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Everything posted by jlc

  1. I play et, truecombat and some armyops. I've play ut2k3/4 in the past too
  2. Windows? I used yoper when every it first came out and that was about it. For me the big 3 are rh/fedora/centos - anything redhatish solaris 10/nevada freebsd On my main box I have spent about the last 3-4 weeks in bsd and boot into fedora and solaris to do some other stuff, but I have a lot of box'n running various things ;) Freebsd has just caught my attention a lot with this last release and I'm enjoying it a lot.
  3. Found a little script that is supposed to work on linux and bsd for e17 from cvs. I'm trying it on freebsd atm. Had to do a few tweaks so far but its working. I already have e17 installed from ports (in it right now) but ports doesn't have all the apps that are out there for it so i'm installing those. later, http://contribs.martymac.com/e17/make_e17 edit: it would help if i put the link eh? :unsure:
  4. 22 or so became a full time user within a year, yes I hate windows :) Started with slackware and redhat. Now I use: rh/fedora/centos solaris freebsd I work on red hat/solaris/aix/hp-ux edit: "oh I'm 29 going on 30 in a few"........ :P
  5. Good distro your running there too, very solid :)
  6. jlc

    IRC commands

    Just adding some good info for irssi http://selcouth.com/irssi.php http://linuxreviews.org/man/irssi/ http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi Long story short, can't use irc very effectivly at work so ssh to my box at home and using irssi proves to be the good use :)
  7. I was playing around with Opera 8.5 on here and it looks nice and clean too. No banner adds now so thats a + :)
  8. Of course if there was a pic for Larry the Bull, your screenshot would probably be banned ;)
  9. My FreeBSD 6.0 box linux/solaris/opensolaris/freebsd, yep I'm a *nix os whore now.... :)
  10. Yeah, i forgot it had a cli tool too, i was thinking of smart-gui I guess :)
  11. I've used it on Fedora, works fine, but I still like command line tools better :)
  12. http://www.gnusolaris.org/gswiki First Alpha has been released. I've been running several OpenSolaris/Solaris Express box's lately and enjoying it a lot. This looks like it has a lot of promise! Installing it in a vmware session now and will throw it down on my solaris test box ;)
  13. The problem was you were using a newer card than red hat 9's xfree86 supports. Thats why it FC3 had no problems with the card. Arctic and I use Fedora pretty exclusivly so if you have questions, just drop a post in here "other distros" . Helps if you add "Fedora or FC" in the subject, sometimes I don't look at all the post :) If you want to upgrade to FC 4 via yum http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/YumUpgradeFaq If your on dial-up, that could be painful upgrade :)
  14. Plus, honestly I don't find Ubuntu that bad, even as a "paranoid penguin" all the sudo complaining, I fully agree with, but how long does it take to dissable all that, um less than a minute I would say. All and all the great thing about Linux is we have about 500 choices of distro's to choose from so, to each there own.
  15. I just like using bloated distros........ but thats cause i'm still a 7 year nub 8)
  16. To get rid of CDE login and use GDM2 do the following # bash bash-3.00# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d done desktop auto-start disabled. bash-3.00# svcadm enable application/gdm2-login
  17. I was just confused by the title and since I don't use mandrake, just never looked at the post tell now :) As it has already been stated, all the distro's out there for the most part will have 3rd party repositorys that will include most packages you need.
  18. I installed breezy yesteday on amd64, lasted about an hour, there (debaian) way of handling multilib just blows and so is my thoughts about ubuntu/debian on 64bit processors ;)
  19. SInce we just added the audit-package, we should setup a cron job to updated it daily too # EDITOR=vi;export EDITOR # crontab -e ***shift +g to get to bottom of file and then "o" to edit new line, and add # download vulnerabilities file 0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list >/dev/null 2>&1 Helps to run it once too.... /usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list
  20. Installed pkgsrc from netbsd today on my ultra60 at work and it was compiling gnome-2.12.1 when I left, installing it on my x86/SMP box at home right now. http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/softwa...html#binarydist * also added /usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin to my PATH $ cd /tmp $ wget -c ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/bootstrap-pkgsrc/bootstrap-pkgsrc-SunOS-5.9-i386- 20030411.tar.gz su - # cd / # gzip -c -d /tmp/bootstrap-pkgsrc-SunOS-5.9-i386-20030411.tar.gz | tar -xpf - # wget -c ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/pkgsrc.tar.gz # gzip -c -d pkgsrc.tar.gz | tar -xpf - # cd pkgsrc/bootstrap # ./bootstrap # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/sfw/lib # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # cd /pkgsrc/devel/libtool-base/ && bmake install # cd /pkgsrc/converters/libiconv && bmake install # cd /pkgsrc/devel/gettext-lib && bmake install # cd /pkgsrc/devel/gmake && bmake install # cd /pkgsrc/lang/gcc3-c && bmake install # mkdir -p /usr/pkg/etc # vi /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf USE_PKGSRC_GCC=YES GCC_REQD+=3 # cd /pkgsrc/security/audit-packages && bmake install Then pretty much install anything you want from /pkgsrc and all the compiled/installed binarys will be in /usr/pkg/* This might be all useless info for everyone here, but its a good place on the net to store my notes
  21. I forgot to mention, you all being the GNU folks that you are will want to grap the sol10 companion cd and install the software. http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/freewa...gs_download.xml You will either want to grab the iso and install it or packages individually, you alteast need the Depends* pkg if you grab them one at a time. If you go the iso method, you can use lofiadm to mount the iso locally/NFS instead of burning the cd. Here is a guide you can get the idea from: Use your imagination, you don't need to do cd1/2/3/4 you can mkdir companion_cd or something else. http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/submit...ee_install.html example: # = root $ = user $ pwd /export/home/justin/downloads/Solaris/sparc $ ls software_companion_sparc.iso.bz2 $ bunzip2 software_companion_sparc.iso.bz2 $ su - Password: # mkdir -p /mnt/cd1 # lofiadm -a /export/home/justin/downloads/Solaris/sparc/software_companion_sparc.iso <<<this is output telling you tis at /dev/lofi/1 >>>>>> /dev/lofi/1 # mount -f hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt/cd1 # cd /mnt/cd1 # ls README components installer volstart # ./installer Follow the prompts to install...... <enter> <enter> <12> <enter> <1> <enter> <y> <enter>
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