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Everything posted by ilia_kr

  1. But I can send them files from XP box (by an original ICQ) !
  2. Hi there, I can't send files in Gaim over an ICQ protocol but can send them over MSN. On my XP that is on the same network and has the same ports opened in a firewall everything is ok. Possible solution? Thanks.
  3. you should ls /mnt/mp3/windows/ So what? I should have seen the 'windows' foder inside 'mp3', right? Checked in nautilus too, nothing there...
  4. ... doesn't work auto.master: # $Id: auto.master,v 1.4 2005/01/04 14:36:54 raven Exp $ # # Sample auto.master file # This is an automounter map and it has the following format # key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location # For details of the format look at autofs(5). #/misc /etc/auto.misc --timeout=60 #/smb /etc/auto.smb #/net /etc/auto.net /mnt/mp3 /etc/auto.samba -t=10 auto.samba: windows -fstype=smbfs :// I have no password on XP so i omitted username & password string the result: [root@linux-fc4 mp3]# /etc/init.d/autofs reload Checking for changes to /etc/auto.master .... Reload map /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=10 /mnt/mp3 file /etc/auto.samba [root@linux-fc4 mp3]# ls /mnt/mp3 [root@linux-fc4 mp3]#
  5. I'll definitly will try that, but I 've heard somewhere that the same can be done by editing fstab. Could it be? Well I foun this: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=127325 The problem is that I don't have a password on my XP so I can't setup fstab without it. How can I ommit the username & password keys in fstab?
  6. Hi there. I have some shared folders on windows computer that i use a lot. Usually I access them by nautilus, but now I want to try to mout them on my Linux PC to watch if there is some difference. I never done this before so i dont know how to do that. How do i mount samba shares from a CLI? How do i make Linux to automount them at boot? Thanks. P.S. I'm using FC4 now.
  7. When you are booting, chose the desktop you want from your login manager. You should find it under 'sessions' menu.
  8. ilia_kr

    wma 9 & wma

    Are you sure? I can't seem to find it in my yum.repos. I use FC4, maybe FC5 doesn't have it.
  9. I also had many problems with printer installation in mcc. The mcc allways hang down so I set up printer sharing manually by editing smb.conf. Then I thought that maybe if I update urpmi my problems will disappear - and they did. It updated the whole cups set of packages and some of samba packages too. So try to update if you haven't done that yet.
  10. ilia_kr

    wma 9 & wma

    I have both win32-codecs and xine-codecs. I am able to play wma files in Totem but not in XMMS. I personally prefere all my music to be payed on a single player. Fedora have xmms-wma package in its repositories, pity that mandriva doesn't.
  11. ilia_kr

    wma 9 & wma

    ... and now after i reinstalled mandriva2006 xmms doesn't want to play wma again. What should i do? is there any plugin that i couldn't find? Maybe other player that supports mp3 & wma? (can't find that bpm-wma plugin, the link is broken...)
  12. Again, what is the difference between "su" and "su -" ? One more question: how can check what kernel version i'm using from CLI ?
  13. :blush: oops, didn't see it... Thank you tyme !
  14. [ilia@linux-fc4 ~]$ su Password: [root@linux-fc4 ilia]# service smb restart bash: service: command not found [root@linux-fc4 ilia]# /sbin/service smb restart Shutting down SMB services: [ OK ] Shutting down NMB services: [ OK ] Starting SMB services: [ OK ] Starting NMB services: [ OK ] [root@linux-fc4 ilia]# Problem is solved. Thank you guys. What about X or Gnome session?
  15. I would like to learn some basic CLI commands that will allow me to do: - turn on/off the X server - start/stop/restart services I'm using Mandriva & FC4 so that commands should work in both systems. What are these commands? Thanks.
  16. I have now an ADSL modem, wireless router with 4 lan ports and 1 wireless to PCI adapter on my XP box. Linux is connected by a wire so I eliminated the hardware configuration madness. Now I have to configure NAT and wireless security that I'll do later when i come home from work. Thanks for your help so long, soon I'll be back with more questions... :)
  17. Well, now I have a wireless network, I just don't know why & how it works (everything works out of the box) :P Now I just have to apply the security thing we've talked before... Good luck to me
  18. Well, I don't need that strong security, I just worry that if my neighbors have wireless too (I'm living in apartment building) they could accidently connect or interfere with my network. How can I solve this?
  19. I've heard that if someone is located inside my wireless network area, he can connect freely to it and use my network without my permission. Is that so easy? Is there a way to detect these "pirates" and to view all connected users?
  20. If you still want to change the default program for a specific file type, see this topic: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=231740
  21. My internet provider has these 3 wireless router/modems brands: Rotal, ECI, Axcet. Have anyone heard about them?
  22. Hi, I want to set up a wireless network at home, but I don't know much about wireless technologies - how it works and what hardware it uses (I have only general overview of the topic). What are your suggestions, what hardware manufacturer is best supported by linux and I'll be glad to learn a bit about wireless networking. Thanks.
  23. Never managed to install Dapper (6.06) on my PC. Had strange display problem and 3 times the installer stalled before writing GRUB to mrb. But, i got an old PC so maybee you'll get more luck than me.
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