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Everything posted by ilia_kr

  1. If I remove the swap partition from fstab, will it do the work or 'swapoff -a' is the only solution? [offtopic] Why turning off the swap makes a PC faster, isn't it the opposite? [/offtopic]
  2. Look here, a great site about linux for beginners and intermediate users. linux file system: http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner/l4/lesson4b.html
  3. I think I found an answer: http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=2417.0 http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=2416.0
  4. I have a question about xfce. I'm running it on mandriva2006. Everytime i start a file manager (xffm or nautilus) the desktop color changes to black, some icons appear on the desktop and the menu dissapears (in xffm) or changes to Gnome menu (in nautilus). Why is that?
  5. I'm not shure, but you can check in gnome system monitor. As I see you use KDE, maybe Ksysquard shows the amaunt of swap and if it is enabled or not, like in gnome.
  6. Well, you should check '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' - the X display manager configuration file. You can post your xorg.conf here, so we could see how it is configured and possibly help you.
  7. This is what Gael said: http://www.ulteo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=23
  8. Maybe, but what is important is that he made his choice in favor of Ubuntu.
  9. Gael based his new linux project 'Ulteo' on Ubuntu, do you remember? Why did he chose Ubuntu? Maybe he thinks (and I think that he knows about linux much more that most of us) that Ubuntu is superior and mandriva is obsolete?
  10. When i posted ubuntu's xorg.conf i was in a middle of experimenting, so i added 'tdfx' later, sorry for a little disinformation. When i run it with tdfx i get an error, which sais that modul tdfx was found but there are no suitable modes. Have any suggestions?
  11. I'm using an old Mighty Banshee video card. Ubuntu uses 'vesa' driver, while mandriva uses 'tdfx'. I have a 'tdfx' driver on ubuntu, checked that in synaptic. How do I tell xorg to use that driver and not 'vesa'? I've tried to write 'tdfx' instead 'vesa' but then system can not recognize my monitor. ... and i'll try what arctic said now...
  12. Hi, after installing Ubuntu 6.06 I have a problem with my monitor. The image is displayed with horyzontal lines and the colors look funny, with strange stains. FC4 & Ubuntu 5.04 worked ok, so i gues it is xorg 7.0 problem. Please help me!!!
  13. Dapper is a desaster, imho. The installer stalled two times; have a strange display color problem and no one at ubuntuforums knows the cure. Default install takes 500 mb more than a default for mandriva2006 (only with gnome). So far I don't like Dapper at all. Maybe when i'll fix my display 'disease' I'll give it another try, meanwhile I'm on mandriva - feel at home.
  14. Well, I'm not a Linux pro, and programming in C/C++ isn't my strong side, all I wanted was to upgrade Gnome. Now I see that this could be quiet hard, so i won't do that. Pity. Maybe later. Thanks for your replies.
  15. Hi, I'm thinking about building the latest stable gnome (2.14) from source on Mandriva2006. Is that a good idea? Have someone here done that before? Is there any manual on how to do that? Thanks. [moved from Software by spinynorman]
  16. ilia_kr

    Samba Troubles

    I had the same problem accessing my XP with smb4k, but if i viewed it from a konqueror everything was just fine. Type 'smb://' in location bar of konqueror, and look if it does the work.
  17. You can type " su -c 'nautilus" in terminal - that will open a nautilus window as a root. Is that what you asking for?
  18. Well, I'm in fedora now. Still no printer. I'm trying to set it up by using 'desktop-->system settings-->printing'. In a Networked Windows (smb) dialog I can't even see my XP mashine. Previously I've disabled some services but smb and cups are running. Any ideas now? P.S. thanks for helping me with Mandriva earlier...
  19. The one that comes by default with many distros like Mandriva2006 & Fedora Core 4. I gues there are many who didn't upgrade to later releases and use the default one. Still, when 1.0.7 was released they claimed it was the most secure.
  20. This is a very strange list that describes the most popular applications with critical vulnerabilities (pdf). Firefox is no. 1 :o . IE not even in alist ?! :o How decent could this be?
  21. I'm not a linux pro and for me 2006 works ok, except when i download updates. Each time I updated - something went horribly wrong. Never happend in Fedora Core 4.
  22. Why not fedora? Many sites are using it as their web-server like Wikipedia (FC4) and others, though not as LTSP server...
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