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  1. Ok I’m back. I upgraded various things (Motherboard, processor graphics card) and then had a problem with booting everything up. A scary “kernel panic” error to do with not enough memory. Since I'd backed up all my data and lack of experience. I cheated and just re-installed 2007 and it worked. Plenty tweaks I scrubbed and need to re-do but it worked. So thanks for your help, I’m sure I’ll reach the next hurdle soon but apologies to anyone reading this hoping for a solution. I got lazy. Thanks for your help though. ?
  2. Thanks for the advice. I bought an Nvidia. Seems to be ok but I've decided to Upgrade the rest of the PC before I get into the xorg.conf stuff. Although, I copied the bits that looked interesting from a file created by Ubuntu and now I can see Mandriva but not move my mouse. Grr! Anyway, like I say, I’ll wait until I've got the whole system tip-top and then start panicking. Or maybe even re-installing since I've got backups of important stuff. I may yet be here in a week or so with a ‘x won't work with my new equipment’ post! … or maybe a, ‘I love X’ post.
  3. Thanks for the advice and sorry for the delay in replying. I've been pulling my computer apart. I’m on the verge of upgrading so I thought I'd add a new graphics card and possibly everything else and then try to fix X. (rather than get it working and then break it again!). I have a couple of questions that may help me toward success; Is there a killer graphics card that I ought to get since I'm getting a new one anyway. Ie one that works well with the new 3D stuff in Mandriva 2007? (and a very different question) Is there any difference in xorg.conf files generated by different distros? I mean if I ran a different distro which configured x with my system. Could I copy it and then overwrite the one Mandriva makes? I’m sure this is the most inelegant and hugely ogre-ish way of solving the problem but if it works I’ll try it. Once again, many thanks for your help and when I've upgraded my system. This will mean I know what I’m working with! Thanks,.
  4. Hello. firstly if you think this should be in another category let me know and i'll move it. I dont think theres a problem with the install, just the settings probably...I just bought Mandriva 2007 (Linux Format) and rushed home to install it. This was an upgrade from Mandriva 2006 and so the process was quite simple. Everything went very smoothly but when I rebooted, X wouldn’t start. It tried about 3 times and then produced some options. I've had a similar problem the last time I installed Mandriva and managed to fix it by editing xorg.conf. to be honest though I’m just fumbling around. Does anyone have an idea of what may be the problem. I've been thinking of getting a new graphics card. Would this help fix the problem. Any ideas?
  5. I've looked at permissions and I do have write permissions. I'll have a look at xmms later. Thanks :mellow:
  6. I’m having a problem with sound files. Or more specifically the data held within them such as artist, genre, title etc. I say the sound files as the problem occurs across different applications (Rhythmbox, totem player, and anything else) I can't change the data, such as the artists name. I can get to the point to where I can see it but can't make any changes to it. It looks like something simple but I've looked around and can't find any settings. I even logged in as root and - same thing. This sounds like a simple problem. Any ideas?
  7. That's great, I've turned off my KDE sounds (after realising that I had to apply the changes). It know the breaking glass sound is quite a cool sound but it makes me jump – its as if it is taunting me! Thanks. I couldn’t get esd to work. although it didn’t come up as not found but I couldn’t see anything happen. no problem though, I've solved the problem the other way. I’ll have a look at esd sometime though to try and learn something. Thanks anyway.
  8. Could anyone tell me how to affect the sounds on my machine. I use Gnome 2.10 (on Mandriva 2006)but I use some KDE applications and I think the sound is a standard KDE one. I suppose I'd like to be able to change all the sounds but the only one that really bugs me is the KDE crash when something doesn?€™t work. It sounds like breaking glass. that?€™s the last thing I want to hear when an application crashes! Thanks.
  9. Yes thanks. Thats a very useful thing to know. Its nice to customise and make it suit me. Many thanks. :D
  10. Wow. Thanks Guys. I can stop looking for the file associations now then. Interesting to know that the cd player is broken and its not just me, I'll have a look at the fix sometime. right I'll start looking at these user scripts. thanks for the pointer. :D
  11. I’m running Gnome 2.10 on Mandriva 2006 and when I insert a CD then Cdplayer automatically detects this and runs and then freezes when it comes to playing the CD. So this is a little annoying but I'd rather use Totem anyway. Cdplayer will open ok from the menu and works fine until I try and play a CD so I've been able to change the preferences to not automatically open (and crash) when a CD is inserted. Basically I've two options I think. 1-fix Cdplayer so it works or 2-associate Totem with CDs this is already the association for DVDs. (preferably both of these) So I suppose I really just need to know how to associate file types with applications. It sounds obvious but .. I know its easier in KDE but this is Gnome. Thanks.
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