (Kmail) may or may not also create a hidden version for each of your dirs ( you'll get a ".<dir-name>" dir for a given "<dir-name>" ). The problem is: they'll be empty. Copy the original dir's contents to the the new hidden dirs and voilá! It's done! Notes: 1- What do you need two copies of each top-level dir for? I don't know. Ask the Kmail's developpers or somthing :P Actually, that's it: do you need them? Or can u link them together? Or maybe empty the first one (u must keep it though)? I haven't tried that yet... 2- This was done with Balsa 2.0.13 and Kmail 1.5.4.
  15. jeanackle


    Any guesses are welcome here (as long as it relates to the question), so thanks for yours :) Well, I installed it from a Mdk 9.1 source (though the 9.2 version is exactly the same: 1.6.2-2mdk), and reinstalled it to make sure it was from a 9.1 source. I did check for gtkxmhtml, and I found I already had libgtkxmhtml installed (could it be there are some incompatibilities between Mandrake's and Textstar's gtk libs - I don't know which packaghes I got from which of those). It did give me a dependency prob at install time though, complaining it missed perl-Mail-Sender. I couldn't find it in my usual mirror, but I got it from rpmfind (the 9.1 version: 0.8.04-2mdk), and then there were no error messages during the install. The lines it complains about (54-57) are: if ($HTMLWIDGET eq "GtkHTML") { init Gtk::HTML; } else { init Gtk::XmHTML;
  16. jeanackle


    I installed cscmail, but when I try and run it, I get this: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr//bin/cscmail line 54. Can't locate object method "init" via package "Gtk::XmHTML" (perhaps you forgot to load "Gtk::XmHTML"?) at /usr//bin/cscmail line 57. Any thoughts appreciated.
  17. Look for menushki. You can edit your menus for WindowMaker, KDE, GNOME, IceWM, BlackBox (works for FluxBox too) and Enlightenment. You can also use it to translate from one type of menu file to another. You'll have to know the location of the menu files though. EDIT: Here's the link: http://menushki.sourceforge.net/
  18. Hi, I'm just posting to bring this annoying question up again :P I'd still like to use my Balsa's (filled) maildir structure in Kmail (and possibly back again).
  19. Ture, which we don't do much do we. ;) It might help others though.. I did it for months in the begining. And it was a great way of keeping up to date with the security fixes ;) Then I realised it's not that hard to compile the damned thing. And I just copy the old .config file from the old kernel...
  20. Well, guess I had a Gowator's Lvl 4 once (actually more but always the same til I finally started to remember what not to do), but might be some Lvl2+ kind of crash - don't know how to test it nor am interested :P This is the 2-step howto crash my Mdk9.1: 1- Start a terminal from X. and start copying something to the floppy (I think it will work with any access to the floppy-drive really, but I will NOT test it!). 2- Switch to any other console (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F1). Voilá! Can't do anything. Computer completelly FREEZES (that's what really happens), and that worrying floppy-drive access-noise that will never ever stop! Power-down button time :( Other than that some ocasional lvl 0 (usually when trying a new app), and also had something between lvl 0 and lvl 1! This lvl0-1 stuff isn't really X' fault, but any WM based on BlackBox I know (i.e. BlackBox of course, FluxBox, OpenBox2). But it's covered: just restart the WM - you can. And I also know what to do to prevent it: don't do service network restart from a terminal inside the WM, if eth0 didn't load on startup ('cause I forgot to turn on the modem! ). And also only happens if I use some network app like a browser or IM client... So, maybe a lvl0? Anyway, it's a Notebook (Clevo) 2200C with Pentium III (Copermine) @866Mhz, 128Mb ram, 18Gb hd, blah blah running Mdk 9.1 (I don't remember any crash since my first linux install: Mdk 8.0). Windoze... [not] Me [thank you] well... one of the main reasons to switch to linux... So my vote: <1
  21. Welcome js72! I have no experience with suse, but AFAIK urpmi does for mdk what apt-get does for suse. I had never seen that urpmi.setup thing I read on that link, but I could get the downloads there mentioned. so just do: urpmi.update -a urpmi jackit-realtime ardour audacity alsamixergui swh-plugins cmt And optionally: urpmi kickarts And I think you'll have that step covered.
  22. Hey! IT'S WORKING! Funny thing is: I didn't lay a finger on it! Just updated XFree86!!! Ahhh... Back to Mozilla... :D
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