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Everything posted by jlc

  1. apt-rpm you have to install afterwards, so why even mess with it. up2date has always been in rh, and is used differently in rhel products, so why even mess with it :D I say use yum, and if you need a gui, check out yumex.
  2. B) You can DO IT! off topic, but I noticed gnomesword was in extras, just never saw it tell I was playing with yumex :D http://fedoranews.org/tchung/yumex/
  3. Another satisifed user! If you have any problems, give me a shout.
  4. FC4 will be out today, grab it and go!
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screencast Found this, don't have time right now but will mess with it later.
  6. Yeah, that is odd that it's not on by default in all distro's by now. Oh well, it was worth a try.
  7. bvc, as far as the dvd problem, did you check dma on the dvd drive with hdparm. I would imagine you have, but that is the only thing that has ever caused my dvd's to mess up like that. lowe, not sure about your video and either net problems are with debian(s) but you can always try fc4 when it comes out on the 13ish of this month or grab the last fc4t3 and give it a spin. No mp3/dvd wont work by default but it takes like 5 minutes to get it to work.
  8. There isn't one, just geek points and true eye candy :D
  9. Anyone know how to "record" as in make a video of your desktop from software. There is a background for "E" that just flows and shows a sceen of moutains/village kind of stuff. Totally geektastik. Totatlly kills the cpu, but everyone I have shown it to just looks at it with amazement :D
  10. Thats good, but did you try the "yum provides" ? Just curious what the output was.
  11. There is more to it than just looking at it, it has a different feel to it, it's moved along since I tried it 2-3 months ago. But yeah, all wm/de can get crazy now-a-days. FVWM2 can look like just about anything.
  12. It is, dunno about mdk, but you can fill me in how it is.
  13. This isn't complete, just giving a taste.
  14. give up on the gui's, use the RHEL doc I posted, terminal and vi :D
  15. http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1820002,00.asp I smell another coolness factor for RH. :D
  16. What is the name of the program you are trying to compile? What is the last say 10-20 lines of the compiler code that is in error? THis might not work for you or give you different programs (I run rawhide) yum provides strlcpy net-snmp-debuginfo.x86_64 5.2.1-12 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/net-snmp-5.2.1/snmplib/strlcpy.c openssh-debuginfo.x86_64 4.0p1-3 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/openssh-4.0p1/openbsd-compat/strlcpy.c php-debuginfo.x86_64 5.0.4-10 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/php-5.0.4/main/strlcpy.c inn-debuginfo.x86_64 2.4.2-3 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/inn-2.4.2/lib/strlcpy.c netatalk-debuginfo.x86_64 3:2.0.2-3 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/netatalk-2.0.2/libatalk/util/strlcpy.c pax-debuginfo.x86_64 3.0-11 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/pax-3.0/lib/strlcpy.c krbafs-debuginfo.x86_64 1.2.2-7 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/krb4-1.2.2/appl/afsutil/strlcpy.c /usr/src/debug/krb4-1.2.2/lib/krbafs/strlcpy.c krbafs-debuginfo.x86_64 1.2.2-7 development Matched from: /usr/src/debug/krb4-1.2.2/appl/afsutil/strlcpy.c /usr/src/debug/krb4-1.2.2/lib/krbafs/strlcpy.c This probably really depends on "what" you are trying to install and also what does yum provides gives you back for fc3.
  17. jlc


    I'm not a big fan of Opera either. FIrefox zooms along just fine for me and has a ton of options. Epiphany is pretty minimal and should be fast. Mozilla 1.7.8 feels faster than the last time I used it, but thats all subjective :D (maybe cause its my rawhide x86_64 box, dunno) edit: "Abstract PC" theme for firefox rules!
  18. It's not as "easy" as debian, but it can be done pretty easy :D If that makes sense. I run rawhide almost all the time, so updating for me is easy. I was pretty much just suggesting it to Dragon since d/l whole cd's would suck and sounds like mandy is only releasing a DVD, which for Dragon would be like leaving his interent on for say a Month to d/l and then prolly another week or two for all the updates that happened during the d/l. :P As far as fast, yes it is but most things should be fast on a x86_64 distro (except for "ME" Suse 9.2 was slower than a two legged dog, and Ubuntu Horay felt like it gain one more leg.) I don't know why, on my box the just felt horrible. (this isn't a slow box either)
  19. ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/Linux/fedora/...6_64/os/images/ It would help if I pointed you to a 64 bit mirror :D
  20. http://download.stmc.edu.hk/fedora/linux/c...i386/os/images/ Since you can't download whole cd/dvd's why not try Fedora-64, you can d/l the 5MB boot.iso and do a minimum install and just yum install what ever else you need. Or does that still kill you bandwith? min = ~ 650MB (might be way to much for you) FC4 should be out around June 6th
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