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Everything posted by sarah31

  1. hope they put those boxes to good use instead of hacking/cracking and writing trojans for nix.
  2. we should have never given into the computer generation. typewriters were never buggy. they were cheap too.
  3. sarah31

    Empty man-pages

    so if you issue the command man man you don't even get man page? have you even made sure that you have not lost your man pages (man pages would be in a few places likely). if you lost your man directory then reinstalling man and man-pages will not get the other manpages back. for example manpages for xine are not contained within man-pages. xine supplies its own set of manpages like most other apps/libs/etc your groff package may also need upgrading.
  4. any idea on what major feature they plan on breaking for 10.0 :P when i used madrake they had a tendency to release exceedingly buggy releases.
  5. then I go tweet! This also sounds funny coming from someone who's SIG says :lol: /exec -o cowsay -f flaming-sheep baaaaaah
  6. icons? hate 'em hate'em hate 'em justr quick links in my xfce4 panel or osx dock is all i need the smaller the better my desktop is reserved for running apps and my background not for evil little icons
  7. bluefish or just plain old vim in linux taco html editor on os X wysiwyg is for the birdies
  8. ??the heck?? do you sleep with the light on too? :P :P
  9. SCO is so retarded. they are opening a serious can of worms here. virtually none of the oses out there are 100% original. i absolutely dispise any company, business, or otherwise that sues in order to make their salaries. sco will pay a heavy price for trying to put themselves on top using this method. i guess they think that they will be able to cash in if they put everyone else out of business....but they won't sco has shown me nothing that they are able to manage a business. they aren't even able to understand their own code enough to build a really good case against any one. they could also hurt the third party manufacturers. without cash investment from the big oses businesses such as apple or redhat that market could dry up quite a bit. i can't imagine too many companies with be too interested in suppling sco with stuff when they try to put them out odf the market. sco is crapping where they eat and will eventually pay the price.
  10. well i dunno about anyone else but i did not find debian to install. just install a base system then go from there once you have your inet connection going. if you decide to do a larger install being able to read is an asset....like gentoo.
  11. very good post linux_learner. dealt with it a bit better than i did. it is indeed important to stay vigilant and on top of things.
  12. to an extent it is more secure. but what i was getting at is not "the bigger target" theory but higher profile. why hack linux or mac os when they represent only 10 % of users out there? Windows users represent a very large number of users with alot of valuable data. why go after ten people data when you can have 90? security is not an after thought so much as an impossiblity. as fast as MS and independant coders can catch the bugs, etc new ones are found. there are more hackers and crackers trying to hack windows than nix. i am sure if all those hackers turned their attention on the nixes we would find out that security is just as wanting. the more users the nixes get the more difficult it will be to keep the security. if gnu.org servers and kernel.org cvs security can be cracked and not noticed for awhile (in the case of the 2.6 kernel it was not even an astute developer that noticed the hack it was an automatic check that caught it) it does not bode well for nixes to try and maintain that they hold the upper edge in security. like i said before being complacent is very dangerous. right now nixes are a fairly safe product but i hold no illusions that it they are the alcatraz they claim to be.
  13. hmmm...so the compromise on the gnu.org servers this did not concern you? it is folly to think that ANY os better than another on security. open source is just faster at fixing them. oh yeah what about the backdoor in the linux kernel a year or so ago? or the exploit of the 2.4 kernel discovered earlier this year? everyone talks about how secure ssh is yet it was found to have serious compromises in the last month or so....most of these had been there for some time. *nixes have been secure and safe mostly because they wre not a force in the desktop world for years. true it is much harder for one to exploit a nix system but it is not impossible nor improbable. so don't for a minute lord security over any other system or that is exactly what will burn the nix worl in the future. complacency is very dangerous thing...
  14. sorry i cannot get any connect to the link in the above two posts. the first one says there are no files the other ones time out. for me the cover page image and the contact page both seemed tiled on my linux computer. on the mac all images were grainy at 1024x768. with the mac on the extreme right of the browser area you could see the image repeating. while i don't mind the backgroaund image i wonder if you should have it as the entire background. i am a big fan of table an maybe have the image take up a table on the left 1/3 of the screen with necessary link with the rest of the screen devoted to text descriptions or whatever the other 2/3 could have a very light bue tint.
  15. so many links! anyway i tried a few of the pages you suggested on my mac and i have to say all images were very grainy. and for the front page the image apperars to be tiled so if you look at it on a larg monitor like on my linux machine you get an annoying tiled bacground.
  16. bah i don't see the purpose of having yet another RH clone out there
  17. phunni i wouldn't consider linux better than bsd or vice versa. they are different oses designed for different users. personally i don't think there is any one os that claim superiority over another. some may be more stable, some better servers, some better for heavy production of graphics, etc. ALL oses have short comings and will continue to (ie linux is by no means easier to get peripherals running on, bsd is not as good a desktop OS, windows has stability issues, etc). i don't advocate any os over another. i will suggest certain oses for certain people but in the end a user will use what they like. if they like windows so be it (i have to use windows at work and it does not bother me). If they like Mac OS so be it. And so forth. so why don't the bsd's get mentioned here? because this is a linux forum and to that end a specific linux forum and most users here are trying to get used to linux never mind wrapping their heads around bsd.
  18. as cyber says it can be a problem to upgrade to more recent debian packages due to the libranet hacks. just by a survey of their forum over the last few releases it is getting harder and ahrder to have a more debianized libranet. having to purchase the latest versions can also be a big problem for some. even with discounts this policy is one of the biggest detractors of libranet for some. myself, i also have major issues with their developers and community in general. IMHO the mandrake community and development team are way better. anyone who knows me knows i have had issues with the community here at times but unlike the libranet community, the mandrake community is more mature and forgiving. i easily think it is just as good a community as the highly renouned gentoo community (which i thought was ok but somewhat .... cocky).
  19. just so you know i am working on the arch linux i586 port. it is still a month or two away but it is coming.
  20. w3c is probably one of the best resources for learning all sorts of web languages. they also have validators for testing your source. it may be a bit much for the boy but who knows he seems bright. definitely give a looksee though. as for graphics...if he wants a real challenge there but the potential to make some beautiful graphics i would recommend povray (povray.org)
  21. except you don't need to do make dep. read the README with each kernel for important changes. don't forget to install module-init-tools the 2.6 kernels cannot use the old/current modutils
  22. make a copy of the file you want to "fix". edit it and rename it file.c.orig place it in the same directory as the original. then: diff -ruN /path/to/original/file.c /path/to/newfile.c.orig > patchname.patch then apply the patch as mentioned above. if you are only making a very small change to the file you may want to consider using sed instead.
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