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Posts posted by michaelcole

  1. Noted..


    MDE or SoS i meant not OF..


    In the case with taking from Cooker i saw that a lot of the times you are actually earlier on some of the releases than the cooker so i do realize that and am impressed with the work you have done.


    In the case with this user i think after reading all the pages before he has missed some steps at one stage.


    and that has caused the error to appear..


    Once again i congratulate you on your development..

  2. Could it be possible that he has missed the other upgrade or mixed versions?


    I don't know where he got the error from but i know where i got mine from it was the cooker..


    That's all i was trying to say..


    I am not saying MDE of SoS is broken but i do know for a fact with my upgrade from the cooker this error did occur..


    Sorry if you think i was agreeing your version is broken in any way..

  3. MDE


    It may not be your files that are broken but i am using the Devel version from Mandriva and since yesterdays upgrade unless i went through a manual start of all the services i also had a problem with the keyboard.(Did an upgrade just before again to see if the fixed it today.)


    I just used his fix and i fixed the problem i had also..


    So i am not sure where the problem has come from but adding the line



    worked for me, I was about to post the question when i read this comment and though it could be related.


    What was really weird is that the tty2 console ctrl-alt f2 was always restarting and the kernel was complaining about the X accesses the keyboard for some reason.


    But now it works thanks..


    The log on screen would work but once inside KDE i had no keyboard functionality.

  4. You installed the package with out using the package manager so the package manager does not know where it is to remove it.


    Have you tried


    service squid start


    look in the etc/init.d directory for the actual service name..


    dont know how to fix the problem you have really though..


    Try these things first..

  5. with the memory requirements the terminal services does take a bit..


    Don't know why you cannot see the terminal services.. I will look at mine again..


    But it was those packages..


    The TS will allow you to do a full network boot and run from the server..


    If you are looking at this further at a later time check on www.LTSP.org


    This is done using the same technology but not the same programs..


    Which is better.. Tried both like both..

  6. If you want the full boot set up find the DrakWizard install the package then run the file from command line.


    Running it will add extra things to the MCC and will download and set up the packages all for you..


    This will give the full boot on lan and configuration for you.. Send me a Mail tomorrow if you need more info..

  7. Depending on what you are trying to serve and how far and for how many users.


    If you just need some remote repair facility i use SSH..


    If you need Access to the desktop to show a user how to do something i use VNC.


    If you need a Server to serve multiple GUI applications to multiple users (on LAN) i use the terminal services..


    I installed the Mandriva version find it under the drakwizard.. May have to play with the exact packages and set up but it works well.. we have 20+ users (network boot and run off the server)..


    so there are your choices..


    All dependant on your main use for the application..



    what can I say..


    Once in a while you have to type in a password, To upgrade or install new things, Come on i upgrade so often but keep the password. A little pain is better than a destroyed PC..


    This is a bad idea,

    Just because i have not personally got a virus in windows in 4 Years does not mean that Windows is Safe.. I just use it correctly, when i have too..


    Same with linux use it correctly and you will be saved the pain later..


    If you worked for me, It would be your last day.. take a walk to SANS.org and read why policies are needed and everyone has to follow them, for everyones protection..

  9. I keep hearing this..


    I must be getting old..


    X86 means Intel type processor with an 86 in the name like 386 - 486 -586


    AMD will normally work perfectly well as they are like clones of the x86 series.


    In the case with the 64 newer computers today have 64bits instead of 32bits to compute with this makes them faster in calculating big numbers..


    If the number is bigger than 32 bits it would have to do more things..


    most 64 bit computers will work partially with 32bit Operating Systems but you will not get the performance advantage.


    So it is wise to upgrade to 64bit as soon as possible to get the most out of your processor..


    There are other types of processors out there and more letters and numbers..


    A i386.rpm will most likely work on a computer of 586.. type if the OS is ok.. but a 586 program may not work on a 386 as since their are extras added to the processor.


    A program built for a 64bit computer will not work on a 32 bit computer without changes.


    The 286 was 16bit.. (that is why they say i386.rpm 32bit..)



    So i386 should be ok for any computer 386 - 486 - 586


    x86-64 will not work correctly on an older computer using 32bit tech..

  10. I think the only way to really do it for the client is on the SMTP transfer..


    In the case of POP and IMAP never heard of it and it is not a good method..


    You are going to have to go back to them and change their ideas..


    You could do some bouncing of the ports around the office anything for the mail server smtp goes to the other server and the other server talks to the mail server either using a seperate port or using special rules in a shorwall install on the mail server keep the ports but modify where it goes depending on the ip address..


    so as far as they think and config wise it is all the same just, the servers know differently.

  11. The only way i have ever seen it is as the first line of defense before it gets to the mail server.


    They may be thinking that they have old mails and require them to be scanned as well.


    I have never seen it done the way you are describing you would have to capture all the requests forward them, Download screen then forward to the users..


    Adds too much time in the interim for the end users, to what i could guess.


    Also what happens today i download all my mail, Delete mail file on local, Download again then get it all scanned again?




    The way i would do it, Scan once.. No extra loads.

  12. yep you need some software to connect the two using the serial or par port..


    I used lap link..


    I think windows had a program also by default but i am not sure what it was called. But it had to do with networking..


    It is not really tooooo slow but it is not fast.


    With lap link you end up with an interface like explorer split down the center and you just move the files.


    Worst case. Zip the files onto the diskette, if the space is not big enough it will copy to multiple disks for you..

  13. This functionality is normal... In the Menu Editor it shows the sub menu items but if you only have one application in that group it will move it up the tree so as you dont have to expand a menu just to get to a single application..


    If you intall Accounting software Kmoney then install GNUcash you will see this occur automaticly..


    I think it is a good idea.. As the menus auto expand as you add more applications or reduce if the menus have only a single item in that category..

  14. I have found in the past if a drive is going to fail if will fail in the first 6 Months or not for a couple of years. All Brands..


    In the case with my preference. Maxtor..


    I have mine just in a 3.5 HDD enclosure USB2 ..


    Really happy with the performance..


    If you buy an enclosure one with lots of cooling fins, or a fan can help..


    Once in a while like doing alot of reads and writes mine gets very hot, and switches off.

    (Twice it happened in six months i use it every day)

  15. fragmentation... From what i understand is caused when you start with many small files and they grow in size so the hardisk space needed is further down the disk to expand the file thus becomes a fragment..


    From what i understand you want to copy all the files and they will not grow so should not be a problem..




    If I'm wrong please correct me..

  16. 2006 reads NTFS.. for sure..


    I use FAT32 for sharing therefore i have no problem with writing or reading with any computer win98 - win2000 and others plus linux..


    I have a USB 80GB External and only 4Gb for my shareable files, I dont need any more the rest is all Linux Based data, which i will never use in windows..

  17. I think thats a bit unfair on Mandriva, they support what they can but think about the number of cards and versions out there, they are only one bit of the opensource community..


    They place resources where they think it is best for the majority, right or wrong that is what they try.


    I have a set of network cards here which if you use the driver that the company says to use it fails but if you look on the web you find that there are actually two versions displaying the same information... And Yes the driver was available after a good search and a compile..

  18. Ok tried every thing there is a conflict in the upgrade process i downloaded


    manually then did the below items



    [root@Mcole Desktop]# rpm -iv --force libcups2*

    Preparing packages for installation...


    [root@Mcole Desktop]# service cups start

    Starting CUPS printing system: [ OK ]


    Now i can print..

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