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Posts posted by SilverSurfer60

  1. Nvidia dual headed cards are quite good and easy to set up with Mandriva. Unfortunately kde4 is not so good at the moment. I use dual screen quite a lot to read on one screen while typing on another. As it is kde4 is unable to handle separate screens and can only do cinerama also known as twinview. This is supposed to be getting fixed in a later release.

  2. kdenlive might be what you are looking for to edit the video. You will need to decompress it to use this application so that you can edit it frame by frame if you want. You can add fade in, fade out, cut etc. Chop it up and move it about as you wish. When you are done recreate a dvd again. I had many happy hours using it to make dvd's out of tv capture films. Cutting out the commercials and stuff.

  3. Welcome to MUB

    My actions would be to attempt to access this drive by using a command line (console) as root. If you can access it you should be able to check the permissions and change them to your requirements. As Ken suggests if the [/b] is not a typo try removing it, although I suspect you missed the at the beginning of the line.

  4. Thank you Adam you have answered my questions fully and a bit more. I wasn't thinking of starting my own or forking from Mandriva. It was something that I started to think about. :thumbs:

    I forgot to mention I am starting to slow down a bit now. I'll leave all the worries to the younger fellows.

  5. we could always continue the Mandriva distro (the name would probably have to change for trademark reasons) as a community distro, I know it's not an easy task but I think there is enough talent around to be able to do that, I would be willing to help as far as I can.


    I have been chewing over the very same thoughts since this affair started. The next question is what does one need to maintain a distro, as in disk space etc. Aso the very big question I have asked myself, what does it take to produce and maintain a distro?

  6. Good morning, well it was morning when I wrote this :D

    From what I've read so far you seem to be making a bad job worse and more complicated than it is. No offense meant there.

    Just to clear things up a little for you when you boot up into failsafe you do NOT need to log in as root. The reason being 'failsafe' is also known as single user mode as it should tell you on the screen with message such as :-

    No more processes to run

    Going to single user mode


    You do not need to log in at the next prompt.

    It has been my experience that in this mode you can do just about anything with the operating system, even screw it up completely, so let's be very careful.

    Now to get to '/var/tmp' you need to type

    cd /var/tmp

    Please note the forward slash(es).

    To list all the files in a folder you need to type

    ls -a

    and to list them in a list you need to type

    ls -la


    Depending on your keyboard layout the '~' also known as a 'tilde' is usually situated above the '#' key meaning you need the shift+# to get the tilde.

    I really do feel for you at this moment as you are going through a very steep learning curve. But this community will help you get through it. There are many very knowledgeable people here and they are only too willing to help. I include myself as well in the willing department.

  7. Hello Carl, is there any particular reason you are not installing a more recent distribution? A 10.1 to 2007 spring is quite a large upgrade. There has been two versions in between them and 2007 spring was not the best release in itself. 2007.1 would be better or do a new install of 2008.1 or even 2009.0

    You say you have installed the latest flash player which in itself will be aimed at a later kernel version than what was shipped with 2007.0 and this may be the reason for it not co-operating.

    This post is in addition to David's. Just more to consider IMHO.

  8. I haven't even thought about moving distro Adam. I am not going to let all your efforts go to waste, especially for some over priced ceo. Keep up the good work it really is appreciated. On with the sticky backed plastic and gaffer tape I say.

  9. Oh Dear, take a step back and a deep breath. The /tmp folder you need is in what is called the root directory. You access it by simply entering /tmp, which you need to do as root not as a user. I hope that is clearer than mud. Once you have gained access you will find a bunch of other folders. Find the one that has the biggest content, at a guess I would say 'kde-root'. If I am correct enter that folder and delete as much as you are allowed by the system. Once done there issue the command


    this will give a list of drives and the available space on them. Best of luck. Don't give in, even windows can throw this sort of thing at you. I know from experience.

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