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Everything posted by jlc

  1. Found 4 perfect matches 1. 2. :ubuntu: 3. 4. In addition The funny thing, I choose x86_64, It said fedora failed the 64 bit test Ok, wonder why I use it :P Not only that, but Slackware doesn't have a 64 bit port, Out of all of those, I would only use Fedora or Gentoo on 64. Slackware for obvious reasons(doesn't support it) And Deb/Ubuntu non use of multilib, pretty much sucks + they stay a little to slow for me. :D
  2. Check out some of the links I posted, those should get a noob started. You can also check out the docs at phlak.org or on the livecd itself. :D
  3. :D I didn't use rh back then I used suse/slackware As far as 64, your going to shoot me but I would say Fedora of course :P My reasons are follows, There are a ton of apps/programs, uses multilib, I moved to rawhide sometime early in fc3 and right about fc4t1 came out they moved almost everything over to gcc4, source based doesn't really optimize anything on a 64 :D (i have tried gentoo on it) Gentoo-64: Good, but still compile times will always blow, they don't seem to have everything together yet, everytime I've ran it on the 64, seems to bounce back and forth. gcc3.4.3 is standard so you will have to go through the pains of recompiling, not as bleeding edge as rawhide. Ubuntu-64, no multilib <---- pretty much finishes it for me :D Suse, can't stand them mdk64, used to be pay-to-play and I"ve never been a mandy fan anyway.
  4. Theres a chance I was using gentoo before you started using Linux, but I'm only guessing since I don't know how long you have been in Linux. Gentoo isn't bad at all, in the distro list, I would put them in 2 or 3 with Ubuntu. None of them do all I want like Fedora does so BLAH!
  5. All your answers can be found in RHEL docs :D http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterpr...samba-cups.html
  6. In the next Saga of "How fast to upgrade Distro Wars!" Much less time between binary distro's is probably more subjective than reality. Binary vs. Source is easy to figure out which one is faster! :D
  7. huh, for some reason I thought this was part of the other post, did it get split or was I on the crack pipe again :D
  8. Yes, and just like you running "gentoo unstable" I run fedora/rawhide(unstable) and all it takes for me is yum update Maybe updatedb slocate *.rpmnew That's it :D The only diff is mine is updated in minutes rather than hours. The same can be said for many distro's.
  9. Sorry, been busy. how long did the install take? It would probably take about 2-3 hours if you choose stage 3 and longer if you did a stage 1, all depends on hardware. At the end, it should have asked to edit grub, did you correct that for the kernel you have and your /hd.
  10. Things like this are good to read too (free alternative to books) :P http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterpr...security-guide/ http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterpr.../selinux-guide/ <---only if you want to understand SELinux http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/selinux-faq-fc3/index.html <---more SELinux +links http://linuxexposed.com/ <-- Books website http://linuxsecurity.com/ Stop the M$ adds already!!!!! http://www.haking.pl/en/index.php http://www.packetstormsecurity.org/ :unsure:
  11. Your just jealous cause you know I'm cool.
  12. everyone knows the cool people use fedora/rawhide :D
  13. FX, yep, works pretty good, I wouldn't think anyone can use it to install gentoo. Iphitus, is right as far as how the distro builds against, fedora for example uses pentium4 CFLAGS:--O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4 It will work on a 386, but its ready to rip on a p4. I think Gentoo adds more than what the noobies to Gentoo think it's all about (ricing) Portage is a good tool and doesn't break most of the time. However, my main box's run Fedora/CentOS because I just happen to like a lot of the things they do/include by default. You can't really tweak the crap out of x86_64, no distro is going to be using march=i386, so wasting compile time really doesn't make sense :P
  14. http://www.trpn-online.com/modules/news/ex..._news.php?id=62 I've thrown that at a vmware session and it is pretty good too. just simple
  15. It was pretty good, i read it back when it first came out and now sits on my shelf next to the first one and the just plain "hacking exposed" :D
  16. How is a source based distro's philosophy flawed? Guess it would work for you since it will have plain text & curses!!!! :D
  17. dunno, I would have to read what you read for better understanding of what you are talking about. There really isn't much of an option though, ext2 really isn't geared to be used for large drives and enterprise situation.
  18. I always thought compiling a kernel was the same across the board :)
  19. didn't realize I had a box on irc
  20. Yep, and since you use fedora, freshrpms I know has the rpms for those.
  21. Well, he clairly stated he was using CentOS, so I was stating an FYI, ext3 is it buddy :D No ricer on CentOS
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